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Volume 78,2016
Invertor(s)Article description
1I. Dovgaliuk;
Y. Kuzenko;
V. Panasenko
Scientific and Technical Experience of SI “NIOCHIM”
2I. Dovgaliuk;
Z. Маlакey
On the creation of the industrial park "Slavyansk"
3Z. Маlакey;
L. Vaserman
Certain Peculiarities and Today’s Tendencies in Soda Ash Process
4L. Vaserman;
N. Vorobieva
Soda Industry in France
5L. Vaserman;
О. Getmanenko
Dynamics of production and consumption of soda ash in the United States
6V. Frumin;
V. Gut;
V. Burin;
T. Oleychenko;
M. Rayda;
A. Rezanov
Dry Purification Methods of Calcination Gas From Soda Dust
7A. Zaikin;
V. Gridasov;
A. Baranovskiy;
T. Stasiuk
To problem of distiller lye application for Lime hydration at soda ash plant
V. Gridasov,
A. Baranovskiy,
T. Stasiuk;
S. Zuev
Bent SIeve for Lime Milk Purification from Slaking Fine Wastes at Soda Ash Plants
9V. Rayko;
M. Tseytlin,
V. Panasenko
Energy Consumption Efficacy and Application Potential of Calcination Stage Secondary Heat in Soda Process
10M. Rahmanian;
A. Lukyanchikov
Research of Incrustation Degree in Carbonation Column during Operation Run
11A. Lukyanchikov;
Е. Mikhailova
Recommendations on Sustaining Sulfate Mode in Distillation Unit Devices and Pipes at Soda Plants
12L. Vaserman;
N. Vorobieva
Efficacy Comparison of Calculation Methods for Density of Sodium and Potasium Chloride, Sodium and Magnesium Sulafte Solutions
13V. Panasenko;
A. Kobzev
Crystallization Surface in Quaternary Mutual System Na+, NH4+// НСО3–, C1– – Н2О
14L. Vaserman;
N. Vorobieva;
I. Tulupov
Comparative Evaluation of Density Values Calculated by Various Methods for Mixed Sodium Carbonate and Hydrocarbonate Water Solutions
15L. Vaserman;
I. Tulupov
Evaluation of compression coefficient of separate water solutions of calci-um chloride, calcium iodide, calcium nitrate and magnesium chloride
dissolute at 0 °С – 100 °С
16V. Levitskiy;
V. Uteshev;
T. Krasnova;
S. Smirnov
Research of Phosphate Free Synthetic Detergents
17V. Levitskiy;
S. Smirnov;
E. Krasnov
Regulation of Bulk Density Index of Phosphate-ammonia Firefighting Powders for Fighting ABC Class Fires
18V. Uteshev;
V. Levitskiy
Obtaining High Modular Liquid Glass from Crystal silica Gel and Sodium Hydroxide Solution by Autoclave Process
19M. Berezin;
V. Alekseev
Today’s Problems of PA “Karabogazsulfate”
20V. Alekseev
A. Alekseev
Obtaining Magnesium Hydroxide for Use in Low-combustible Polymer Materials Compositions
21V. Alekseev;
A. Lukyanchikov;
A. Alekseev
Comparative Analysis of Physical and Chemical Properties of Sodium Sulfate and Carbonate Solution and Decahydrates with Evaluation of
Similarities and Differences of their Procesing into Saleable Goods
22A. Bobukh;
M. Podustov;
A. Pereverseva;
A. Baranovskiy
Optimization algorithm of soda ash production reverse water supply and water consumption object functioning
23G. Aseev General Continuity Equation for Electrolytes Solutions in Agitated State
24O. Shestopalov;
T. Novozhilova;
D. Nechiporenko;
V. Panasenko;
І. Rishchenkо
Modeling geomechanic processes near wastes deposits In human-made
underground cavities
25V. Alekseev;
V. Semeniy,
A. Alekseev
Today Condition and Prospective of Certain Plastic Mass Fillers Manu-facture in Ukraine
26G. Grin;
V. Panasenko;
L. Bondarenko;
D. Deyneka;
T. Fedorchenko
Amine Regeneration Kinetics in Potas SIum Carbonate Obtaining Process
D. Deyneka;
S. Adamenko;
L. Bondarenko
Research of Obtaining Vanadium (V) Oxide from Wastes of Pigmentary Titanium Oxide Process
28N. Masalitina;
A. Savenkov
Mesoporous Catalytic Systems for Ammonia Oxidation Reaction to N2O
29G. Privalova;
A. Butenko;
A. Loboyko;
V. Panasenko
Status and Development Prospective of Nonplatinum Ammonia Oxidation Catalysers to Nitrogen Oxide (II) in Nitrogen Acid Process
30A. Dzevochko;
M. Podustov
A. Zaikin
Analysis of the processes of mass transfer in tubular film sulfation reactor
Jubilee Issue of NIOCHIM’s Publications, Volume 77, 2013
Invertor(s)Article description
1I. DovgaliukNIOCHIM – 90 years
2T. Melnik
Z. Malakei
Contribution of Professor F.K. Mykhailov in development of chemical engineering in Ukraine
3I. Dovgaliuk
E. Mikhailova
A. Lukyanchikov
Ways to reduce resource consumption at Semnan Soda Ash Co plant, Iran
4I. Valeev,
A. Chebanov
E. Pavlova
A. Lukyanchikov
A. Popova
Preliminary evaluation of reserves of raw brine in the north section of Lake Krasne and its usage
5Y. Kuzenko,
V. Korobanov,
V. Pikus,
T. Khanina,
V. Sergeev
Sodium chloride brine purification sludge recycling plant
6Z. MalakeiOptimal degree of raw brine sulfate saturation from sea brines
7V. PanasenkoDefinition of ratio between ions and salt components in mutual pentasystem Na+, NH4+ // HCO3–, СО32–, C1– – H2O for ABC class fire extinction
8L. Vaserman
N.M. Vorobiova
I.S. Tulupov
Effect of sodium bicarbonate repulping washing on its quality
9A. Lukyanchikov
A. Loboyko
E. Mikhailova
Determination of opportunity of non-crusting distillation process under ele-vated temperatures
10L. Vaserman
L. Zinkovska
O. Hetmanenko
A. Remishevska
Effect of chrome and cobalt impurity content on soda ash reflectivity
11V. Gut
T. Oleychenko
V. Burin
V. Popov
V. Frumin
Forced deposition of fine-dispersed sludge
12L. VasermanMarket requirements to sodium hydrosulfide quality
13V. Korobanov
N. Vorobiova
I. Tulupov
Processing of liquid calcium chloride from hydrochloric acid and limestone for small-scale plants
14E. Mikhailova
N. Markova
I. Bagrova
Y. Gavrish
V. Panasenko
A method of utilization of soda ash plant effluent
15A. Zaikin
Y. Kuzenko
T. Stasyuk
Reconstruction of gas recycle supply to furnace of sodium monohydrate drum drier aimed to prolong drier drum run time
16V. Gridasov
Y. Kuzenko
A. Zaikin
A. Bara-novsky
T. Stasyuk
Vortex scrubber of steam-air mixture at lime slaker exit and results of its tests
17T. Oleychenko
R. Robles Kudrin
Circulating water cooling system in chemical industry
18V. Rayko
M. Tseytlin
V. Panasenko
Hydrodynamic characteristics of contact elements having large free section.
