A list of NIOCHIM patents with in 2000-2013
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Volume 78,2016
№ | Invertor(s) | Article description |
1 | I. Dovgaliuk; Y. Kuzenko; V. Panasenko | Scientific and Technical Experience of SI “NIOCHIM”Successful scientific and technical activities of SI NIOCHIM in the field of soda ash, sodium bicarbonate (food soda) and other basic chemistry plants eng i-neering. Main implemented developments and designs constructed and commis-sioned plants. |
2 | I. Dovgaliuk; Z. Маlакey | On the creation of the industrial park "Slavyansk" Necessity and efficacy of industrial parks creation, particularly in Slavyansk, for soda ash and other byproducts at Slavyansk, Donetsk Region, at in-dustrial site of former soda ash plant. Data on soda ash manufacture and consump-tion in 2005-2015, capacity reasoning and composition of the industrial park, as well as characteristics of its basic plants. |
3 | Z. Маlакey; L. Vaserman | Certain Peculiarities and Today’s Tendencies in Soda Ash ProcessAnnual data on soda ash gross output and consumption per capita in 1990-2012 in the whole world, China and USA; first ten countries with Na 2CO3 production capacities and consumption are listed for 2012; it is concluded that soda ash manufacture is stable in the world (without China and USA). |
4 | L. Vaserman; N. Vorobieva | Soda Industry in FranceHistory of soda industry in France from 1791 when soda ash was obtained according to Leblanc process. Data on soda manufacture in certain years within 1874-1995 and products range, soda manufacture output at Novocarb and Solvay Carbonate France Companies later and today. |
5 | L. Vaserman; О. Getmanenko | Dynamics of production and consumption of soda ash in the United StatesFrom 1990 to 2015 despite periods of drops soda ash industry in USA grew up from 9,2 mln. t to 11,6 mln. t, but its annual demand in USA significantly decreased from 6,5 mln. t to 5,2 mln. t. The industry grew up due to soda export growth which exceeded its inner demand in 2010 for the first time. The greatest drop was noticed in glass industry (container, plate, fiber), as well as in chemical and detergents industry. In the nearest future (5-10 years) only slight decrease of soda demand in USA is possible, as well as export growth. |
6 | V. Frumin; V. Gut; V. Burin; T. Oleychenko; M. Rayda; A. Rezanov | Dry Purification Methods of Calcination Gas From Soda DustDry purification methods of calcination gas from soda dust. Double cy-clones and centrifugal rotor equipment are proved to be the most effective dust re-movers for gas emitted from calciner drum and mixer. |
7 | A. Zaikin; V. Gridasov; A. Baranovskiy; T. Stasiuk | To problem of distiller lye application for Lime hydration at soda ash plant Accumulation of solid cake in distiller lye is numerically estimated at its varying content in lye fed to lime slaking. Distilled lye should be cleaned from solid cake by filtration before being fed to lime slaking process. |
8 | A.Zaikin; V. Gridasov, A. Baranovskiy, T. Stasiuk; S. Zuev | Bent SIeve for Lime Milk Purification from Slaking Fine Wastes at Soda Ash PlantsDescription of principal flow diagram for arc sieve for lime milk purifica-tion from fine slaking wastes. The best radius and bend of the sieve that ensures large particles of small green coke fall from the sieve surface. Average data on sieve analysis of lime milk solid phase and fine slaking wastes obtained during compara-tive tests of vibration sieve and arc sieve used for lime milk purification from fine slaking wastes. Possibility to obtain lime milk with required purification degree on sieves with 2.2 mm and smaller slits. |
9 | V. Rayko; M. Tseytlin, V. Panasenko | Energy Consumption Efficacy and Application Potential of Calcination Stage Secondary Heat in Soda ProcessResults of analysis of the consumption and use of heat as well as formation of secondary energy resources of calcination stage of soda ash plant are presented. They are illustrated with heat flow diagram. It is found that thermal efficiency of steam calcination does not exceed 50 %. Causes of process steam loss and variants of secondary heat utilization are studied. |
10 | M. Rahmanian; A. Lukyanchikov | Research of Incrustation Degree in Carbonation Column during Operation Run In the present work technological advisability of duration increase of ca r-bonation column working operation time is shown. Indirect parameter that charac-terizes duration of carbonation column operation in operating regime is selected. Switching carbonation column from the operating regime to precarbonation regime is necessary when heat-transfer efficiency values of carbonation column cooling a r-ea will be within 81 – 93 W/m2·°C. |
11 | A. Lukyanchikov; Е. Mikhailova | Recommendations on Sustaining Sulfate Mode in Distillation Unit Devices and Pipes at Soda PlantsIn the present work conditions are shown where dihydrate, hemihydrates forms of gypsum are obtained in the prelimer and the pass of those in the distillation process to another forms. For the distiller the hemihydrate regime of calcium sulfate is preferred and for the pipeline the dihydrate regime of calcium sulfate is preferred. |
12 | L. Vaserman; N. Vorobieva | Efficacy Comparison of Calculation Methods for Density of Sodium and Potasium Chloride, Sodium and Magnesium Sulafte Solutions Calculation of density of sodium and potassium chloride and sodium and magnesium sulfate water solutions within wide concentrations and temperatures range using four methods showed that neither of them has obvious advantages over others regarding correspondence to experimental data, and can not be considered universal. Prior to the use of any of these methods its efficacy should be compared to available or specially obtained experimental data for the studied system, conce n-trations or temperatures range in order to avoid harsh mistakes |
13 | V. Panasenko; A. Kobzev | Crystallization Surface in Quaternary Mutual System Na+, NH4+// НСО3–, C1– – Н2ОCoordinates system has been proposed and coordinates limits have been established where they have physical sense, fit for construction of salts crystalliz a-tion surface in quaternary mutual system Na+, NH4+ // НСО–3, Cl– – Н2О and vari-ous quaternary mutual water and salt euthonic type systems not complicated by pro-cesses of solid solutions, double compounds, crystallohydrates formation |
14 | L. Vaserman; N. Vorobieva; I. Tulupov | Comparative Evaluation of Density Values Calculated by Various Methods for Mixed Sodium Carbonate and Hydrocarbonate Water Solutions Density values of sodium carbonate and hydrocarbonate mixed water solu-tions calculated by three different methods, their comparison to reference e xperi-mental data. Recommended density values for the said solutions within wide concen-trations range at temperatures 25°С, 50 °С and 75°С calculated by additivity method. |
15 | L. Vaserman; I. Tulupov | Evaluation of compression coefficient of separate water solutions of calci-um chloride, calcium iodide, calcium nitrate and magnesium chloride dissolute at 0 °С – 100 °СIsothermes of compression coefficients of solutions with mass content 36% dissolved by water at 0o C-100o C have maximum with concentration coordinate at-99 tracted to the middle of the range (18%), but does not always coincide with it. Hig h-est maximums values for separate solutions CaCl2, MgCl2, CaJ 2 and Ca(NO3)2 are evaluated at 1,17%, 1,20%, 1,53% and 1,09% correspondingly. Isoconcentrates of compression coefficients slightly depend on temperature besides low concentrations when their values are the highest at 0o C. Values of these coefficients depend on the type of dissolved substance and type of dissolved solution. |
16 | V. Levitskiy; V. Uteshev; T. Krasnova; S. Smirnov | Research of Phosphate Free Synthetic DetergentsThe results of experimental studies of the complexing ability of the compo-nents of synthetic detergents. The necessity of selecting a combination of substances with properties of cation binding stiffness Formulation without phosphate synthetic detergents. |
17 | V. Levitskiy; S. Smirnov; E. Krasnov | Regulation of Bulk Density Index of Phosphate-ammonia Firefighting Powders for Fighting ABC Class FiresThe influence of the ratio of mass fractions of fractions of components with different particle sizes to measure bulk density of fire extinguishing powders. Found that by mixing the components of a specially selected size distribution can improve the degree of packing of fire-extinguishing powder and therefore its bulk density. |
18 | V. Uteshev; V. Levitskiy | Obtaining High Modular Liquid Glass from Crystal silica Gel and Sodium Hydroxide Solution by Autoclave ProcessInfluence of sodium hydroxide solution concentration, temperature, pre s-sure in autoclave, crystal silica gel (marshalite) splicing time, as well as its particles size on possibility to obtain high modular liquid glass (sodium silicate) have been researched on laboratory equipment. Process for obtaining sodium silicate with module higher than 3.0 has been developed. |
19 | M. Berezin; V. Alekseev | Today’s Problems of PA “Karabogazsulfate”Analysis of brine mining system in mineral salts process at PA Karabo-gazsulfate. Flooding and break of the settled brine mining system makes us search new solutions for its restoration. Ways to restore brine draw at its previous place with pumping off buried brines from surface bittern and alternative use of gulf sur-face brines. |
20 | V. Alekseev A. Alekseev | Obtaining Magnesium Hydroxide for Use in Low-combustible Polymer Materials CompositionsSurvey and analysis of various information sources that show tendency to replace traditional antipyrene additives in polymer materials and cable plasticates by more effective materials such as superfine mineral brusite (natural magnesium hydroxide) and synthesized Mg(OH)2. Processes for obtaining nano-dispersive mag-131 nesium hydroxide based on natural raw materials of Ukraine developed by SI NIOCHIM can be very useful in this field |
21 | V. Alekseev; A. Lukyanchikov; A. Alekseev | Comparative Analysis of Physical and Chemical Properties of Sodium Sulfate and Carbonate Solution and Decahydrates with Evaluation of Similarities and Differences of their Procesing into Saleable GoodsClose solubility similarities of Na2SO4 and Na2CO3 within 0oС-200oC tem-peratures range, as well as their decahydrates properties study (Na2SO4·10Н2О иNa2CO3·10Н2О). Comparative analysis of these properties allows to consider ra-tional processing of natural raw materials and wastes that contain Na2CO3 similar to sodium sulfate obtaining processes that have already been implemented. Deve l-opment of isohydric Na2CO3 obtaining processes based on their reverse solubility also has practical value. |
22 | A. Bobukh; M. Podustov; A. Pereverseva; A. Baranovskiy | Optimization algorithm of soda ash production reverse water supply and water consumption object functioningAuxiliary object of water supply and water consumption of soda ash production on an ammoniac way and the developed optimization algorithm of this object functioning for increase of functioning efficiency and decrease in power expenses by the main objects of soda ash production are considered in the article. |
23 | G. Aseev | General Continuity Equation for Electrolytes Solutions in Agitated StateGeneral continuity equation for electrolytes solutions in agitated state is obtained. It can be applied for studying such phenomena as electric conductivity, diffusion and viscosity |
24 | O. Shestopalov; T. Novozhilova; D. Nechiporenko; V. Panasenko; І. Rishchenkо | Modeling geomechanic processes near wastes deposits In human-made underground cavitiesThe article deals with modeling of the surface stability in the area of waste salt chamber with burial in their solid waste soda production. Article has applied nature, the subject is related to the solution of one of the main environmental pro b-lems - the accumulation of industrial solid waste. |
25 | V. Alekseev; V. Semeniy, A. Alekseev | Today Condition and Prospective of Certain Plastic Mass Fillers Manu-facture in Ukraine Analysis of developments in manufacture of plastic mass fillers based on calcium carbonate. Necessity to implement industrial processes for obtaining such fillers based on solid and liquid wastes of soda ash, refined hydrocarbonate and solar salt process waste is substantiated. |
26 | G. Grin; V. Panasenko; L. Bondarenko; D. Deyneka; T. Fedorchenko | Amine Regeneration Kinetics in Potas SIum Carbonate Obtaining ProcessKinetic dependencies of (C2H5)2NH stripping process from CaCl2 solutions. (C2H5)2NH contents in solution from stripping time can be calculated without taking into account pressure according to first-order kinetics equation. Mathematic model of (C2H5)2NH stripping is developed that allows to consider evaporated water weight for the given time interval with (C2H5)2NH contents in the solution and pressure. |
27 | G.Grin; D. Deyneka; S. Adamenko; L. Bondarenko | Research of Obtaining Vanadium (V) Oxide from Wastes of Pigmentary Titanium Oxide Process Analysis of pigmental TiO2 wastes process – black slurry. Possibility of its use for obtaining secondary products its shown. Two – components system V2O5– CaSO4 is considered and optimal technological parameters for fractionation co m-pounds isascertained. |
28 | N. Masalitina; A. Savenkov | Mesoporous Catalytic Systems for Ammonia Oxidation Reaction to N2ONanostructured catalytic systems that contain nanoparticles of Ce, Cu, Mn and Bi oxides were synthesized by sol-gel method. Complex study of physicochemi-cal properties of multicomponent nanostructured catalytic systems with high specific surface and high dispersion of catalytic active component were carried out. Catalytic characteristics of received systems were investigated in reaction of low-temperature ammonia oxidation |
29 | G. Privalova; A. Butenko; A. Loboyko; V. Panasenko | Status and Development Prospective of Nonplatinum Ammonia Oxidation Catalysers to Nitrogen Oxide (II) in Nitrogen Acid Process In paper presents information on the two-stage catalytic systems and non-platinum catalysts. The compositions and features the preparation of various con-tacts are cited and the prospects for their industrial using are reveiwed. The urgency and the need to find and develop new formulations of catalytic mass are emphasized. |
30 | A. Dzevochko; M. Podustov A. Zaikin | Analysis of the processes of mass transfer in tubular film sulfation reactorThe article is devoted to analysis of the interaction of two-phase flows in the process of sulfation of organic materials with gaseous sulfur trioxide into a film reactor tube. A thorough analysis of the equations which describe this process was held, a significant difficulty in conducting experimental research was shown. On the basis of a detailed analysis, the recommended equation for determining the mass transfer coefficient that will be used in the mathematical model. |
Jubilee Issue of NIOCHIM’s Publications, Volume 77, 2013
№ | Invertor(s) | Article description |
1 | I. Dovgaliuk | NIOCHIM – 90 years |
2 | T. Melnik Z. Malakei | Contribution of Professor F.K. Mykhailov in development of chemical engineering in UkraineThe article is devoted to the creative, scientific and life a Ukrainian scientist, organizer of the soda industry, which led for twenty years developing oldest research and design institute in Ukraine – NIOCHIM. |
3 | I. Dovgaliuk E. Mikhailova A. Lukyanchikov | Ways to reduce resource consumption at Semnan Soda Ash Co plant, IranThe work is devoted to Semnan Soda Ash Co (SSACO) plant at Semnan, Iran, commissioned in 2005. Soda ash quality requirements at SSACO plant are much inferior than those at advanced soda ash manufacturers. Some proposals were developed to stabilize operation of particular SSACO plant sections using advanced technologies. |
4 | I. Valeev, A. Chebanov E. Pavlova A. Lukyanchikov A. Popova | Preliminary evaluation of reserves of raw brine in the north section of Lake Krasne and its usageFrom the moment of Crimean Soda Plant start-up (since 1974 till now) Northern reservoir of Krasnoe Lake is the place of wastes treatment with considerable resource of hydromineral raw materials of chloride sodium calcium type (calcium chloride and sodium chloride solutions). These solutions are the wastes of handling initial mineral raw materials by Crimean Soda Plant: Sivash bittern and limestone from Balaklava deposits group. According to the Code of Ukraine “On Subsurface Resources” (Article 5) places with accumulations of mineral wastes extractions, enrichment and handling can be regarded as mineral deposits of artificial origin, their resources can be evaluated and have industrial value. Mineral salts (CaCl2 and NaCl) deposited in the Northern reservoir of Krasnoe Lake can be treated and used as finished product in Ukrainian economy. |
5 | Y. Kuzenko, V. Korobanov, V. Pikus, T. Khanina, V. Sergeev | Sodium chloride brine purification sludge recycling plantParameters and materials substantiating developed unit of sodium chloride brine purification in exhausted wells of brine field. The unit is intended for waste-free technology of salt boiling out at Slavyansk salt plant. |
6 | Z. Malakei | Optimal degree of raw brine sulfate saturation from sea brinesFormulation and solution of the task to optimize degree of sulfate content in marine hydromineral raw brine in soda ash production. Express equation for calculation of optimum metamorphization coefficient under industrial conditions depending on the concentration of magnesium ion in raw brine. |
7 | V. Panasenko | Definition of ratio between ions and salt components in mutual pentasystem Na+, NH4+ // HCO3–, СО32–, C1– – H2O for ABC class fire extinctionRelation between the ions and salt components in mutual quinary system Na+, NH4+ / /HCO3–, СО32–, Cl– – H2O.has been established. Possibility to restore the salt composition of liquid phase and its belonging to a particular part of the system, and possibility to use received data to determine composition of solutions with maximum yield of natrium bicarbonate and ammonia content of the linked ammonia has been shown |
8 | L. Vaserman N.M. Vorobiova I.S. Tulupov | Effect of sodium bicarbonate repulping washing on its qualityA single repulping washing of sodium bicarbonate permits a substantial reduction of impurities content. Further washings do not lead to additional quality improvemen |
9 | A. Lukyanchikov A. Loboyko E. Mikhailova | Determination of opportunity of non-crusting distillation process under ele-vated temperatures In the present work a possibility was studied to operate prelimer at increased temperatures when anhydrous form of gypsum is formed – anhydrite CaSO4. Under such process option crusting may be prevented in distiller, distiller line pipeline to waste pond, calcium chloride evaporators. |
10 | L. Vaserman L. Zinkovska O. Hetmanenko A. Remishevska | Effect of chrome and cobalt impurity content on soda ash reflectivityWith growing content of chromium and cobalt impurities in soda ash its light reflecting capacity constantly deteriorates, cobalt impurity being substan-tially more active than that of chromium and less depending on light filter color (blue or green) |
11 | V. Gut T. Oleychenko V. Burin V. Popov V. Frumin | Forced deposition of fine-dispersed sludgeAn experimental study of the deposition of limestone slurry fraction less than 0.1 mm from its aqueous suspension. The kinetic energy of the flow of slurry using water hammer phenomenon allows to increase 1-2 times the rate of deposition of particulate matter compared to their natural precipitation, which leads to the possibility of developing high-performance clarifiers |
12 | L. Vaserman | Market requirements to sodium hydrosulfide qualityNorms are given in terms of the quality of the many manufacturers of commercial sodium hydrosulfide (aqueous and solid), and made their author generalizes the evaluation, which can serve as a market benchmark for the organization of new and improvement of existing production facilities of its |
13 | V. Korobanov N. Vorobiova I. Tulupov | Processing of liquid calcium chloride from hydrochloric acid and limestone for small-scale plantsThe process of the production of liquid calcium chloride in a batch mode with the development of a rational scheme for the installation of the Constantine chemical plant (Donetsk region). |
14 | E. Mikhailova N. Markova I. Bagrova Y. Gavrish V. Panasenko | A method of utilization of soda ash plant effluentThe environmental problem of soda ash production is considered. A method of distiller lye utilization is proposed to obtain a salable product – chemically precipitated calcium carbonate that is widely used in industry, agriculture, etc. Results of laboratory research of calcium carbonate precipitation process and obtained samples of product are shown. |
15 | A. Zaikin Y. Kuzenko T. Stasyuk | Reconstruction of gas recycle supply to furnace of sodium monohydrate drum drier aimed to prolong drier drum run timeTest results are shown for soda ash monohydrate drier furnace with exist-ing and updated feed of a part of recycle gas to furnace mixing chamber. Introduction of a part of recycle gas via nozzles in lateral walls of furnace mixing chamber permitted to reduce flue gas temperature at maximum value area of mixing chamber as well as to reduce drying drum wall temperature at this area. Drum wall temperature reduction by 25 °С enabled to increase acceptable stress values in drum shell wall and thus to prolong its continuous run between maintenances. |