19V. Alekseev
E. Sivakova
V. Levitsky
A. Alekseev
Crusting of heat-exchange surfaces and product fouling under evaporation of sulfate-chloride solutions at sodium sulfate plant
20V. Alekseev
E. Sivakova
A. Alekseev
Calculation-experimental method of mirabilite crystallization study in system Na+, Mg2+ || Cl-, SO42-, H2O using liquid phase density value
21V. Alekseev
A. Alekseev
T. Stasyuk
Production of epsomite as an important element of comprehensive treatment of chloride-sulfate natural brines
22V. Alekseev
E. Sivakova
A. Alekseev
A study in loss structure and ways of its reduction in production of sodium sul-fate under industrial mirabilite processing
23R. Robles Kudrin
T. Oleychenko
Determination of energy-saving potential of four-effect sulfuric acid evaporator
24V. Levitsky
V. Uteshev
T. Krasnova
S. Smirnov
Water glass usage in industrial detergents
25V. Levitsky
A. Smirnov
E. Krasnov
Quality improvement ways of ammonia-phosphate fire extinguisher powders
26A. Remishevska
E. Sviridova
Study and computer processing of systematized data on chemical composition of effluent fed to municipal treatment facilities of Kharkiv City
27E. Sviridova
A. Remishevska
Study in error characteristics of anionic surfactant content measurement procedure in plant effluent
28A. Remishevska
E. Sviridova
Determination of fats content by IR-spectrophotometry in plant effluent
29T. Novozhilova
V. Panasenko
D. Nechiporenko
Development of software package for design of reverse osmosis equipment
30S. ShevchukUse of polymers in chemical industry
Volume 76, 2010
Invertor(s)Article description
1V. Frumin
V. Burin
R. Miroshnichenko
Methodology and basic methods of study in physical models of heat and mass exchange equipment
2A. ZozuliaApplication of distiller lye for lime hydration in soda ash plant
3V. Gut
T. Oleichenko
V. Frumin
V. Burin
V. Burshtein
Heat exchange intensification in the process of sodium bicarbonate calcination
4A. Zaikin
V. Gridasov
V. Annopolskiy
A. Baranovskiy
V. Shelkov
S. Zuev
Dispersing of lime slurry used for ammonium chloride decomposition at soda ash plant distillation stage
5A. Kolosov Control of soda ash plant distillation process thermal conditions under steam consumption limitation
6I. Valeev
E. Pavlova
L. Bondarenko
A. Chebanov
A. Chorpiatko
Peculiarities of rock salt extraction at final stage of balance reserves mining at Novyi Karfagen deposit
7E. Pylipko
A. Zaikin
V. Gridasov
A review of works treating manufacturing processes of lime slurry used for ammonium chloride decomposition at soda ash plant
8I. Valeev
E. Pavlova
A. Chebanov
P. Stankevich
A. Frolov
Problems of soda ash plant effluent compatibility with lake weters
9V. Burshtein
T. Oleichenko
V. Gut
A study in dense soda fractioning on shelf-type cascade pneumatic classifier
10M. Tseitlin
V. Raiko
V. Petrichev
V. Panasenko
Sodium chloride solubility in ammoniated brine
11Z. Malakey
V. Molcganov
Effect of calcium and magnesium ion concentration relations in crude brine on slerry sedimentation rate in the process of brine purification
12N. Vorobiova
V. Berdnik
A study in applicability of lime from Keregetas deposit, Kazakhstan, for soda ash manufacture
13Z. Malakey
L. Vaserman
L. Zinkovska
O. Hetmanenko
Extrimental studies in development of brine purification process from lake bittern of Kazakhstan
14M. Tseitlen
V. Raiko
V. Kolosov
M. Dassuki
Foam formation in soda ash plant distiller lye evaporation process
15V. Korobanov
N. Vorobiova
Engineering and commissioning of a 33000 tpa(100% CaCl2) and 15000 tpa table salt manufacturing plant Soda Company, Sterlitamak
16E. Mykhailova
Y. Kuzenko
V. Molchanov
V. Mikhailov
Ammonia absorption in bicarbonate mother liquor under reduced pressure in cyclic sheme of soda ash manufactufe
17K. Kukhtenkov Problems of soda ash plant lime unit automation
18V. Malcganov
V. Mikhailov
V. Kyselev
N. Shepacheva
Metrological support of discrete parametr measurement in soda ash plant
19D. Nechepurenko
V. Panasenko
T. Novozhilova
A study in solution boiling process within an evaporator knock-down broad-channel plate-type heating chamber
20L. Vaserman
O. Hetmanenko
I. Tulupov
A study in long-term soda ash output dynamics in PRC and USA and peculiarities of its effect under 2008 global financial and economic crisis
21V. Alekseev
V. Uteshev
A. Surnin
A. Maltsev
A study in desilicizing of sodium sulfate solution obtained under sulfuric acid silica precipitation
22V. Alekseev
V. Uteshev
A. Surnin
A. Maltsev
A study in desilicizing of sodium sulfate solutions obtained under sulfuric acid silica precapitation
23A. Lukianchikov
I. Valeev
E. Pavlova
A. Chebanov
a study of acid debrominized bettern neutralization at Krasnoperekopsk Brom Company with distiller lye from Crimean Soda Plant Company
24A. Lukiancikov
I. Valeev
E. Pavlova
A. Samoilenko
A. Chebanov
A study in filtration properties of calcium sulfate
25G. Ghomenko
A. Govorishchev
V. Berezhnoy
A studu in absorbent manufacturing process for transformer oil regeneration
26S. Smirnov
A. Kunin
A. Ilyin
V. Levitskiy
T. Krasnova
S. Agalarova
A study in fire-extinguishing powder component micronization process
27A. Kunin
A. Ilyin
V. Levitskiy
E. Krasnov
A. Smirnov
Ammophos hydrophobization with liquid ethyl hydride siloxane
28S. Rusalin
V. Yushko
V. Kuzmina
A description of phenomena in a hydraulic system with a cavitating Venturi pipe and plate-type radiator as of a sequence of events
29V. Lebedev
V. Avramenko
T. Grigorova
An effect of the value of specific surface and total hydrogen bond energy on physico-mechanical and operational characteristics of melamine-formaldehyde polymers
Volume 75, 2007
Invertor(s)Article description
1Y. Kuzenko,
V. Molchanov,
V. Panasenko,
L. Grubnik
The State and Basic Directions of NIOCHIM’s Scientific and Technical Activities
2E. Mikhailova,
Y. Kuzenko
Process Diagram of CO32- Ion Containing Lye Supply to Prelimer for Creation of Carbonate Conditions at Distillation Unit of Soda Ash Plant
3V. Gridasov,
E. Mikhailova,
A. Zaikin,
A. Zozulia,
S. Zuev,
E. Pilipko
Ammonia Recovering in Lime Slaking by Distillation Heat Exchanger Lye
4A. Zaikin,
I. Zarazilov,
E. Pilipko
Tests of Crystallizer Equipped by Agitating Vanes for Dense Soda Ash Plant by Monohydrate Process
5Y. Kuzenko,
V. Molchanov,
E. Mikhailova,
V. Krivomlin,
V. Mikhailov
Improved Distillation Process with Filter Lye and Lime Milk Premixer
6V. Frumin,
V. Gut,
V. Burin
Certain Peculiarities of Decomposition Kinetics of Ammonia Chloride with Calcium Carbonate Contained in Filter Lye of Soda Ash Plant
7V. Kolesnichenko,
A. Zaikin
Influence of Certain Process Parameters on NH3 content in Soda Ash
8V. Mikhailov,
E. Chumachenko,
E. Mikhailova
Iteration Calculation of Prelimer Lye Temperature in Soda Ash Plant Cyclic Process
9V. Molchanov,
L. Lubchik
Synthesis of Chemical Process Management Systems Based on Inner Models Method
10A. Baranovskiy,
V. Gridasov
Automatic Control of Ammonia Concentration in Solution at Weak Lye Distiller Exit in Soda Ash Plant
11K. Kukhtenkov Automatic Control Systems of Shaft Lime Burning Kilns and their Update
12V. Toshinskiy,
I. Litvinenko,
M. Podustov,
A. Dubovets,
B. Liah
Radionuclide Analyzer of Disperse Media Representativity
13V. Panasenko,
A. Loboyko,