16 | V. Gridasov Y. Kuzenko A. Zaikin A. Bara-novsky T. Stasyuk | Vortex scrubber of steam-air mixture at lime slaker exit and results of its testsTest results are shown for pilot turbulent vortex washer for lime dust re-moval of steam-air mixture exiting lime slaker. The unit proved its high efficiency. 99,95 - 99,99 % of lime dust was re-moved. Within 15 days of unit operation its inner surface was not crusted. |
17 | T. Oleychenko R. Robles Kudrin | Circulating water cooling system in chemical industryThe features of circulating water systems. The advantages and disadvan-tages of the different cooling systems. The main areas for further improvement of water circulation systems by increasing the intensity of evaporative cooling and reducing the unit cost of recycled water |
18 | V. Rayko M. Tseytlin V. Panasenko | Hydrodynamic characteristics of contact elements having large free section.Hydraulic resistance and hydrodynamic regime of a liquid and gas streams on the contact elements which are a pair from conical element and funnel was investigated. Comparison of the received results with the data for fall-through plates with large openings was executed. The equations for hydraulic resistance calculation irrigated contact elements are received. |
19 | V. Alekseev E. Sivakova V. Levitsky A. Alekseev | Crusting of heat-exchange surfaces and product fouling under evaporation of sulfate-chloride solutions at sodium sulfate plantScale analysis results are discussed for heating chambers of first effect of pressurized evaporators. With due consideration of available data on eventual formation of complex compounds under elevated temperatures due to calcium and magnesium impurities in system Na+, Mg2+||Cl-, SO42-, H2O we postulated that on a par with sodium sulfate crust, vanthoffite,glauberite and gypsum may form on heat exchange surfaces as well. To increase sodium sulfate yield from solution by addi-tional evaporation of discharged fugate, while preventing gypsum scaling, we advise to remove calcium and magnesium from this fugate or to precipitate sulfate in the form of mirabilite by freezing crystallization. |
20 | V. Alekseev E. Sivakova A. Alekseev | Calculation-experimental method of mirabilite crystallization study in system Na+, Mg2+ || Cl-, SO42-, H2O using liquid phase density valueScale analysis results are discussed for heating chambers of first effect of pressurized evaporators. With due consideration of available data on eventual formation of complex compounds under elevated temperatures due to calcium and magnesium impurities in system Na+, Mg2+||Cl-, SO42-, H2O we postulated that on a par with sodium sulfate crust, vanthoffite,glauberite and gypsum may form on heat exchange surfaces as well. To increase sodium sulfate yield from solution by additional evaporation of discharged fugate, while preventing gypsum scaling, we advise to remove calcium and magnesium from this fugate or to precipitate sulfate in the form of mirabilite by freezing crystallization |
21 | V. Alekseev A. Alekseev T. Stasyuk | Production of epsomite as an important element of comprehensive treatment of chloride-sulfate natural brinesIn treatment of solutions containing sodium and magnesium sulfates and chlorides it is expedient to extract magnesium sulfate in the form of epsomite which is a multi-purpose product. Thus commercial products range is expanded, yield of useful components increased and existing environmental problems solved. |
22 | V. Alekseev E. Sivakova A. Alekseev | A study in loss structure and ways of its reduction in production of sodium sul-fate under industrial mirabilite processingMethods and results are presented for loss calculation using material bal-ance of Na2SO4 in connection with NaCl impurity, considering actual mirabilite losses per 1 ton ready product. Statistical data analyzed on sodium sulfate losses at particular stages. Bulk losses take place with discharged fugate. Various techniques discussed to reduce sodium sulfate losses by its extraction from chlorinated discharged fugate. |
23 | R. Robles Kudrin T. Oleychenko | Determination of energy-saving potential of four-effect sulfuric acid evaporatorFour-effect evaporation plant of sulfuric acid еxamined and determined its energy-saving potential of using the method of pinch analysis |
24 | V. Levitsky V. Uteshev T. Krasnova S. Smirnov | Water glass usage in industrial detergentsThe causes of the formation of agglomerates in the preparation of the technical detergent by mixing. The necessity of controlling the mass fraction of moisture in all components of a mixture of CMC applied to the confusion. Tem-perature of the mixture does not exceed 35 ºC, cooling is achieved by adjusting the tap and the feed rate of the liquid components. |
25 | V. Levitsky A. Smirnov E. Krasnov | Quality improvement ways of ammonia-phosphate fire extinguisher powdersThe analysis of possible ways to improve the quality of ammonium phos-phate extinguishing powder to extinguish the fires of class ABC. It is shown that to improve the quality of fire extinguishing powder is necessary to work on the optimization of complex chemical composition and particle size. It is advisable to stage the introduction of hydrophobic components of fire extinguishing powder and the use of anti-caking additive based on fumed silica |
26 | A. Remishevska E. Sviridova | Study and computer processing of systematized data on chemical composition of effluent fed to municipal treatment facilities of Kharkiv CityThe results of research data characterizing the chemical composition of wastewater companies and organizations in the city of Kharkiv. By collecting, ana-lyzing and generalization of data obtained as a result of determining the quality of the wastewater discharged into the sewer system. The results of computer processing of systematic data on the composition of pollutants that are discharged by enterprises of various industries. |
27 | E. Sviridova A. Remishevska | Study in error characteristics of anionic surfactant content measurement procedure in plant effluentThe results of the study error characteristics of mass concentration of anionic surfactants in wastewater enterprises for the entire range of the method of the measured component. Characteristics of the random and systematic methodological errors were determined experimentally. The values obtained estimates of error characteristics studied were less standardized methods GOST 27384 values in the entire measurement range. Designed NIOCHIM technique has been proposed to determine the mass concentration of anionic surfactants in sewage plants. |
28 | A. Remishevska E. Sviridova | Determination of fats content by IR-spectrophotometry in plant effluentA method for determining the fat content in the waste water by infrared spectrophotometry. The results of studies of the characteristics of random and sys-tematic error in the mass concentration of fat in the wastewater. According to the results of mathematical treatment, the limit is calculated relative total error. The values obtained estimates of the characteristics of error was less than MBB № 081/12-0646-09 normalized values in the entire measurement range. The described technique can be used to obtain reliable data on the fat content in the wastewater enterprises of Kharkov. |
29 | T. Novozhilova V. Panasenko D. Nechiporenko | Development of software package for design of reverse osmosis equipment The article describes the development of a software complex for calculation of the apparatus of reverse osmosis roll type. The article has applied character, the themes connected with the decision of one of the main ecological problems of waste water pollution and energy saving. |
30 | S. Shevchuk | Use of polymers in chemical industryCertain advantages and disadvantages of polymers application as con-struction materials in chemical industry are shown. It is recommended toreplace certain metal construction materials by polymer ones in soda production. When choosing material for equipment their corrosion resistance to chemically aggressive flids and other physical and chemical properties should be taken into account. |
Volume 76, 2010
№ | Invertor(s) | Article description |
1 | V. Frumin V. Burin V.Popov R. Miroshnichenko | Methodology and basic methods of study in physical models of heat and mass exchange equipmentMethods of physical models research. Basic requirements to physical modeling for sufficient reciprocation to modeled objects. Methods of experimental data measuring and processing. Shown that mathematical models of heat and mass exchange processes are completely defined by hydrodynamics and structure of gas and lye phases flow structure. |
2 | A. Zozulia | Application of distiller lye for lime hydration in soda ash plantProcess aspects of lime slaking by distiller lye for ammonia regeneration in soda ash production. Analysis of industrial and environmental safety of this process. |
3 | V. Gut T. Oleichenko V. Frumin V. Burin V. Burshtein | Heat exchange intensification in the process of sodium bicarbonate calcinationShown that heat loss from heated surface to calcinated material grows with increase of particles frequency change of calcinated material at the heated wall. According to the research held hight frequency particles change of material can be reached when it moves on inclined tubular pane. |
4 | A. Zaikin V. Gridasov V. Annopolskiy A. Baranovskiy V. Shelkov S. Zuev | Dispersing of lime slurry used for ammonium chloride decomposition at soda ash plant distillation stageResults of tests on lime suspension dispersing by PRG-160 type pilot disperser. Lime suspension dispersing allows to substantially decrease CaOact losses with distiller suspension thrown to the pond. Lime suspension dispersing acquired by lime slaking with lye with distiller lye with 50-60% volume fraction also allows to provide for stable distiller operation without overgrowth in its upper part. |
5 | A. Kolosov | Control of soda ash plant distillation process thermal conditions under steam consumption limitationThe task of soda production distillation process control under periodic steam consumption limitation. Distillation column control under steam consumption limitation causes serious losses of material and energy resources and decrease of column productivity. System of automatic control that excludes such disadvantages has been developed. This system has been tested in industrial conditions and can be used in chemical industry and power engineering. |
6 | I. Valeev E. Pavlova L. Bondarenko A. Chebanov A. Chorpiatko | Peculiarities of rock salt extraction at final stage of balance reserves mining at Novyi Karfagen depositAt Novyi Karfagen rock salt deposit five low capacity superimposed seams are developed based on VNIIG engineering. This exploitation started in 1971 for provision of Lisichansk soda ash plant with brine of adequate quality. This deposit is unique. It is developed continuously by supplying salt dissolver through water hole to saliferous beds “from the bottom upwards” starting with the fifth lower bed. |
7 | E. Pylipko A. Zaikin V. Gridasov | A review of works treating manufacturing processes of lime slurry used for ammonium chloride decomposition at soda ash plantAnalysis of several methods of lime milk preparation using distiller lye. Advantages and disadvantages are described. Principal process diagram of lime slacking by distiller lye with further lime milk dispergating. Conclusions on the viability of this process are made. Economic potential of this process implementation at one soda ash plant with capacity 800 000 tpa of soda ash made 7 848 000 hrn. per year. |
8 | I. Valeev E. Pavlova A. Chebanov P. Stankevich A. Frolov | Problems of soda ash plant effluent compatibility with lake wetersSoda ash plant engineered in Kazakhstan will be situated between Kalkaman and Kudaikol settlements. This territory belongs to economically important zones. Rock salt (Bolshoi Kalkamantuz Lake), construction stone, quartz sand and clay (Karkasor Lake) are mined here. Network of railroads and subways connects this district with Pavlodar, Ekibastuz, Astana. Site for soda ash plant is located in 4.1 km from railroad branch and in 2.6 km from subway. The district is equispaced from the sources of raw materials (rock salt and limestone). Borders (5.3 km) with Irtysh-Karaganda Channel. Close to LEPs (1 LEP 500 kV and 2 LEPs 220 kV). Salt lake Kudaikol is situated in the closed basin (5,4 km from the plant site). |
9 | V. Burshtein T. Oleichenko V. Gut V.Burin | A study in dense soda fractioning on shelf-type cascade pneumatic classifierResults of experimental researches on dense monohydrate soda fractioning by shelf cascade classifier are given, as well as graphic dependencies of separation products granulometric composition and velocity data efficacy on air flow speed. Data on physical and mechanical separation products parameters confirm their correspondence to standard documents requirements. |
10 | M. Tseitlin V. Raiko V. Petrichev V. Panasenko | Sodium chloride solubility in ammoniated brineStudy of sodium chloride solubility in NaCl–NH3–CO2–Н2О system in concentration range typical for absorption stage of soda manufacture process. It is proved that NaCl solubility depends most of all on concentration of free ammonia (not fixed into carbonate), and ammonia has desalting effect. Temperature is the second factor of influence.Equation for calculation of sodium chloride solubility in ammonia carboniated solution. |
11 | Z. Malakey V. Molcganov | Effect of calcium and magnesium ion concentration relations in crude brine on slerry sedimentation rate in the process of brine purificationAnalysis of published data on the influence of calcium and magnesium ions concentrations in crude brine on slurry sedimentation velocity during brine purification. Results of research of hydromineral raw materials chemical composition from three deposits in the Republic of Kazakhstan are given, technical solutions that allow to use these raw materials for soda ash production are proposed |
12 | N. Vorobiova V. Berdnik | A study in applicability of lime from Keregetas deposit, Kazakhstan, for soda ash manufactureExperimental research aimed at the study of using limestone from Keregetas deposit (Republic of Kazakhstan) and receiving lime for soda ash production from it. |
13 | Z. Malakey L. Vaserman L. Zinkovska O. Hetmanenko | Extrimental studies in development of brine purification process from lake bittern of KazakhstanResults of experimental research on purification process of brine obtained from natural raw materials of Republic of Kazakhstan.On the results of these data principal process and equipment arrangement of brine purification is developed. |
14 | M. Tseitlen V. Raiko V. Kolosov M. Dassuki | Foam formation in soda ash plant distiller lye evaporation process Study of foam formation process during distiller suspension boiling in soda ash manufacture process under reduced pressure. Study of dependence of foam height and foam layer stress on evaporated water on foam velocity and distiller suspension composition. It has been found that foam height is influenced not only by vapor formation intensity but also by ammonia concentration in suspension. Equations for calculation of foam height and drop entrainment have been obtained. |
15 | V. Korobanov N. Vorobiova | Engineering and commissioning of a 33000 tpa(100% CaCl2) and 15000 tpa table salt manufacturing plant Soda Company, SterlitamakResults of research on improvement of liquid calcium chloride and rock salt manufacture process diagram with optimization of industrial unit at Sterlitamak soda ash plant (Sterlitamak, Russia). |
16 | E. Mykhailova Y. Kuzenko V. Molchanov V. Mikhailov | Ammonia absorption in bicarbonate mother liquor under reduced pressure in cyclic sheme of soda ash manufactufeProcess diagram of the unit on ammonia absorption by bicarbonate liquor under 85-115 Mmhg. Research and development of ammonia absorption process in absorber with whirler contact element on a pilot unit under reduced pressures. Ammonia absorption degree reached 89-91% on the pilot unit. Results of researches on ammonia absorption can be recommended for implementation of vacuum crystallization stage under industrial conditions in cyclic process of soda ash manufacture |
17 | K. Kukhtenkov | Problems of soda ash plant lime unit automationBasic tasks of management of a shaft kilns group management in lime unit and their solution under industrial conditions at domestic plants. Directions of possible update of lime unit management systems by creation of automatic systems that coordinate group lime kilns operation within the unit, as well as state and possibilities of this area. |
18 | V. Malcganov V. Mikhailov V. Kyselev N. Shepacheva | Metrological support of discrete parametr measurement in soda ash plantBasic directions of NIOCHIM’s work as leading metrological service organization and basic improvement tasks. As an example definition methods of rational frequency for discrete parameters measurement are examined and its numerical values for separate gas emissions in soda ash manufacture are defined. |
19 | D. Nechepurenko V. Panasenko T. Novozhilova | A study in solution boiling process within an evaporator knock-down broad-channel plate-type heating chamberIssues connected with development of the new construction of heat exchange surface of evaporation unit heating chamber and examination of its operation under various modes. Developed constructions can be used both in chemical and food industry. |
20 | L. Vaserman O. Hetmanenko I. Tulupov | A study in long-term soda ash output dynamics in PRC and USA and peculiarities of its effect under 2008 global financial and economic crisisDynamics of soda ash production in PRC and USA for the last 22 years. It is shown that in China it developed much more rapidly. In 2003 it lead to the change of the country as a world leader of soda ash production. Modern global financial and economic crisis seriously influenced soda ash industry in PRC and USA, but in September 2009 average day production of soda ash in China reached its new historic maximum that was 80% higher than the same maximum in USA reached in October 2008. Further record increase of soda production in PRC in November 2009 shows that soda industry in China completely overcame consequences of modern crisis and substantially overmatched the same industry of USA and all other countries even after they overcame the crisis. |
21 | V. Alekseev V. Uteshev A. Surnin A. Maltsev | A study in desilicizing of sodium sulfate solution obtained under sulfuric acid silica precipitationAnalytical review of information sources on silica compounds removal from water and solutions. Basing on this review recommendations for choosing the most effective reagents for experimental researches on desilication of sodium sulfate solutions obtained upon sedimentation of silica dioxide by sulfuric acid process have been developed. |
22 | V. Alekseev V. Uteshev A. Surnin A. Maltsev | A study in desilicizing of sodium sulfate solutions obtained under sulfuric acid silica precapitationResults of laboratory researches held at Russkiy Magniy Company and NIOCHIM on desilication of sodium sulfate solutions obtained at silica dioxide sedimentation by sulfuric acid process. On their basis recommendations for choosing the most effective reagents desilication, the best process parameters have been developed and directions for further researches have been defined. |
23 | A. Lukianchikov I. Valeev E. Pavlova A. Chebanov | a study of acid debrominized bettern neutralization at Krasnoperekopsk Brom Company with distiller lye from Crimean Soda Plant CompanyPossibility of joint wastes preparation and processing at Crimean Soda Ash Plant and Brom Company (Krasnoperekopsk). Study of neutralization processes of acid bittern by distiller lye (suspensions). |
24 | A. Lukiancikov I. Valeev E. Pavlova A. Samoilenko A. Chebanov | A study in filtration properties of calcium sulfatePossibility of joint wastes preparation and processing at Crimean Soda Ash Plant and Brom Company (Krasnoperekopsk) with obtaining saleable gypsum. Study of formation, settling, dewatering and washing of sulfuric acid calcium CaSO4·2H2O formed in Krasnoe Lake waters debromed by bittern. Study of meeting the received sediment to technical standard requirements (GOST 4013-82). |
25 | G. Ghomenko A. Govorishchev V. Berezhnoy | A studu in absorbent manufacturing process for transformer oil regenerationResearches on obtaining adsorbent for regeneration of transformation oil, zeolites like NaY, CaY without fixant from Glukhovets deposit caoline. Experimental specimens of the product have been obtained. Adsorption ability of NaY, CaY zeolites has been studied, their strength qualities have been defined. It has been established that CaY zeolite can be used for transformation oil regeneration, efficacy of worked transformation oil compared to other traditionally used adsorbents has been tested. |
26 | S. Smirnov A. Kunin A. Ilyin V. Levitskiy T. Krasnova S. Agalarova | A study in fire-extinguishing powder component micronization processResearch of qualitative indices changes of fire extinguishing powders basic components (phosphate and ammonia sulfate) upon fining. It is found that during fining chemical components change due to their decomposition. Fire extinguishing powder with the best granulometric components has better qualitative characteristics. |