E. Mikhailova
Kinetic Research of Calcium Carbonate Sedimentation from Soda Ash Plant Wastes
14V. Alekseev,
Z. Malakey
Research of Process Factors and Insoluble Impurities Influence on Sodium Sulfate Color Received from Natural Mirabilite by “Melting-Evaporation” Method
15V. Levitskiy,
A. Smirnov,
T. Krasnova,
S. Agalarova
Inorganic Components Properties of Wood Fire Protection Compositions
16A. Baranovskiy,
V. Gridasov,
S. Zuev
Automatic Control of Sodium Chloride Solution Purification by Lime Treatment
17V. Alekseev,
Z. Malakey,
A. Alekseev
Reseach of Chemical Sodium Sulfate chemical composition Received from Natural Hydromineral Raw Material on its Color Value
18V. Levitskiy,
E. Krasnov,
A. Smirnov,
S. Аgalarova
Hydrofobization of Dry Chemical Powders
19O. Belik,
R. Boguslavskiy,
A. Belik
New Way of Obtaining Pollutant-Free Products
20L. VasermanVolume Dilatation of Absorbing Solution while Obtaining Sodium Hydrosulfide by Hydrogen Sulfide Alkaline Absorption
21L. Vaserman,
Z. Malakey,
L. Zinkovska,
N. Vorobiova,
I. Tulupov
Sodium Sesquicarbonate Application and Perspectives of its Industrial Production in Ukraine
22V. Raiko Brine Cooling and Concentration in Cooling Tower
23L. MikhienkoOn Possibility of Porous Fiber Glass Application for Diamond Holding Wastes Recuperation
24E. Fedorenko Petrochemical Characteristics and Application Perspectives of Central Azov Sea Region Granites
25V. Molchanov,
V. Alekseev,
V. Аnnopolskiy,
V. Levitskiy,
A. Аlekseev,
O. Semenenko,
V. Omelchenko
Research of Magnesia-Silicate Raw Materials Chemical Processing and Obtaining Sintered Periclase
26I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
V. Samoilenko,
S. Zuev,
A. Sedenkov
Apportionment of Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe to Artificial Depositsblems of Soda Ash Production Wastes Accumulation in Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe
27I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
V. Samoilenko,
A. Ghebanov,
S. Zuev
Apportionment of Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe to Artificial Deposits
28I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Ghebanov
Conditions of Dynamic Reserves Formation in Eastern Sivash, Desalinating and Sulfate Saturation of its Bittern
29I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Ghebanov,
A. Sedenkov
Field Hydrochemical Studies of Bittern Composition of Western Sivash and its Approximation on Salt Mass to Azov Sea Waters
30S. Shevchuk,
V. Annopolskiy,
V. Gukovin,
V. Mikhailov,
V. Gerasemuk
Corrosion Monitoring of Gas Industrial Equipment of Yablunivske Gas Treatment Unitо
31V. Kazakov,
P. Kuznetsov
Emergence and Development of Nitrogen Industry in Ukraine in Early 20th Century
32P. Shaporev,
D. Boglaenko
Calcium Hydroxide Production for Decreasing Environmental Technogenic Effectс
33V. Bayrachniy,
V. Shapore
Multistage Separation Reactor
34D. Nechiporenko,
V. Fokin,
V. Panasenko,
T. Novogilova
Ways of Energy Consumption Decrease for Solutions Evaporation in Multiple-Effect Evaporators
35A. Zmarada,
V. Shaporev,
T. Novogilova
Experimental Evaluation of Hurdle Activators Efficacy of Tube Mills Grinding Charge
36Z. Мalakey Analysis of Modern State of Brine Purification from Sulfates Problem
37G. Khomenko,
V. Uteshev,
V. Annopolskiy,
T. Tereshina
Sulfuric-Acid Process of Obtaining Silica Dioxide Filler (Toothpastes Filler)
38V. Novikov,
Y. Kuzenko,
V. Kolesnichenko,
A. Gareev,
A. Kolosov,
E. Pilipko
Comparative Analysis of Filtration Units Instrumentation for Filtering Sodium Hydrocarbonate Suspension at Soda Ash Plant
39V. PotrashkovWays of Improving Management System at Absorption Unit at Soda Ash Plant
40V. Potrashkov On Regulation Parameters of Distillation Heat Conditions
41M. Tukhtina,
A. Ivkov
Development and Certification of Standard Specimen of Inorganic Chemical Products Composition
42V. Lebadev,
V. Avramenko,
V. Vinogradov,
V. Аnnopolskiy
Thermal Stability Reasearch of Formaldehyde Polymers for Scintillation Equipment
43A. KolosovStatic and Dynamic Characteristics of Perforated Distillation Column at Soda Ash Plant
44V. Kolisnichenko,
V. Novikov
Analysis of Chamber Dry Filter Operation
Volume 74, 2005
Invertor(s)Article descraption
1V. Molchanov,
V. Annopolskiy,
V. Panasenko
Contribution of NIOCHIM to Prospects of Chemical Industry Development in Ukraine
2V. Molchanov,
V. Mikhailov
Carbonation Process in Soda Ash Plant Columns with Gas Load Changed during Operating Run
3Z. Malakey,
S. Petrenko,
V. Ermolaev
Increase of Lime Consumption for Purified Brine Plant
4E. MikhailovaStudy in Anhydride Condition Ensuring at Soda Ash Plant Distillation Unit
5V. Frumin,
V. Gut,
V. Burin
Mass Exchange in Carbon Desorption in Distillation Condenser
6A. Zozylia,
Y. Kuzenko
On “Dry” Lime Application for Ammonia Regeneration in Soda Ash Plant
7A. Zaikin,
V. Моlchanov,
V. Annopolskiy,
S. Zuev
Combined Soda Monohydrate Process in “Dense” Soda Plant by Monohydrate Process
8M. Tseitlin,
V. Molchanov,
V. Raiko.
Some Directions of Improvement of Absorption and Desorption Equipment and Process
9A. Zaikin,
E. Ruban,
S. Zuev
Development of Process Scheme for Dense Soda Screening Unit with Obtaining Product with Improved Grain Sieve Analysis
10A. Zaikin,
V. Annopolskiy,
V. Novikov
Study of “Dense” Soda Obtaining Process with Decreased Chlorides Contents by Soda Monohydrate Repulpation
11V. КоlesnichenkoSqueezers Effect on Drum Vacuum Filters Efficiency
12V. Korobanov,
Z. Маlakey,
I. Zarazilov,
N. Vorobiova,
L. Likholit,
P. Kapustenko,
A. Klochok,
A. Perevertailenko
Development of Distiller Lye Heat Unit with Plate Heat Exchangers for Berezniki Soda Ash Plant Company
13V. KrivomlinMethods of Solution Composition Calculations within NaHCO3 Saturation Field Near Triple NaHCO3, NH4НCO3 and NaCl Salts Saturation
Point Taking into Account Fluctuations of Process Conditions Fluctuations in Soda Ash Cyclic Plant
14K. KukhtenkovControl System of Shaft Kiln PCS in Soda Ash Plant
15V. Frumin,
V. Burstein,
V. Gut,
T. Оleicgenko
Interaction of Gas and Lye Film
16A. DrozinMathematical Description of Steam-Lye Balance within Ammonia-Water System
17I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Pоpоvа,
A. Zuev,
I. Оrishenko
Study of Discharges Formation and Mineral Salts Depositing in the Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe
18I. Valeev
E. Pavlova
V. Коlesnichenko
Field and Laboratory Studies of Aqueous and Physical Properties and Granulometric Composition of Collector No 4’s Beach Zone Slurries, Lisichanskaya Soda Company
19I. Valeev,
V. Еgupov,
O. Chernopiytko,
E. Pavlova
Problems of Land Surface Movements during Brine Extraction at Novyi Karfagen Deposit
20I. Valeev,
S. Zuev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Popova
Peculiarities of Waters Excess Solar Concentration of Lake Krasnoe in 1200 ha Evaporation Basin
21V. Lelitskiy,
V. Annopolskiy
Research of Sodium Percarbonate Stabilization Conditions
22V. Levitskiy,
S. Аgalarova,
T. Кrasnova,
A. Smirnov
Quality Indexes Stability of Fire Extinguishing Powders
23V. Alekseev,
A. Alekseev
Analysis of Peculiarities and Modeling Possibilities of Sulfates and Oxides Regeneration in Burning in Mixture with Solid Carbon Containing Regenerators
24V. Alekseev,
A. Alekseev