27 | A. Kunin A. Ilyin V. Levitskiy E. Krasnov A. Smirnov | Ammophos hydrophobization with liquid ethyl hydride siloxaneStudy of factors that influence hydrophobization velocity of fire extinguishing powders. Positive influence of hydrophobization on qualitative products indices and necessity of introducing hydrophobization stage to manufacturing process of fire extinguishing powders. In order to complete polymerization of organic silica forming lye after fining in ball mill the powder has to be conditioned. Thermal processing fastens polymerization. |
28 | S. Rusalin V. Yushko V. Kuzmina | A description of phenomena in a hydraulic system with a cavitating Venturi pipe and plate-type radiator as of a sequence of eventsStudy of hydraulic system that contains Venturi cavitating tube and plate hydrodynamic radiator. Phenomena that take part in this system are studied and described as sequence of events. Advantages of this cavitation system are shown; basic qualitative and quantitative characteristics as basis for design of mathematical model of the developed system are defined. |
29 | V. Lebedev V. Avramenko T. Grigorova | An effect of the value of specific surface and total hydrogen bond energy on physico-mechanical and operational characteristics of melamine-formaldehyde polymersResearch of interrelation between quantity of specific surface and total energy of hydrogen connections with physical and mechanical and performance characteristics of melamine and formaldehyde polymers. Researches show that total energy of hydrogen connections has greater influence on formation of physical and mechanical and performance characteristics of melamine and formaldehyde polymers than quantity of their specific surface. |
Volume 75, 2007
№ | Invertor(s) | Article description |
1 | Y. Kuzenko, V. Molchanov, V. Panasenko, L. Grubnik | The State and Basic Directions of NIOCHIM’s Scientific and Technical ActivitiesThe basic aspects of scientific and technological activities of NIOCHIM are outlined as well as further development of research for enterprises of Ukraine, CIS and foreign countries. |
2 | E. Mikhailova, Y. Kuzenko | Process Diagram of CO32- Ion Containing Lye Supply to Prelimer for Creation of Carbonate Conditions at Distillation Unit of Soda Ash PlantTo maintain carbonate mode at distillation unit CO32- -containing lye is fed to mixer. In this case molar concentration of CO2 equivalent at mixer input must be 2 or 2,5 ND depending on SO42- ion content in the brine. Due to process considerations RHCD reflux from upper section is advised to be fed to mixer by gravity. |
3 | V. Gridasov, E. Mikhailova, A. Zaikin, A. Zozulia, S. Zuev, E. Pilipko | Ammonia Recovering in Lime Slaking by Distillation Heat Exchanger LyeAn analysis given of basic methods of ammonia regeneration from sodas ash plant filter lye. The proposed flow diagram described for lime slaking with distillation heater lye in a drum-type slaker. The results given of laboratory experiments in lime slaking with distillation heater lye using the lime and lye from real plant. The expected savings from application of the proposed process at a 800,000 tpa soda ash plant will make 18 428 540 UAH per annum. |
4 | A. Zaikin, I. Zarazilov, E. Pilipko | Tests of Crystallizer Equipped by Agitating Vanes for Dense Soda Ash Plant by Monohydrate ProcessResults described of a comparative test of a crystallizer equipped with mixing blades and one without blades in monohydrate dense soda plant.The mixing blades are shown to substantially intensify light soda hydration process. Compared to crystallizer deprived of blades the content of commercial product fractions (0,1 to 1,25 mm) increases by ~13% in soda monohydrate and by ~5% in dense soda after drier. There are less big lumps, whereas the content of large fraction (above 1,25 mm) in dense soda after drier decreases which permits to reduce the amount of material flow fed to crushing and sieving stage. |
5 | Y. Kuzenko, V. Molchanov, E. Mikhailova, V. Krivomlin, V. Mikhailov | Improved Distillation Process with Filter Lye and Lime Milk PremixerA mechanism described for formation of gypsum crystal hydrates on perforated and bubbling trays of soda ash plant. An improved distillation process envisages a reactor for premixing of filter lye and lime milk wherein gypsum hemihydrate forms under increased temperatures, thus ensuring continuous operation of distillation unit without cleaning for at least one year. |
6 | V. Frumin, V. Gut, V. Burin | Certain Peculiarities of Decomposition Kinetics of Ammonia Chloride with Calcium Carbonate Contained in Filter Lye of Soda Ash PlantSome peculiarities discussed of process kinetics of decomposition of ammo-nium chloride contained in soda ash plant filter lye with calcium carbonate. On the basis of experimental research the slurry of CaCO3 (brine purification) is proposed for partial decomposition of ammonium chloride in filter lye. |
7 | V. Kolesnichenko, A. Zaikin | Influence of Certain Process Parameters on NH3 content in Soda AshThe results specified of ammonia content determination in sodium hydrogen carbonate, and soda ash and the effect of particular process parameters on its content evaluated. Soda ash produced by Solvay process would always contain an ammonia impurity irrespective of storage period duration. |
8 | V. Mikhailov, E. Chumachenko, E. Mikhailova | Iteration Calculation of Prelimer Lye Temperature in Soda Ash Plant Cyclic ProcessA method developed for calculation of mixer reactor in a cyclic soda ash plant. The method is based on iterative procedure of mixer lye temperature determination. In accordance with this method some process modes calculated differing in content of ammonia transferred to gaseous phase from liquid phase |
9 | V. Molchanov, L. Lubchik | Synthesis of Chemical Process Management Systems Based on Inner Models MethodA problem discussed of synthesis of chemical process multi-dimensional control systems that compensate unknown and non-measurable disturbances. Using internal model concept some equations were obtained for multi-dimensional dynamic compensators and disturbance observers and their properties studied. |
10 | A. Baranovskiy, V. Gridasov | Automatic Control of Ammonia Concentration in Solution at Weak Lye Distiller Exit in Soda Ash PlantExperimental dependences found between conductivity and condensate pH value, from the one side, and NH3 content in condensate of steam-gas mixture above CC lye, from the other side, as well as the dependence between NH3 and CO2 content in the condensate from NH3 content in CC lye. NH3 content in CC lye may be automatically controlled using an indirect parameter – conductivity of con-densate obtained from steam-gas mixture above CC lye. A control system based on this approach has been successfully operating. |
11 | K. Kukhtenkov | Automatic Control Systems of Shaft Lime Burning Kilns and their UpdateSome examples are given of large-scale options of automatic control systems (ASU) for coke- and gas-fired shaft kilns. Possible aspects of ASU further update are discussed by improved monitoring of their operation, coordination of their operation in groups within lime unit (soda ash plant), current measurement of environmental component of kiln operation |
12 | V. Toshinskiy, I. Litvinenko, M. Podustov, A. Dubovets, B. Liah | Radionuclide Analyzer of Disperse Media RepresentativityConditions discussed to create an analyzer of dispersed media representativeness. It was found that dispersed media representativeness was violated due to alterations of media density. Requirements to design of the analyzer submitted. A design diagram of radioisotope analyzer presented. The application of analyzer will permit timely corrections of manufacturing process, thus ensuring necessary quality of obtained products. |
13 | V. Panasenko, A. Loboyko, E. Mikhailova | Kinetic Research of Calcium Carbonate Sedimentation from Soda Ash Plant WastesKinetics of precipitated calcium carbonate manufacture studied from soda ash plant wastes: distiller lye and excessive mother liquor of purified sodium hydrogen carbonate plant. The process of СаСО3 precipitation is shown to be described by a 2nd order equation with activation energy 22.824 KJ/mole and take place in diffusion kinetic area. |
14 | V. Alekseev, Z. Malakey | Research of Process Factors and Insoluble Impurities Influence on Sodium Sulfate Color Received from Natural Mirabilite by “Melting-Evaporation” MethodIn order to improve consumer qualities of commercial sodium sulfate as obtained from natural bitterns some samples of industrial sodium sulfate taken at various process stages at the plant were studied as regards their whiteness, yellowishness, degree of dispersion and chemical analysis. The results of study give grounds for supposition that organic impurities in the raw material are just the factor preventing from obtaining highly white sodium sulfate. Some possible ways are discussed to increase the whiteness of sodium sulfate as obtained from natural bittern. |
15 | V. Levitskiy, A. Smirnov, T. Krasnova, S. Agalarova | Inorganic Components Properties of Wood Fire Protection CompositionsComparative fire protective capacity of inorganic compounds was studied by method of wood surface impregnation. Using proximate methods the fire protective capacity was studied of some typical substances for fire protective and fire extinguisher compositions. The most efficient compositions were shown to comprise ammonium phosphates with some nitrogen-containing components added. The results may be used in development of novel fire protective compositions and A Class fire extinguisher powders. |
16 | A. Baranovskiy, V. Gridasov, S. Zuev | Automatic Control of Sodium Chloride Solution Purification by Lime TreatmentAn experimental dependence found between pH value and concentration of ОН– ions in sodium chloride brine lime purification process, enabling application of a pH meter as a sensor if system con-trolling lime milk feed to mixing reactor. At a large-scale plant a system installed for automatic control of Ca(OH)2 feed to mixing reactor at 1st stage of brine purification, the automatically controlled parameter being slurry pH at mixing reactor outlet. |
17 | V. Alekseev, Z. Malakey, A. Alekseev | Reseach of Chemical Sodium Sulfate chemical composition Received from Natural Hydromineral Raw Material on its Color ValueOn the basis of analysis of state-of-the-art methods for material whiteness determination a method recommended to determine whiteness and yellowness of industrial sodium sulfate issuing from definition of green and blue area reflection. Statistical processing of experimental data characterizing chemical analysis of industrial sodium sulfate, its whiteness and yellowness permits to state (confidence level 0.95) that the color of this product depends on the content of insoluble impurities, sodium chloride and water. A necessity substantiated to perform additional study in order to develop a process able to guarantee obtaining sodium sulfate meeting the requirements of detergent production from natural bitterns |
18 | V. Levitskiy, E. Krasnov, A. Smirnov, S. Аgalarova | Hydrofobization of Dry Chemical PowdersA prospective line of improvement of fire extinguisher powders is a development of comprehensive recipes comprising highly dispersed anticaking additives (precipitated and fumed silica) and hydrophobizing organosilicic liquids. The best hydrohobizers are organosilicic compounds: polyethylhydride siloxane (Liquid 136-41) and polymethylhydride siloxane (Liquid 136-157). |
19 | O. Belik, R. Boguslavskiy, A. Belik | New Way of Obtaining Pollutant-Free Products Due to climate instability the role of cultures with comprehensive resistance to the stress fac-tors of the environment is considerably increased. The recent decades saw an increased interest to, as well as increased demand for spelt in several countries of the world. In the developed countries of the Western Europe it is valued as an «environmentally balanced» culture. Currently, multiple attempts to process the spelt with existing equipment don’t achieve positive results due to difficulties in thrashing out the seeds. The authors propose a method for peeling, separation of the obtained products, grinding of film culture (in particular spelt) grain kernels that is based on mu-tual abrasion of the grains in an air stream. |
20 | L. Vaserman | Volume Dilatation of Absorbing Solution while Obtaining Sodium Hydrosulfide by Hydrogen Sulfide Alkaline AbsorptionIn the course of hydrogen sulfide absorption by alkali solutions their volume substantially increases. Its relative increase does not actually depend on temperature provided it remains equal for initial and final solutions. At the end of absorption process the volume increases by 1,12 – 1,25 % per each per cent of NaOH content in initial solution (with alteration of this content within the limits 15 to 35%), and the volume grows together with the content. |
21 | L. Vaserman, Z. Malakey, L. Zinkovska, N. Vorobiova, I. Tulupov | Sodium Sesquicarbonate Application and Perspectives of its Industrial Production in UkraineNowadays the world output of many products, especially household chemicals, containing high quality sodium sesquicarbonate, is continuously growing whereas its production capacities are scarce. This market situation is favorable for establishment of such manufacturing facility in Ukraine on the basis of domestic technology as developed by NIOCHIM in cooperation with Ukrainian Financial and Industrial Concern. |
22 | V. Raiko | Brine Cooling and Concentration in Cooling Tower The results of experimental study and mathematical modeling submitted for a process of brine evaporative cooling process on perforated trays with large free section of openings 50 to 100 mm diameter. Equations obtained for calculation of mass transfer coefficients in gas and heat exchange coefficients in liquid that permit to calculate enthalpy transfer coefficient between gas and liquid. Those equations used in a brine cooling tower computer model. The adequacy of the model to experimental results proved |
23 | L. Mikhienko | On Possibility of Porous Fiber Glass Application for Diamond Holding Wastes RecuperationA possibility studied to use crystalline glass materials on the basis of system R2O-RO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 as filtering elements in order to reduce irreparable losses of diamond raw materials in m cut diamond manufacture. Some methods proposed to recycle diamond-containing wastes at various mineral processing stages, thus improving cost efficiency of gem manufacturing factories. |
24 | E. Fedorenko | Petrochemical Characteristics and Application Perspectives of Central Azov Sea Region GranitesThe results of theoretical research are discussed relating to study of granite rock on the basis of their petrochemical characteristic and previous physico-chemical analysis in order to evaluate their applicability in manufacture of densely sintered ceramics. The proposed approach may be realized in described methods of predictive petrochemical and physico-chemical evaluation, the results of calculation and recommendations aimed at reasonable and efficient use of such materials in maufacture of particular products with due consideration of the requirements to their quality. |
25 | V. Molchanov, V. Alekseev, V. Аnnopolskiy, V. Levitskiy, A. Аlekseev, Y.Spirin, O. Semenenko, V. Omelchenko | Research of Magnesia-Silicate Raw Materials Chemical Processing and Obtaining Sintered PericlaseShows a possibility to obtain from Ukrainian raw magnesium silicates sintered periclase that equals in chemical analysis, open porosity and apparent density to the best world samples. It is advised to specify more exactly peculiarities of comprehensive processing of this raw material and to evaluate feasibility of possible process and equipment options |
26 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, V. Samoilenko, S. Zuev, A. Sedenkov | Apportionment of Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe to Artificial Depositsblems of Soda Ash Production Wastes Accumulation in Northern Section of Lake KrasnoeUp to this day the amount of waste from Crimean Soda Plant accumulated in evaporative accumulator at Northern Section of Lake Krasnoye is nearing 100 million cu.meters. The designed volume of accumulator is 100 million cu. meters. Its filling limit level is +2 m. The designed level was several times exceeded which threatens hazardous situations The waste in the accumulator is mainly sodium chloride and calcium chloride solutions. Total mineralization of those solutions already reached 270 g/m3. The growing mineralization has reduced evaporation intensity 1,5-2 times. Water evaporation from the lake surface was reduced to 13 million cu. meters annually. At the same time total input from soda ash plant, irrigation systems, surface water and rainfall makes 17 million cu. meters per annum. The resulting disbalance between input to the accumulator and evaporation from its surface reached 4,0 million cu. meters per annum and is still growing, reaching even 6,0 million cu. meters in some years, like 2004. |
27 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, V. Samoilenko, A. Ghebanov, S. Zuev | Apportionment of Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe to Artificial DepositsReturned waters accumulated in Northern section of Lake Krasnoye are wastes from processing of initial mineral resources – Sivash bittern and Balaklava limestone – at Crimean Soda [plant Company. Such wastes due to incomplete utilization of raw materials inherent in Solvay soda ash process contain Na+, Ca2+ and Cl- ions in the form of dissolved salts NaCl and CaCl2. In the first half of 20th century the bittern of Lake Krasnoye contained mostly sodium and calcium chlorides. Before commissioning of Crimean Soda Plant the resources of those salts were written off from registration.By now the problem of classification of Northern section of Lake Krasnoye as an artificial mineral resource deposit became urgent. Substantial resources of NaCl and CaCl2 mineral salts (about 100 million cu.meters) have been accumulated in the lake, and they are fit for industrial usage. Besides, the highest acceptable level of lake filling + 2 m was often exceeded lately. In order to preclude a disaster the excessive wastes accumulated in the lake will be processes at the plant. |
28 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Ghebanov | Conditions of Dynamic Reserves Formation in Eastern Sivash, Desalinating and Sulfate Saturation of its BitternDynamic resources of Eastern Sivash are formed at the account of incoming waters from Azov Sea. The input from Azov Sea, minus some returned water, is equal to net input to Eastern Sivash both in the amount of input seawater and in its content of mineral resources. |
29 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Ghebanov, A. Sedenkov | Field Hydrochemical Studies of Bittern Composition of Western Sivash and its Approximation on Salt Mass to Azov Sea WatersThe main raw material of Crimean Soda Plant Company is salt brine from the Sivash (Eastern, Central and West). Lately in the bittern of Sivash (Western section) Mg+2 and SО-24 ions began accumulating due to recirculation of waste mother liquors and negative effect of drainage from irrigation systems. By 2007 substantial amount of wastes has accumulated in Northern Section of Lake Krasnoye and is still growing. Those are mainly sodium chloride and calcium chloride solutions. There is a disbalance between input to the evaporative accumulator and evaporation from the lake surface. In November 2005-January 2006 and in November 2006-January 2007 Ukrvodgeo Center and NIOCHIM performed field hydrochemical research aimed at desulfatizing of Western Sivash bittern and its salt content nearing that of Azov Sea water. The study was based on addition of water from Lake Krasnoye containing sodium and calcium chlorides to the water of Western Sivash. |
30 | S. Shevchuk, V. Annopolskiy, V. Gukovin, V. Mikhailov, V. Gerasemuk | Corrosion Monitoring of Gas Industrial Equipment of Yablunivske Gas Treatment Unitо The results are described of corrosion monitoring of structural material behavior at Yablunivka Gas Processing Facility. The monitoring was performed by physico-chemical methods. The necessity of permanent corrosion monitoring was emphasized. |
31 | V. Kazakov, P. Kuznetsov | Emergence and Development of Nitrogen Industry in Ukraine in Early 20th Century Birth and development of manufacture of bonded nitrogen products in Ukraine shown at the beginning of 20th century. It was found that the stimulus for construction of manufacturing facilities was the necessity to use nitric acid products for manufacture of explosives, munitions, etc. Formation and development of Dniprodzerzhinsk and Horlivka Nitric Fertilizer Plants discussed |
32 | P. Shaporev, D. Boglaenko | Calcium Hydroxide Production for Decreasing Environmental Technogenic EffectсCalcium hydroxide manufacture studied in order to reveal impacts on environment, find various sources of pollution and analyze the existing situation in pursuit of reduction of technological load. A system proposed and substantiated for process and equipment engineering safety management within the plant. |
33 | V. Bayrachniy, V. Shapore | Multistage Separation ReactorA process of cyclic adsorption discussed in a system of simultaneous chemical interaction and separation of reacting flow components. The present work refers to cyclical organization of carbon monoxide oxidation on a metal oxide catalyst. The conversion degree in steady-state reactor is shown to reduce while increasing initial CO concentration due to inhibiting effect of carbon monoxide on reaction velocity. |