Experimental Research of Magnesium Sulfate Thermal Decomposition with Gaseous Regenerators
25V. PanasenkoSalts Solubility and Solutions Density in Quaternary Mutual System Na , NH // HCO , Cl – H2O at 30oC within the Range of Compositions with the Biggest Sodium and Fixed Ammonia Output
26O. Prantsus,
A. Shushlykov
Defining Parameters of Gas Purification Processes in Whirl Turbulent Washer
27O. Prantsus,
A. Sorotska,
T. Kharchenko
Description and Analysis of Operation of Existing Wet Gas Purification Equipment
28O. Prantsus,
V. Molchanov
Development Tendencies of Whirl Processes for Gases Purification by Whirl Method
29S. Shevchuk,
V. Аnnopolskiy,
V. Gukovin,
V. Gerasimuk,
V. Мikhailiv
Study of Influence of Chlorides Contained in Natural Gas on Yablunivska Gas Conversion Unit on Construction Materials
30S. Shevchuk,
V. Annopolskiy,
A. Кonon
Electric Anode and Cathode Metal Corrosion Processes in Basic Soda Ash Plant Process Media
31A. Zaikin,
V. Аnnopolskiy,
E. Ruban,
V. Chueshov
Development of Process for Obtaining Non-Dust Rosette White Silica Form with Increased Bulk Density
32E. Bogutska,
M. Khorolskiy,
V. Leshenko
Development of Materials from Perspective Rubber Resins and their Application for Production of General Mechanical Rubber Goods for Ukrainian Petrol and Gas Complex
33I. Кuziyev,
I. Nachovniy,
E. Bogutska,
M. Khorolskiy
Analysis of Temperature and Velocity Field within Extruders Metering Zone that Emerges during Quasi-Viscous Materials Processing
34B. GruFerrous Corrosion in Aqueous Methanol Solutions that Contain Carbon Suspension
35B. Gru,
N. Kliyhina,,
D. Теrpiy,
V. Sokolov,
P. Ignatenko
Research of Corrosion Resistance of Nitride Films Obtained by Various Reactive Spray Methods
36M. Glikin,
D. Кutakova,
A. Zinatulin,
S. Revenko,
V. Nikiforchuk,
V. Semiboroda
Macrokinetic Research of Mononitrochlorbenozles Wastes Dehydratation by Aerosol Catalysis Process
37V. LazkoProcess Approach to Products Quality Management at Scientific and Research Institutions
38Y. ShkurupiyPeculiarities of Chemical and Petrochemical Enterprises Functioning in Kharkiv Region in 2004 and Prospects of this Branch Development in 2005
39S. Grin,
P. Kuznetsov
History of Chemical Engineers Training at Kharkiv Technology Institute
Volume 73, 2003
Invertor(s)Article description
1V. Molchanov NIOCHIM is 80
2V. Molchanov,
E. Gitis,
G. Velichko
NIOCHIM’s Role in Formation and Development of Soda Ash Plants in CIS
3V. Fotchenko,
R. Ivashinenko
Ione Equilibrium in Ammoniated Brine at Preliminary Carbonation Stage (Report 1)
4V. Fotchenko,
R. Ivashinenko,
O. Prantsus
Equilibrium in “Gas-Ammoniated Brine” System at Preliminary Carbonation Stage (Report 2)
5V. Fotchenko,
R. Ivashinenko,
O. Prantsus
Nonequilibrium Preliminary Carbonation Systems (Report 3)
6A. DrozinMathematical Description of Equilibrium during Ammoniated Brine Carbonation Process at Soda Ash Production at Ways of its Application
Certain Peculiarities of Mathematical Description of Carbonation Process Based on Publications
(Report 1)
Output of Analytical Dependencies, Inequations and Numeric Evaluations of Carbonation Statics
(Report 2)
Coefficients of Components Utilization and Model Task of their Optimization (Report 3)
7E. Мikhailova Increasing Utilization Degree of Carbonate Raw Material at Amminia Production at Soda Ash Plant
8Z. Malakey,
L. Meshkova
Experimental Research of Decreasing SO4 Ions Content in Brine at its Chemical Purification at Soda Ash Production
9V. Кolesnichenko Influence of Washing Lye Consumption on Chlorides Content in Washed Sodium Bicarbonate Precipitation
10Y. Kuzenko,
V. Olesuk,
E. Rusina,
K. Kukhtenkov
On the Issue of Improvement of Lime Milk Supply Process for Distillation at Sterlitamak Soda Company
11I. Valeev,
V. Кolesnichenko,
S. Iliyna,
V. Еgupov,
E. Pavlova,
V. Sokolenko
Increase of Minerals Extraction Degree at Eastern Branch of North-Western Section at Novyi Karfagen Brine Field
12V. Кrivomlin Methods of Equilibrium Calculation at Na+, NH4+ // Cl-, HCO-3, NH2COO- – NH3, H2O System in NaHCO3 Saturation Area
13V. Кrivomlin Methods of Equilibrium Calculation at Na+, NH4+ // Cl-, HCO-3, NH2COO- – NH3, H2O System in NH4Cl Saturation Area
14E. Chumachenko Research of Mixing of Solid Ammonia Chloride and Lime Milk Based on Mathematical Model of Reactor-Mixer
15E. Chumachenko Research of Stage-toStage Distribution of Potassium Iones and Sulfate in Bicarbonate and Ammonium
Branches of Cyclic Process of Soda Ash Production Using Mineral Rock Wastes from Dumps
16V. Tomenko,
E. Zubkova
Experimental Test of Process Diagram of Carbonate Solutions Processing with Increased Content of Sulfates in Soda Products
17V. Molchanov,
V. Annopolskiy,
V. Levitskiy,
N. Мarkov
Soidum Percarbonate Production Process
18L. Vaserman,
I. Zarazilov,
L. Zinkovska
Situation in Sulfide Sodium and Ammonia Compositions in CIS Countries after USSR Disintegration
19L. Vaserman,
L. Zinkovska
Ways of Application of Sulhuric Sodium Compositions (Review)
20M. Tseitlin,
V. Raiko
Kinetics of Dissolution of Calcium Compositions and Absorption Capacity of Distiller Suspension at Soda Ash Production
21E. Mitkevich,
V. Кorobanov,
N. Vorobiova
Crystallization of Calcium Sulfate from Distiller Lye over Organic Phosphonic Acids
22E. Мitkevich,
V. Кorobanov,
A. Коroviykovskiy
Research of Calcium Sulpfate Crystallization at Phosphoric Acid Evaporation
23V. Panasenko,
N. Маrkov,
I. Тulupov
Thermodynamic Calculation of Pitzer Phase Equilibriums Model Parameters for Quaternary Mutual System Na+, Mg2+/Cl-, SO42—H2O at -5; 0; 10; 15 and 20С
24V. Alekseev,
A. Alekseev
Thermodynamic Analysis of Reaction in the Process of Regeneration Magnesium Sulfate Burning Using Solid and Gaseous Regenerators
25V. Alekseev,
V. Annopolskiy,
A. Alekseev,
V. Radko
Research of the Process of Thermal Magnesium Sulfate Destruction with Obtaining Magnesium Oxide
26V. Alekseev,
V. Annopolskiy,
A. Alekseev,
E. Runova
I. Saiko
Physical and Chemical Research of Epsomite and its Dehydration under Natural Conditions
27A. Zaikin,
V. Alekseev,
A. Alekseev,
E. Runova,
E. Ruban
Research of Drying of Technical Magnesium Sulfate (Epsomite)
28V. Uteshev,
V. Annopolskiy
Peculiarities of Development of Process of Obtaining Rosil-175 Active Silica Filler
29G. Khomenko,
V. Annopolskiy,
E. Voitenko
Development of Process of Obtaining of Silica Filler for Toothpastes
30V. Novikov,
M. Каznadey,
V. Zhukovin,
T. Cherevina,
T. Kharchenko
Industrial Wastes Purification from Ammonia, Calcium, Magnesium Iones and Organic Impurities Using Natural Ceolites
31E. Gitis,
V. Alekseev,
N. Beliyeva
Research of Processing of Chemistry Containing Raw Materials of Bug Deposit
32V. Levitskiy,
B. Shikhov,
T. Кrasnova,
I. Tsvetkova
Index of Aqueous Ione Concentration in Alcali Components of Domestic and Technical Detergents
33V. Levitskiy,
A. Ivkov,
T. Krasnova,
A. Smirnov
On Measuring Mass Content of Moisture in Fire Extinguishing Powders
34V. Levitskiy,
S. Agalarova,
A. Smirnov
Bulk Density of in Fire Extinguishing Powders
35K. Kukhtenkov,
V. Моlchanov
On Update of Lime Burning Furnaces in Domestic Soda Ash Industry
36V. Frumin,
V. Burshtein,
Y. Pasichnichenko,
T. Оleichenko
Mass Exchange on Cross Flow Plates with Large Perforation .
37A. Zozuliy,
M. Tseitlin,
A. Shakhova
Heat Exchange Intensification in Gas Distillation Refrigerator
38V. Gut,
V. Frumin,
T. Оleichenko
Peculiarities of Hydrodynamics of Ammonium Chloride and Calcium Carbonate Solution Impact
39A. Zaikin,
V. Кolesnichenko,
E. Рrunova,
A. Alekseev,
E. Ruban,
I. Saiko
Tests of Magnet Separators during Purification of Soda Ash from Metal Foreign Matters
40I. Runov,
V. Моlchanov,
M. Runov
Research of Heat Exchange Process on the Cooled Wall of Rotor Crystallizer
41V. МоlchanovOn the Task of Choosing the Best Regulators of Loads Matching for Process Units of Soda Ash Plants
42V. Gridasov,
S. Zuev,
L. Bondarenko
ACS Improvement by Carbonation at Soda Ash Plants
43V. Оlesuk,
E. Rusina
Evolution of Means and Systems of Automatic Regulation by Lime Milk Dosing to Distillation Units Equipment at Soda Ash Plants
44A. Коnon,
Y. Кuzenko,
E. Рusina,
S. Shevchuk,
I. Zarazilov
Reasons of Corrosion Destruction of Steam Calciners and Methods of their Elimination
45A. Кonon,
S. Shevchuk,
I. Grinko,
V. Shtoda,
L. Gusak
Corrosion Behavior of 12ХНЗА Low-Alloyed Steel in Melt Calcium Chloride
46A. Кonon,
S. Shevchuk,
I. Grinko,
V. Shtoda,
L. Gusak
Research of Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Metallized Coating in Various Media
47A. Ivkov,
K. Kukhtenkov
On Creation of Adaptive Inspection System of Soda Ash Plant Process Control
48A. Ivkov,
M. Tukhtina
Metrological Research on Defining Deviations Characteristics of Execution Methods of Measuring parameters of Technical Soda Ash Chemical Composition according to Standard 5100
49M. Tukhtina From the Experience of Standard Documentation Research for Inorganic Chemical Substances
50V. Molchanov,
M. Sagaidak,
V. Gereminovich
Local Monitoring of Atmosphere Pollution from Unorganized Sources
51I. Valeev,
V. Коlesnichenko,
O. Ilina,
V. Vilenskiy,
S. Кoptev,
E. Pavlova
Provision of Technogenic and Ecologic Safety at Accumulators at Lisichanskaya Soda Company
52I. Valeev,
A. Zozuliy,
S. Zuev,
I. Оrishenko
On the Ways of Regeneration of Ecologic Balance in Karkinitsky Gulf and Problems of Perekop Lakes Group
53V. Моlchanov,
V. Кiselev,
N. Shepacheva
On NIOCHIM’s Work as Principal Agency of Metrology Services on Enterprises’ Units Acreditation
Volume 72, 2001
Invertor(s)Article description
1V. Molchanov,
V. Annopolskiy,
G. Velichko
Basic Aspects of NIOCHIM’s Scientific Research in Solution of Ecologic Issues
2V. Molchanov,
V. Panasenko,
N. Маrkov,
I. Tulupov,
V. Bulavin
Thermodynamics of Carbonation Process in Soda Ash Manufacture
3E. Mikhailova,
V. Krivomlin,
E. Chumachenko,
V. Мikhailov
Basic Principles of Physical and Chemical Research of the Process of Joint Production of Sodium Hydrocarbonate and Amminia Chloride
4V. КоlesnichenkoResearch of Kinetics of Sodium Bicarbonate Sediment Washing
5V. Frumin,
V. Titov,
V. Gut,
V. Burin,
V. Ivanchikov,
T. Оleichenkо
Research of NH4Сl Decomposition Kinetics in Solution of СаСО3 Suspensions
6A. Zozuliy,
I. Zarazilov,
L. Оdarenko,
L. Zinkovska,
Z. Маlakey,
N. Маrkov
Raw Brine Production Process for Obtaining Soda Ash from Lake Sivash Rapa
7A. Zozulia,
E. Rusina,
I. Zarazilov,
A. Коnon,
S. Zuev
Ways of Contaminating Soda Ash with Ferrum Compounds and Forms of these Compounds
8E. Rusina,
V. Samoilenko,
N. Petriste
To the Issue of Powder-like Materials Purification, Including Soda Ash from Ferrum Compounds
9A. Zaikin,
E. Runova,
S. Zuev,
A. Sorotska,
I. Runov
Study of Dense Soda Ash Cooling by Water Air Process in Fluidized Bed Apparatus
10A. Baranovskiy,
V. Моlchanov,
K. Кukhtenkov
Automatic Control of Brine Purification Slurry Parameters with the help of Vibration Viscosimeter
11V. Molchanov,
V. Оlesuk,
A. Baranovskiy,
K. Кukhtenkov,
E. Rusina
To the Issue of Automatic Control of Sulfide Ion Concentration in Soda Ash Process Lyes
12A. Zaikin,
A. Dolkart,
E. Ruban,
A. Sorotska
Classification of Calcium Hydroxide in Spiral Air Classifier
13V. Gut,
V. Burin,
V. Burstein
Burning Small Fractions of Calcium carbonate in Radiation Furnace with Impulse Burning Layer
14V. Frumin,
V. Ivanchikov
Defining Optimal Heat Exchange Surface in Distillation Condenser
15V. Frumin,
V. Gut,
V. Burin,
V. Burstein
Methods of Parameters Calculation of Sectioned Heat Exchange Equipment with Pulse Pseudocompressed Layer and Immersed Heat Exchanger
16V. Fotchenko,
R. Ivashinenko,
Research of Mathematic Model of Washer Separator
17V. Annopolskiy,
E. Rusina,
A. Dolcart,
S. Zuev
Obtaining Lime Suspension by Slaking Lime with Raw Brine
18A. Zozuliy,
N. Iliyshenko,
A. Dolcart
Industrial Testing of Decreasing Oxide Concentration in Furnace Gases in Shaft Lime Burning Furnace Operating on Natural Gas
19A. Shakhova,
Y. Bitenuk
Increasing Efficacy of Secondary Power Resources Application at «Soda» Company (Sterlitamak)
20V. Molchanov,
M. Sagaidak,
V. Gereminovich,
A. Shakhova
Specific Indices of Emissions of Contaminating Instances to the Air and their Normalization in Soda Ash Industry
21I. Valeev,
S. Zuev,
A. Iskenderov,
O. Iliyina,
S. Petrenko
Ecologic Consequences of Further Running of Effluents Collector-Evaporator at “Crimean Soda Ash Plant” Company
22A. Zaikin,
E. Runova,
V. Korobanov,
I. Runov,
S. Zuev
Research of Drying and Granulation of Calcium Chloride in Horizontal Sidetrack
23A,. Zozuliy,
V. Annopolskiy,
V. Zhukov,
T. Rusanova
On Improving Quality of Sodium Hydroxide Obtained by Lime Process
24Annopolskiy V. F
Samoilenko V. I.
Petrenko S. A.
Medvedev I. I.
To the Issue of Obtaining Technical Sodium Hydroxide of Improved Quality
25M. Runov,
V. Аnnopolskiy,
E. Pavlova,
I. Runov,
A. Ivkov
Research of Crystallization of Sodium Hydroxide Monohydrate
26G. Коstenko,
V. Burchan,
I. Мikulina
Research of Melting of Sodium Hydroxide Monohydrate Crystals
27V. Zhukov,
T. Rusanova,
A. Dolkart
Substitution of Usable Raw Carbonate with Caustification Slurry for Obtaining Cleaner Lime for Caustic Soda Production by Lime Process
28A. Zozuliy A. F.
V. Zhukov V. А.
T. Rusanova Т. G.
O. Livdan О. А.
Research of Sedimentation Properties of Caustification Slurry under its Multiple Application in Production
29A. Zozuliy,
N. Iliyshenko,
V. Zhukov,
A. Dolkart,
T. Rusanov
Research of Caustification Slurry Burning Mode in Rotating Furnace
30A. Коnon,
V. Shtoda,
V. Каchanov,
L. Gusak,
S. Shevchuk
Research of Corrosion Durability of Construction Materials in Hot Concentrated Solutions of Purified Sodium Hydroxide
31M. Tseitlin,
E. Gitis,
S. Baibuletov,
E. Аlekseeva
Carbonation Kinetics of Barium Sulfide Solution
32V. Alekseev,
A. Alekseev
Research of Kinetics of Topochemical Reactions
33E. Gitis,
N. Beliyeva,
L. Gaisin,
Y. Кarimov
To the Issue of Barium Carbonate Granulation
34N. Тimokhinа,
V. Zhukovin,
V. Kashkovskiy
Synthesis of Granulated Ceolite of NAU Type without Natural Caoline Binding Substances
35V. Zhukovin,
A. Chaliiy,
N. Тimokhina,
N. Guzhva,
V. Каshkovskiy
On the Possibility of Obtaining Ceolite Supporters for Oxidation Catalysts of Exhaust Gases of Cars with Explosion Engines
36V. Моlchanov,
V. Аlekseev,
V. Аnnopolskiy,
N. Markov,
A. Alekseev,
L. Каlashnik
Research of Possibility of Obtaining Sodium Sulfate from natural Hydromineral Ukrainian Raw Materials
37V. Levitskiy,
A. Коzhanova
Kinetics of Sodium Carbonate and Urea Interaction
38V. Molchanov,
V. Annopolskiy,
F. Shevtsov,
V. Uteshev
Peculiarities of White Silica Compression and Packing in Valve Bags
39V. Zhukovin,
V. Levitskiy,
I. Volotsenko,
L. Karnatsevich
Research of Adsorbents of Iodine Filters of Ventilation System at Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants
40L. Vaserman,
V. Andreev
Analysis of Temporal Tendencies of Basic Hydrochemical Mode Parameters Change at Kuchuk Mineral Salts Mine