34 | D. Nechiporenko, V. Fokin, V. Panasenko, T. Novogilova | Ways of Energy Consumption Decrease for Solutions Evaporation in Multiple-Effect EvaporatorsEnergy consumption reduction problems discussed in evaporation of electrolyte lyes in multiple-effect evaporators at chemical enetrprises. |
35 | A. Zmarada, V. Shaporev, T. Novogilova | Experimental Evaluation of Hurdle Activators Efficacy of Tube Mills Grinding ChargeData presented ob the process of fine milling in ball drum-type (pipe) mills. An effective means to increase process efficiency of fine milling may be dilatancy, i.e. thinning of structure of crushing bodies under its deformation. The results given of chord activator research using statistical methods of experiment planning. |
36 | Z. Мalakey | Analysis of Modern State of Brine Purification from Sulfates ProblemThe problem of sulfate removal from brines remains urgent in both soda ash and chlor-alkali industries. An analysis performed of current state of the problem of sulfate removal from brines. On a par with improvement of known removal techniques some promising novel methods appear, such as selective filtration of molecules and ions through membranes – nanofiltration. |
37 | G. Khomenko, V. Uteshev, V. Annopolskiy, T. Tereshina | Sulfuric-Acid Process of Obtaining Silica Dioxide Filler (Toothpastes Filler) Silica is compatible with a wide spectrum of drugs and substrates used in dentifrice production. It is used to supplement the effect of abrasive and structuring components to establish a skeleton structure enabling paste densification. A study performed to improve the process of silica manufacture for dentifrices .Optimum temperatures determined to obtain the dentifrice filler. |
38 | V. Novikov, Y. Kuzenko, V. Kolesnichenko, A. Gareev, A. Kolosov, E. Pilipko | Comparative Analysis of Filtration Units Instrumentation for Filtering Sodium Hydrocarbonate Suspension at Soda Ash Plant Data specified on equipment of sodium hydrogen carbonate slurry filtration units in wrld soda ash industry. The existing filering equipment is analyzed. Process parameters characterizing operation of filtration units are specified, Belt vacuum filers are recognized as the most promising in soda ash plant |
39 | V. Potrashkov | Ways of Improving Management System at Absorption Unit at Soda Ash PlantThe results given of modeling of absorber thermal behavior control system, its instability shown; some ways proposed to correct object characteristics in order to stabilize the system. |
40 | V. Potrashkov | On Regulation Parameters of Distillation Heat ConditionsResults specified of digital modeling of distillation thermal mode under various parameters of regulation, evaluation of effect of object characteristic drift on the quality of regulation. |
41 | M. Tukhtina, A. Ivkov | Development and Certification of Standard Specimen of Inorganic Chemical Products CompositionBasic stages discussed of development of nine types of reference composition samples of inorganic chemical products that are widely used in operational practice of chemical analytical laboratories and quality control services at factories of various industries (chemical, metallurgical, perfumes and cosmetics, etc.), primarily to increase reliability and confidence of results obtained during quality control of product composition measurement. Data supplied on metrological characterristics of reference samples. |
42 | V. Lebadev, V. Avramenko, V. Vinogradov, V. Аnnopolskiy | Thermal Stability Reasearch of Formaldehyde Polymers for Scintillation EquipmentThermal stability studied of transparent melamine-formaldehyde polymers proposed as a polymer basis for manufacture of plastic scintillators. The processes explored taking place in polymer under heating in temperature range 20-250 C. The effect of temperature factor on transmission, luminescence efficiency and impact elasticity of polymers found. It was shown that the highest thermal stability is inherent in melamine-formaldehyde polymers modified in glycerol and pentae-rythrite. |
43 | A. Kolosov | Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Perforated Distillation Column at Soda Ash PlantMethodology and results described of mathematical modeling of soda ash plant distillation unit with perforated trays under stationary and transitional modes. The characteristics of a perforated plate and standard bubble tray are compared. Recommendations specified for perforated tray distillation column control. The obtained mathematical model may be used for solution of automation problems and process and equipment calculations in perforated tray desorption units of soda ash plant |
44 | V. Kolisnichenko, V. Novikov | Analysis of Chamber Dry Filter OperationA dependence shown between design characteristics of drum vacuum filter and the basic quality parameters of filtration process. The equations obtained may be used in development of a mathematical model of sodium hydrogen carbonate slurry filtration process in a drum vacuum fulter. |
Volume 74, 2005
№ | Invertor(s) | Article descraption |
1 | V. Molchanov, V. Annopolskiy, V. Panasenko | Contribution of NIOCHIM to Prospects of Chemical Industry Development in Ukraine |
2 | V. Molchanov, V. Mikhailov | Carbonation Process in Soda Ash Plant Columns with Gas Load Changed during Operating Run Technological viability of changing gas loads of carbonation columns during operating runs. Algorithms of gas loads distribution based on working time of each column in the series in operation mode are developed. Experimental research of each carbonation column with gas load changing during each run. It is found that under this columns operation mode basic technical and economic carbonation indices improve. Proposed method of gas loads distribution between carbonation columns can be recommended both for operating plants and those under design. |
3 | Z. Malakey, S. Petrenko, V. Ermolaev | Increase of Lime Consumption for Purified Brine Plant Lime mass for magnesium salts precipitation during brine purification significantly exceeds theoretic values. This is caused by low active in lime milk. Two stage system of brine purification from magnesium salts has been developed that will allow to utilize 80% of lime that is currently lost with gypsum magnesia slurry. |
4 | E. Mikhailova | Study in Anhydride Condition Ensuring at Soda Ash Plant Distillation Unit Research of continuous supersaturation relieving on CaSO4 in distiller suspension without anhydrite inoculating under 150-158oC, retention time 3-30 minutes. Starting with 152oC supersaturation on CaSO4 relieves sharply. Under temperature 154-158oC CaSO4 concentration in distiller lye actually becomes constant and makes 20 ND. This concentration is higher than with anhydrite inoculating (0,13-0,1 ND). Experiments showed that under temperatures 150-158oC without anhydrite inoculating there were no crusting on the inner parts of equipment. |
5 | V. Frumin, V. Gut, V. Burin | Mass Exchange in Carbon Desorption in Distillation CondenserPeculiarities of mass exchange in soda ash production condenser. On the basis of experimental research expression for hydrodynamic condition factor that determines interphase turbidity under carbon dioxide from heated filter lye has been determined. Equation that characterizes mass transmission in liquid space has been received. |
6 | A. Zozylia, Y. Kuzenko | On “Dry” Lime Application for Ammonia Regeneration in Soda Ash Plant |
7 | A. Zaikin, V. Моlchanov, V. Annopolskiy, S. Zuev | Combined Soda Monohydrate Process in “Dense” Soda Plant by Monohydrate Process Development of experimental industrial combined process of soda monohydrate drying that combines existing method of dryer drum external heating with additional heat carrier inside the drum as countercurrent to the dried material. Such organization of drying allows to increase dryer efficacy, intensify the process and to blow away part of flour fractions and thus to increase sieve analysis quality of ready product. |
8 | M. Tseitlin, V. Molchanov, V. Raiko. | Some Directions of Improvement of Absorption and Desorption Equipment and Process |
9 | A. Zaikin, E. Ruban, S. Zuev | Development of Process Scheme for Dense Soda Screening Unit with Obtaining Product with Improved Grain Sieve Analysis Results of dense soda ash classification in heavy screens that confirm possibility of obtaining dense soda ash with sieve analysis that corresponds to highest grade and foreign companies’ requirements. Description of basic process diagram of classification unit and its test results. |
10 | A. Zaikin, V. Annopolskiy, V. Novikov | Study of “Dense” Soda Obtaining Process with Decreased Chlorides Contents by Soda Monohydrate Repulpation Results of experiments on laboratory and experimental units on obtaining dense soda ash for electric vacuum glass with NaCl mass weight 0,2% by soda monohydrate repulpation. It is proved that repulpation of soda monohydrate in a tank with turbine mixer and suspension pumping along bypass line by centrifugal pump during 0,5 hours do not cause considerable diminution of monohydrate soda crystals. In experiments on filtration of soda monohydrate on centrifuge sediment with mass content NaCl ~ 0,14% was received. This provides for obtaining dense soda ash with max. NaCl mass content 0,2%. Specific consumption of wash water made ~0,2m3 per 1 t of soda ash. Considerable diminishing of soda monohydrate crystals was not observed. Principal process of obtaining dense soda ash for electric vacuum glass with decreased content of NaCl ( 0,2%) that corresponds to highest grade requirements to soda ash. |
11 | V. Коlesnichenko | Squeezers Effect on Drum Vacuum Filters Efficiency Results of research of squeeze rolls influence set in dryer zone of drum vacuum filter F=32m2 on dehydration degree of sodium hydrocarbonate sediment under industrial conditions. It is shown that with linear pressure of a squeeze roll on sodium hydrocarbonate sediment more than 6 kg/cm sediment dehydration degree does not depend on this pressure. |
12 | V. Korobanov, Z. Маlakey, I. Zarazilov, N. Vorobiova, L. Likholit, P. Kapustenko, A. Klochok, A. Perevertailenko | Development of Distiller Lye Heat Unit with Plate Heat Exchangers for Berezniki Soda Ash Plant CompanyVariant of changing titanium shell-and-tube condensers of distiller lye heat utilization plant with heat exchange surface 200 m2 for plate vacuum condensers that are more compact and lighter with the same capacity. It is shown that plate condensers will allow to increase income for 16,1 mln. roubles per annum. |
13 | V. Krivomlin | Methods of Solution Composition Calculations within NaHCO3 Saturation Field Near Triple NaHCO3, NH4НCO3 and NaCl Salts Saturation Point Taking into Account Fluctuations of Process Conditions Fluctuations in Soda Ash Cyclic PlantMethods of calculation of solution composition in NaHCO3, NH4HCO3 and NaCl salts saturation field taking into account fluctuations of process conditions of soda ash cyclic production. Proposed methods allow to calculate characteristics of various variants of NaHCO3 and NH4Cl obtaining process cycles. |