41M. Sagaidak,
V. Коlesnik,
V. Gereminovich
Ecology and Energy Estimation of Regional Technogenic Processes
42M. Vorozhbiiya,
A. Shapka,
A. Loboiko,
A. Kobzev,
N. Markov
Development of Reliable Algorithm of Nitrogen Oxides Absorption
43I. Rishenko,
A. Savenkov,
N. Ushakova.
Development of Solutions Concentration Processes in Gases Purification from SО2 and NОх
44A. Ivkov,
M. Tukhtina,
E. Sviridova
Research of Inaccuracy Characteristics of Measurement Procedure of Chlorides Mass Concentration in Effluents of Kharkiv Plants
45V. Molchanov
F. Shevtsov
Y. Ponomarev
V. Rogalskiy
Evaluation of Dosing Inaccuracy of Equipment for Packing Granular Materials to Containers
46L. VasermanApplication of Method of Densities Comparison for Correcting the Result of Indirect Definition of Water Mass Content in a Multicomponent Solution

A list of NIOCHIM patents with in 2000-2013

1№ 27677
E.Gitis (UA);
O.Alekseeva (UA);
N.Bilaeva (UA);
T.Novak (UA);
A.Malakhov (RU);
S.Baibulatov (RU)
2№ 27796
V.Burin (UA);
V.Burshtein (UA);
V.Gut (UA);
I.Zaitsev (UA);
V.Frumin (UA)
3№ 29379
O.Zozulia (UA);
M.Tseytlin (UA);
L.Fisenko (RU)
4№ 45020
O.F.Zozulia (UA);
M.I.Ilyashenko (UA)
5№ 45021
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Levitskiy (UA);
V.Zhukovin (UA);
B.Shikhov (UA);
A.Zaikin (UA)
6№ 45368
V.Frumin (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA)
7№ 51924
O.Zozulia (UA);
M.Ilyashenko (UA)
8№ 53736
Y.Zubaniuk (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
R.Yaremenko (UA)
9№ 53834
V.Molchanov (UA);
A.Konon (UA);
I.Grynko (UA);
E.Gitis (UA)
10№ 54491
G.Kostenko (UA)
11№ 54822
V.Markelov (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Karpov (RU)
12№ 55018
V.Molchanov (UA);
E.Gitis (UA);
N.Beliaeva (UA);
T.Novak (UA);
H.Shabanova (UA)
13№ 55019
V.Molchanov (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA);
G.Kushnir (UA);
O.Shakhova (UA);
M.Tseytlin (UA)
14№ 55437
S.Zuev (UA);
V.Kryvomlyn (UA);
O.Mikhaylova (UA);
V.Dobrovolskiy (UA);
F.Gilmanov (UA)
15№ 55457
V.Molchanov (UA);
E.Lapin (UA);
V.Annopolskiy (UA);
M.Stepanenko (UA);
E.Tretyak (UA);
V.Uteshev (UA);
L.Sytnik (UA);
V.Shabalin (UA);
V.Dudka (UA);
P.Saiko (UA)
16№ 55776
V.Fotchenko (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
S.Zuev (UA)
17№ 57778
M.Runov (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA);
V.Ponomarenko (UA);
I.Runov (UA)
18№ 60319
V.Molchanov (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA);
I.Valeev (UA);
S.Zuev (UA)
19№ 61134
I.Zarazilov (UA);
L.Odarenko (UA);
L.Vaserman (UA);
Z.A.Malakey (UA);
L.Zinkivska (UA);
S.Zuev (UA);
M.Markov (UA)
20№ 61142
L.Odarenko (UA);
S.Zuev (UA);
I.Zarazilov (UA);
S.Petrenko (UA);
Z.Malakey (UA);
V.Annopolskiy (UA)
21№ 61144
L.Odarenko (UA);
S.Zuev (UA);
I.Zarazilov (UA);
S.Petrenko (UA);
Z.Malakey (UA);
V.Annopolskiy (UA)
22№ 64300
A.P.Zaikin (UA);
V.I.Molchanov (UA);
V.F.Annopolskiy (UA);
S.M.Zuev (UA);
O.O.Grekhov (UA)
23№ 67770
P.Lechev (BG);
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Titov (RU);
A.Voronin (RU);
V.Karpov (RU);
O.Zozulia (UA);
A.Gareev (RU);
B.Daskalov (BG);
24№ 67941
S.Zuev (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Kryvomlyn (UA);
O.Mikhaylova (UA);
E.Gitis (UA);
O.Merinov (UA);
F.Gilmanov (UA)
25№ 68117
V.Molchanov (UA);
I.Zarazilov (UA);
Z.Malakey (UA);
S.Zuev (UA);
V.Yatsyshyn (UA);
H.Khomova (UA)
26№ 70322
G.Kostenko (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA);
I.Grynko (UA)
27№ 70331
V.Molchanov (UA);
S.Zuev (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA);
O.Mikhaylova (UA);
V.Kryvomlyn (UA);
V.Mikhaylov (UA)
28№ 70346
V.Frumin (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
E.Gitis (UA)
29№ 72504
V.Molchanov (UA);
I.Grynko (UA);
E.Gitis (UA);
V.Nikolenko (UA);
T.Kostina (UA)
30№ 74151
V.Molchanov (UA);
I.Grynko (UA);
O.Ivashchenko (UA);
O.Grynko (UA)
31№ 77602
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Annopolskiy (UA);
L.Vaserman (UA);
Z.Malakey (UA);
L.Zinkivska (UA);
I.Tulupov (UA);
O.Koval (UA);
Y.Gulenok (UA);
M.Rudiuk (UA)
32№ 79332
O.Zozulia (UA)
33№ 80282
O.Letiuk (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA)
34№ 80306
O.Zozulia (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
Y.Kuzenko (UA);
M.Markov (UA)
35№ 83030
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Annopolskiy (UA);
V.Levitskiy (UA);
V.Burin (UA);
V.Frumin (UA)
36№ 2209180
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Olesiuk (UA);
K.Kukhtenkov (UA);
A.Baranovskiy (UA);
E.Rusina (UA),
V.Titov (RU);
A.Voronin (RU);
A.Gareev (RU);
V.Karpov (RU)
37№ 2209181
P.Lechev (BG);
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Titov (RU);
A.Voronin (RU);
V.Karpov (RU);
O.Zozulia (UA);
A.Gareev (RU);
B.Daskalov (BG);
V.Mikhaylov (UA);
V.Gereminovich (UA)
38№ 2220907
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Olesiuk (UA);
K.Kukhtenkov (UA);
A.Baranovskiy (UA),
V.Titov (RU);
A.Voronin (RU);
A.Gareev (RU);
V.Karpov (RU)
39№ 99488
V.Annopolskyi (UA);
V. Aleksieiev (UA);
O.Aleksieiev (UA)
40№ 98144
A. Zaikin (UA);
V. Hridasov (UA);
V. Annopolskyi (UA);
O. Khalin (UA);
V. Shmelkov (UA);
S. Zuiev (UA)
41№ 97866
V. Hrydasov (UA);
S. Zuiev (UA);
A. Zaikin (UA);
V. Annopolskyi (UA)
42№ 97844
A. Ibrahimov (KZ);
V.Molchanov (UA);
O.Zozulia (UA);
I.Valeev (UA);
S.Zuev (UA);
A.Sabitov (KZ);
O.Frolov (KZ);
Y. Kuzenko (UA);
V.Molchanov (UA);
Z.Malakiei (UA);
L.Vaserman (UA)
43№ 2389686
V.Molchanov (UA);
V.Zakoptelov (RU);
Y.Kovyrzin (RU);
N.Fal'kovskij (RU);
V.Krivomlin (UA)
E.Mikhailova (UA)
44№ 102620
V.Annopolsky (UA);
V.Aleksieiev (UA);
V.Prymachenko (UA);
V.Martynenko (UA);
Y.Spirin (UA);
O.Semenenko (UA);
O.Aleksieiev (UA);
Publications in other press, 2012-2014
Invertor(s)Article description Publisher,
1V. Zverkovsky,
Y. Kuzenko
Requirements for technical stage of forest recultivation and their implementation Gruntoznavsvo (Soil Science). 2013. Vol. 14. No 1-2 (22), Kyiv- Dnipropetrovsk
p. 87-93 Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, (72 Gagarina Ave., 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) “Telepresinform” Agency (26 Ivana Kudri Str., Kyiv, Ukraine)
2I. Dovgaluk,
A. Kotovich
Soil salinization problem in Ukraine and prospects of waste soda products usage for land reclamation Gruntoznavsvo (Soil Science). 2013. Vol. 14. No 1-2 (22), Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk
p. 94-101 Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, (72 Gagarina Ave., 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) “Telepresinform” Agency (26 Ivana Kudri Str., Kyiv, Ukraine)
3V. Gorban,
Z. Malakei
The role of physicochemical and physical research by forest recultivation in the steppe zone of Ukraine Gruntoznavsvo (Soil Science). 2013. Vol. 14. No 1-2 (22), Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk
p. 102-110 Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, (72 Gagarina Ave., 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) “Telepresinform” Agency (26 Ivana Kudri Str., Kyiv, Ukraine)
4V. Alekseev,
A. Alekseev,
Y. Spirin,
O. Semenko
Obtaining Nanodispersed Magnesium Hydroxide for Sintered Periclase and Magnesia Spinel Manufacturing PJSC
A.S. Berezhnoy Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Refractories Kharkiv «Original» 2013 International Scientific and Technical Conference
Technologies and Application of Refractories and Technical Ceramics in Industry
April 16 -17, 2013, p.60-61
5V. Alekseev,
V. Tomenko,
A. Alekseev
On the Possibilities of Industrial Wastes Applications for Periclase Manufacture in Ukraine PJSC
A.S. Berezhnoy Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Refractories Kharkiv «Original» 2013 International Scientific and Technical Conference
Technologies and Application of Refractories and Technical Ceramics in Industry
April 16 -17, 2013, p.62-63
6A. Lukianchikov,
A. Loboiko,
E. Mikhailova
Ammonia Regeneration with Dry Lime that Provides for Creation of Energy Saving Process Diagram Abstarct of the Report for XХІ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies:
Science, Technology,
Education, Health Care (MicroCAD-2013)»,
NTU KhPI (21 Frunze Str.,
61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine)
May 29-31, 2013, Kharkiv
7Y. Kuzenko
Y. Lebedenko
E. Mikhailova
V. Panasenko
Purification of Solid Sodium Chloride in Soda Low Waste Technology V.G. Shukhov BGTU Bulletin. – Belgorod: V.G. Shukhov BGTU, 2014. – No 1. – p. 149 – 151
Publications in other press, 2010-2011
Author(s) Description Publisher,
1Z. MalakeyExperimental Research of Brine Purification Resource Saving Technology from Natural Hydromineral Raw MaterialsVostochno-vropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy. Kharkiv: No 5/5 (41). – 2009. – P. 25-28.
2V. Dubnitsky,
B. Lyubartsev
Historical Myths and their Role in Taking Military and Political Decisions Illustrated by Soviet and German Confrontation on the Eve of 22.06.1941 Nauka і tehnіka Povіtryanih sil Zbroynih sil Ukrayini: nauk.-tehnіchn. zh. – Kharkiv. 2010. – No 1 (3). – P. 38-43 (24).
3I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Lukyanchikov
Peculiarities of Solar Evaporation of Excess Waters of LakeKrasnoe in EvaporationBasinVestn. nats. tehn. un-ta «KhPI» / Sb. nauch. tr.: Тemat. vyp. «Himiya, him. tehnol. i ekologiya» – Kh.: NTU «KhPI». – 2010. – P. 113-118
4G. Khomenko,
V. Uteshev
Development of Technology of Obtaining Silica Filler for Polymer Films Blocking PreventerСuchasnі problemi nano-, energo- ta resursozberіgayusch. і ekologіchno orіentovanih hіmіch. tehnologіy. Тezi mіzhn. NT konf. 27-28.05.10. – Kh.: NTU «KhPI». – P. 89-90.
5Z. MalakeyDevelopment of Optimum Raw Brine Sulfating Degree from Marine Hydromineral Raw Materialsost.-Еvrop. zh. peredovyh tehnologiy. – 2010. – No 3.
6V. Panasenko,
E. Mikhailova,
A. Loboiko,
I. Borgrova
Industrial Wastes of Soda Ash Plants and Possible Ways of their UtilizationВіsn. NTU «NPI». – Kh.: NTU «NPI», 2010, No 11. – P. 78-83.
7Y. Lebedenko,
A. Zaikin
Updated Construction of Carbonation Column. Results of TestsHіm. promislovіst Ukrayini. 2011. No 1. – P. 23-25. Bibl. 6.
8L. Tovazhnyansky, O. Loboiko,
V. Panasenko,
E. Mikhailova
Nanopowders from Chemically Precipitated Calcium Carbonate. Obtaining from Soda Ash Production WastesHіm. prom.-st Ukrayini. – 2011, No 2. – P. 36-40. Bibl. 6.
Publications in other press, 2005–2009
1D. Lyubchik,
V. Molchanov
Using Dynamic Watchers with Alternating Structure for Process Disturbances Reconstruction Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov, 2005. – Kharkiv. – No 45. – P. 21–26.
2V. Panasenko,
V. Zhukovin,
A. Zozulya
Research of Waste Lime Slaking Hydration Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005. – Вyp. 14. – P. 173–177.
3V. Panasenko,
A. Zozulya
Kinetic Characteristics and Mechanism of Lime Hydration with Distiller LyeEkologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 13-y mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehn. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2005. – P. 725–732.
4V. PanasenkoImproved Carbonation Process for Soda Ash ManufactureТezi dopovіdey 13-yi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. «Іnformatsіynі tehnologіyi. Nauka, tehnіka, tehnologіya, osvіta, zdorov’ya. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2005. – 43 p.
5V. Gut,
V. Burin,
V. Frumin
Calcination of Technical Sodium Hydrocarbonate in Pulsating Fluid Bed UnitVestnik natsionalnogo tehnicheskogo un-ta «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005.
6V. Frumin,
V. Burin,
Y. Pasichnichenko
Hydraulic Resistance of Cross Flow Plates with Large Size PerforationVestnik natsionalnogo tehnicheskogo un-ta «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005.
7V. Gut,
V. Frumin
Heat Transmission under Free Convection in Air Cooling SystemsVestnik natsionalnogo tehnicheskogo un-ta «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005.
8O. Prantsus,
A. Shoushlyakov
Dusted Gas Filtration in Working Chamber of Whirl Turbulent WasherEkologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 13-y mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehn. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2005. – P. 392–399.
9A. Shushlyakov,
O. Prantsus
Highly Effective Whirl Turbulent Washer for Purification of Ventilation and Process Wastes GasesEkologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 13-y mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehn. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2005. – P. 409–414.
10V. Panasenko,
E. Mikhailova,
A. Loboiko .
Influence of Basic Precipitation Parameters on Quality of Chemically Precipitated Calcium CarbonateVoprosy himii i himicheskoy tehnologii. –
: UDHТU. – 2005. – No 4. – P. 45–48.
11A. Ivkov,
M. Tyukhtina
Some Problems of Reference Materials Creation and Application at the Post-Soviet Area«Standartnye obraztsy v izmereniyah i tehnologiyah»: Тezisy. Вseros. konf. 15–19 maya 2006 g s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem – Еkaterinburg, 2006. – P. 11–12.
12V. Andreev
L. Vaserman
Methods of Operative Evaluation of Mineral Salts Deposits in Western SivashVіsnyk natsіonalnogo tehnіchnogo un-tu іm. V.N. Karazіna. Geologіya, geografіya, ekologіya. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 736. – P. 60–63.
13V. Molchanov,
A. Loboiko,
V. Panasenko
Chemically Precipitated Calcium Carbonate from Lye Wastes of Soda Ash Manufacture. Process and Kinetic AspectsHіmіchna promislovіst Ukrayini. – 2006. – No 1. – P. 3–7.
14I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova
Research of Discharge Formation Processes of Mineral Salts Deposits in Northern Section of LakeKrasnoeЕkologіchnі problemi vodnogo ta povіtryanogo baseynіv. Utilіzatsіya vіdhodіv: Zb. nauk. prats 14-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. / Pіd. red. R.В. Razmetaeva. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2006. – P.109–112.
15I. ValeevField and Laboratory Research of Water and Physical Properties and Granulometric CompositionЕkologіchnі problemi vodnogo ta povіtryanogo baseynіv. Utilіzatsіya vіdhodіv: Зb. nauk. prats 14-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. / Pіd. red. R.В. Razmetaeva. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2006. – P. 118–121.
16V. Frumin,
S. Boukhalo,
Y. Orekhov
Heat and Mass Exchange at Steam and Gas Mixture Formation Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 13. – P. 36–40
17V. Gut,
V. Frumin,
S. Bukhakalo
Heat Transmission at Free Convection in Air Cooling SystemsVestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 11. – P. 129–134.
18V. Frumin,
S. Boukhalo,
V. Tomenko
Carbonation of Ammoniated Brine in Soda Ash ProductionVestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 25. – P. 115–119
19V. Panasenko,
V. Zhukovin
Thermodynamic Analysis of Diethylamine Chloride Interaction with Calcium Oxide and CarbonateSb. nauch. trudov 14-oy Мezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Ekologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: – Kharkiv: UkrGNTTZ «Energostal», 2006. – P. 411–413.
20V. Panasenko,
V. Zhukovin
Thermodynamic Analysis of Diethylamine Chloride Interaction with Calcium Oxide and CarbonateVіsnyk NTU «NPI»: Зb. nauk. prats. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2006. – No 13. – P. 139–141.
21V. Panasenko,
G. Grin
E. Semenov
E. Ocheredko
Prospective of Calium Carbonate Production in UkraineVіsnyk NTU «NPI»: Зb. nauk. prats. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2006. – No 11. – P. 8–12.
22V. Panasenko,
E. Mikhailova,
A. Loboiko\
Process of Obtaining Chemically Precipitated Calcium from Soda Ash Manufacture WastesMateriali III Ukr. nauch. – tekh. konf. po tekhnologii neorg. vetsestv. –
Voprosi himii i himicheskoi tekhnologii. – Dnepropetrovsk: UDHTU, 2006. – №5.
23V. Panasenko,
E. Mikhailova,
V. Mikhailov,
V. Krivomlin,
P. Kozub
Intensification of Carbonation in Soda Ash ManufactureVіsnyk NTU «NPI»: Зb. nauk. prats. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2006. – No 28.
24A. Zozulia,
V. Panasenko,
Y. Kuzenko
Development of Method for Calculation of Distiller Lye Concentration at Ammonia Regeneration by Lime Suspension Prepared on Distiller LyeVostochno-evropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy – Kharkiv: Тehnologicheskiy tsentr. – 2007. – No 2/3 (26). – P. 44–46.
25I. Valeev,
V. Samoilenko,
E. Pavlova,
A. Chebanov
Mining Process Conditions of Sivash DepositEkologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 245–259.
26I. Valeev,
V. Samoilenko,
E. Pavlova,
A. Chebanov,
V. Vilensky
On Mirabilite Processing to Weak Lye with Hydromineral Solutions of Northern Section of LakeKrasnoeEkologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 260–264.
27I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Chebanov
Processing Conditions of Chloride Mother Liquors with Waters of Northern Section of Lake KrasnoeEkologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 265–267.
28I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Chebanov
Gypsum Assimilation in Technologies of Mirabilite and Cold Mother Liquors Processing Ekologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 268–273.
29I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Chebanov,
E. Chernopyatko
Problems of Earth Surface Movement in Brine Mining at Novyi Karfagen DepositEkologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 274–277.
30I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Chebanov,
S. Zuev
Complex Evaluation of Geologic Environment Condition in Lake Krasnoe District Aimed at Classifying Northern Section of the Lake as Mineral DepositsМaterіali 5-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. Іnzhenerniy zahist teritorіy і ob’ektіv u zv’yazku z rozvitkom nebezpechnih tehnologіchnih protsesіv (8–12 zhovtnya 2007, AR Krym). – 2007. – P. 38–40.
31I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
A. Chebanov,
A. Sedenkov,
O. Chernopyatko
Problems of Earth Surface Movement in Brine Mining at Novyi Karfagen DepositМaterіali 5-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. Іnzhenerniy zahist teritorіy і ob’ektіv u zv’yazku z rozvitkom nebezpechnih tehnologіchnih protsesіv (8–12 zhovtnya 2007, AR Krym). – 2007. – P. 40–42.
32L. Tovozhnyanskiy,
A. Loboiko,
G. Grin,
I. Slabun,
V. Molchanov,
I. Slabun,
M. Vorozhbiyan,
Z. Tsaryova,
V. Kazakov
Fixed Nitrogen Technology. Ed. by Ph.D. in Technics Prof. O.Ya. Loboiko. TextbookVіsnyk natsіonalnogo tehnіchnogo un-tu «NPI». – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2007. – 535 p.
33V. PanasenkoComplexity of Raw Materials and Soda Ash Production Wastes ProcessingІnformatsіynі tehnologіyi: Nauka, tehnіka, tehnologіya, osvіta, zdorov’ya: Аnotatsіyi dopovіdey 14-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktich. konf. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2007
34V. Zhukovin,
A. Zozulia,
V. Panasenko
Mechanism of Thermochemical Interaction in CaO-(C2H5)NH4Cl и CaCl2-(C2H5)2NH2Cl SystemsVіsnyk natsіonalnogo tehnіchnogo un-tu «NPI». – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2007. – No 8. – P. 126–131.
35A. Smirnov,
E. Krasnov,
S. Agalarova,
V. Levitsky
Research of Fire Proof Capacity and Development of Fire Proof CompositionIstoricheskie i sovremennye aspekty resheniya problem goreniya, tusheniya i obespecheniya bezopasnosti lyudey pri pozharah. Мaterialy 20-oy nauch.-praktich. konf. CH. 1: Сbornik. – М.: FGU ВНИИПО МCHС Рossii. – 2007. – P. 207–210.
36T. Krasnova,
A. Smirnov,
S. Agalarova,
V. Levitskiy
Definition of Fire Extinguishing Powders Moisture ContentIstoricheskie i sovremennye aspekty resheniya problem goreniya, tusheniya i obespecheniya bezopasnosti lyudey pri pozharah. Materialy 20-oy nauch.-praktich. konf. SN. 2: Sbornik. – М.: FGU VNIIPO MSNS Rossii. – 2007. – P. 179–182.
37Y. KuzenkoCreation of Waste-free Soda Ash Manufacture Process Dopovіd na 4-oy Ukr. Нaukovo-doslіdnіy konferentsіyi z tehnologіyi neorganіchnih rechovin 14–16 zhovtnya 2008 r. (m. Dnіprodzerzhinsk).
38NIOCHIMLabor Safety Rules at Soda Ash Manufacture. Reference BookDerzhavniy naukovo-doslіdniy ta proektniy іn-t osnovnoyi hіmіyi: Derzhavniy naukovo-doslіdniy іn-t tehnіki bezpeki hіmіchnih virobnitstv (NDITBNV). – Kharkiv: fort, 2008. – 37 p.
39V. PanasenkoInfluence of Technological Parameters on Formation Processes and NaHCO3 Output in Soda Ash TechnologyІnformatsіynі tehnologіyi. Nauka, tehnіka, tehnologіya, osvіta, zdorov’ya. Аnot. dopovnennya 16-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktich. konf. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2008. – 88 p. (1 stor.).
40Y. KuzenkoNIOCHIM: Russia is a Prospective Market of Intellectual ProductsZH. Himagregaty (Мoskva). – 2008. – No 4 (dek.). – P. 6–9.
41Y. Kuzenko,
V. Molchanov,
E. Mikhailova,
V. Мikhailov
Cyclic Process of Obtaining Sodium Bicarbonate and Ammonium Chloride. Theoretic Basis for DevelopmentHіmіchna promislovіst Ukrayini. – 2009. – No 3.
42Y. Kuzenko Experimental Confirmation of Potential Compositions of Salmiac and Bicarbonate Mother Liquors under Cyclic Soda Ash Industrial Conditions Vostochno-Еvropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy. – 2008. – No 6/4 (36). – P. 27.
43E. Veliev,
T. Akhmedov,
M. Ivakhnichenko
Boundary Conditions with Fractional Derivatives in Diffraction Theory TasksDoklady NAN Аzerbaydzhana. – 2009. – Sild 65, No 2. – Р. 61–68.
44E. Veliev,
T. Akhmedov,
M. Ivakhnichenko
Description of Boundaries in Diffraction Tasks with the Help of Fractional OperatorsRadiofizika i elektronika. – 2009. – Т. 14. – P. 133–141.
45V. PanasenkoUtilization of Soda Ash Production Liquid Wastes with Obtaining Marketable Products: Material for Ukrainian Ecology Congress, December 10-11, 2009Strukturna perebudova ta ekologіzatsіya ekonomіki v kontekstі perehodu Ukrayini do zbalansovanogo rozvitku. – 2009 r., Kiyiv, 2009. – P. 241–244.
46L. Tovozhnyanskiy,
A. Loboiko,
E. Mikhailova,
V. Panasenko
On Possibility of Obtaining High Quality Chemically Precipitated Calcium Carbonate in UkraineНoveyshie dostizheniya v oblasti importozamescheniya v himicheskoy promyshlennosti i proizvodstve stroitelnyh materialov i perspektivy ih razvitiya: Мat-ly Мezhdunar. nauchno-tehnich. konf.; v 2-h chastyah. – Мinsk, 25–27 noyabrya 2009 g.: Мinsk: BGТU, 2009. – CH. 1. – P. 353–355. – Bibl. 4 nazv.
47I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
L. Bondarenko,
A. Chebanov,
P. Stankevich
Compatibility of Salt Composition of Soda Ash Production Waste Waters with Waters of Lake Kudaikol when Using it as Collector and EvaporatorEkologicheskaya i tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 17-oy mezhdunar. nauchno-tehnich. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2009. – P. 273.
48I. Valeev,
E. Pavlova,
L. Bondarenko,
A. Chebanov,
O. Chernopyatko
Optimization of Balance Deposits Remains at Novyi Karfagen Rock Salt DepositEkologicheskaya i tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 17-oy mezhdunar. nauchno.-tehnich. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2009. – P. 283.
49Z. MalakeyExperimental Research of Development of Resource Saving Technology of Brine Purification from Natural Hydromineral Raw MaterialsVostochno-Еvropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy. – Kharkiv, 2009. – No 5/5 (41). – P. 25–28