14 | K. Kukhtenkov | Control System of Shaft Kiln PCS in Soda Ash Plant List of automatic control basic parameters that should be implemented in design of shaft kiln at soda ash plant DCS based on analysis of this unit structure. Recommendations for further ways to update control system. |
15 | V. Frumin, V. Burstein, V. Gut, T. Оleicgenko | Interaction of Gas and Lye Film Research of gas and liquid film interaction in phases upward moving. Basing on Navier-Stokes equation for liquid movement expression for definition of liquid movement velocity in film with its direct upward movement with gas in cylindric coordinates has been received. This expression should be solved together with equations of material and heat balances for gases condensation, absorption and desorption from liquid film. |
16 | A. Drozin | Mathematical Description of Steam-Lye Balance within Ammonia-Water System Certain peculiarities of steam and liquid balance in ammonia-water system. On the basis of ideally associated solutions theory explicit mathematic equations of balance parameters in the examined thermodynamic system with various variants of choosing dependent and independent variables have been received. Approximate mathematic expressions that allow to calculate balance parameters in ammonia-water system have been found. Received results correspond to table data on balance in this system and with conclusions made by M.S. Vrevsky, I.B. Haham et al. on the basis of their researches. |
17 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Pоpоvа, A. Zuev, I. Оrishenko | Study of Discharges Formation and Mineral Salts Depositing in the Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe |
18 | I. Valeev E. Pavlova V. Коlesnichenko | Field and Laboratory Studies of Aqueous and Physical Properties and Granulometric Composition of Collector No 4’s Beach Zone Slurries, Lisichanskaya Soda Company |
19 | I. Valeev, V. Еgupov, O. Chernopiytko, E. Pavlova | Problems of Land Surface Movements during Brine Extraction at Novyi Karfagen Deposit Depressions in the earth surface are inevitable consequence of mining taking into account relatively shallow bedding of rock salt beds (200-230 m) and its large extraction amounts from small squares. |
20 | I. Valeev, S. Zuev, E. Pavlova, A. Popova | Peculiarities of Waters Excess Solar Concentration of Lake Krasnoe in 1200 ha Evaporation Basin |
21 | V. Lelitskiy, V. Annopolskiy | Research of Sodium Percarbonate Stabilization Conditions Research of sodium percarbonate decomposition and stabilization. It was found that to oxide-containing bleacher complex of stabilizers should be added, and each of them should possess selective action taking into account further application. Liquid sodium glass, magnesium sulfate and trilon B are the most effective additives. Dry process of sodium percarbonate obtaining from soda ash and hydric dioxide developed at NIOCHIM allows to manufacture high quality products with high stability index. |
22 | V. Levitskiy, S. Аgalarova, T. Кrasnova, A. Smirnov | Quality Indexes Stability of Fire Extinguishing PowdersProcess factors of fire extinguishing powder manufacture that influence its quality stability on bulk density index. In order to manufacture fire extinguishing powder maximally chemically homogeneous mixture of initial components should be obtained. Completely continuous manufacture process that excludes any fluctuations in product composition should be organized. |
23 | V. Alekseev, A. Alekseev | Analysis of Peculiarities and Modeling Possibilities of Sulfates and Oxides Regeneration in Burning in Mixture with Solid Carbon Containing Regenerators Basing on the accepted particle model with non-interacting nucleus and results of experimental research kinetic equation of the typeα = k1/k (1-e –kt) is proposed for modeling sulfates and oxides regeneration processes during their burning in mixture with solid carbon-containing regenerators. Constant K1 in this equation characterizes initial materials reaction ability, i.e. velocity of direct processes, K takes into account influence of inhibiting effects, particularly velocity of reverse reactions that is especially evident in the region of temperatures below optimal and also in the end of the process due to exhausting solid carbon containing regenerator. |
24 | V. Alekseev, A. Alekseev | Experimental Research of Magnesium Sulfate Thermal Decomposition with Gaseous Regenerators |
25 | V. Panasenko | Salts Solubility and Solutions Density in Quaternary Mutual System Na , NH // HCO , Cl – H2O at 30oC within the Range of Compositions with the Biggest Sodium and Fixed Ammonia OutputResearch of mixtures region and solutions density with the greatest sodium output and fixed ammonia in quarternary mutual system Na+, NH4+//HCO3-, Cl- –H2O under 30oC. Formation of new independent components has been established in the system. They are: sodium carbonate in the region with NaCl excess, ammonia carbonate in the region with NH4НСО3 excess. Attempts to obtain final composition of saturated solution failed even during long (more than 5-6 hours) carbonation. Close to the point of triple saturated solution of a quarternary mutual system significant range of ions content values is noted CO32- и HCO-3. This shows that the system is unstable due to increase of balances variability. It is shown that the most complete (systematic) approach to evaluation of carbonation process requires taking into account molecular ratio of crystals forming iones Na+/HCO3- in the final solution composition. It is established that presence of excesses NH4+/Cl- and crystal forming iones Nа+/HCO3- (more than one) in the final solution plays decisiv role in obtaining simultaneous greatest UNa+ и NH. It is shown that with increase of NH4+/Cl- excessive ammonia additionally introduced to soda ash production cycle transforms into ammonia carbonates during carbonation. |
26 | O. Prantsus, A. Shushlykov | Defining Parameters of Gas Purification Processes in Whirl Turbulent Washer Study of whirl turbulent washer construction and its opration mode that peovide for high efficacy of ventilation exhaust gases purification by wet process (more than 99,99%), high efficacy of drops catching (more than 99,8%), low hydraulic resistance up to 1500 Pa with liquid consumption for irrigation 0,032 l per 1 m3 of purified gas. Dependencies on definion of hydraulic resistance of whirl turbulent washer received during experiments, efficacy of gas purification from dust, efficacy of liquid drops catching, consumption of liquid circulating in the unit are given. |
27 | O. Prantsus, A. Sorotska, T. Kharchenko | Description and Analysis of Operation of Existing Wet Gas Purification EquipmentCharacterisitics and classification of wet gas purification units currently manufactured and used in the industry. |
28 | O. Prantsus, V. Molchanov | Development Tendencies of Whirl Processes for Gases Purification by Whirl Method Prospectives of development and improvement of wet gas purification whirl units where swirl flows allow to create systems and plants with qualitatively new characteristics. |
29 | S. Shevchuk, V. Аnnopolskiy, V. Gukovin, V. Gerasimuk, V. Мikhailiv | Study of Influence of Chlorides Contained in Natural Gas on Yablunivska Gas Conversion Unit on Construction Materials Results of steel corrosion tests and aluminium alloy used for manufacture of Yablunivska gas processing plant under industrial conditions. Specimens of aluminium alloy and steels compared with it on corrosion resistance were installed in the dust filter case that operates under inlet gas temperature 28-32oC, and in the inlet separator case that operates under inlet gas temperature 14-15oC. Research of specimens surface peculiarities before and after corrosion tests were performed with optical microscope in reflected light and by gravimetry. Basing on the conducted research it was concluded that equipment (separator filter and dust filter cases) made of aluminium alloy provided by the customer can be used in natural gas processing media. |
30 | S. Shevchuk, V. Annopolskiy, A. Кonon | Electric Anode and Cathode Metal Corrosion Processes in Basic Soda Ash Plant Process Media Electrochemical anode and cathode metal corrosion processes in basic process media of soda ash manufacture. Basic reasons of equipment corrosion and ferrum intrusion to soda have been found: sulfide regime disturbance, repetitive elements switching, sharp decrease of sulfides concentration in the system, large oxygen content in carbon dioxide, sulfides oxidation to sulfates. |
31 | A. Zaikin, V. Аnnopolskiy, E. Ruban, V. Chueshov | Development of Process for Obtaining Non-Dust Rosette White Silica Form with Increased Bulk Density Results of research on mechanical liquation of white silica sediment before its delivery for drying and on product compaction on compactor in various vacuum with obtaining ready product in dustless rosette pattern form with increased bulk density. Basic process diagram of obtaining white silica in dustless rosette pattern form with increased bulk density. |
32 | E. Bogutska, M. Khorolskiy, V. Leshenko | Development of Materials from Perspective Rubber Resins and their Application for Production of General Mechanical Rubber Goods for Ukrainian Petrol and Gas Complex Issues on new oil-resisting polymers application for obtaining rubbers and industrial rubber products for exhaust prevention equipment of oil and gas holes and for major pipelines. |
33 | I. Кuziyev, I. Nachovniy, E. Bogutska, M. Khorolskiy | Analysis of Temperature and Velocity Field within Extruders Metering Zone that Emerges during Quasi-Viscous Materials Processing Study of processes in screw channels of rubber extruders taking into account distribution field that apperas due to viscous friction for abnormally viscous materials. |
34 | B. Gru | Ferrous Corrosion in Aqueous Methanol Solutions that Contain Carbon Suspension |
35 | B. Gru, N. Kliyhina,, D. Теrpiy, V. Sokolov, P. Ignatenko | Research of Corrosion Resistance of Nitride Films Obtained by Various Reactive Spray Methods Thin nitride coating was obtained by iones implantation (II) and condensation and ion-bombardment (KIB) on Si, Ni, Ti, Ta, Mo, W carrying bases. Corrosion resistance of obtained coatings was measured by gravimetric method. Electrochemical behavior was studied by obtaining comparative anode potentiodynamic curves for silver chloride electrode in hydrochloric acid with weight content 10% under ambient temperature (18-25%). Platina was used as auxiliary electrode. |
36 | M. Glikin, D. Кutakova, A. Zinatulin, S. Revenko, V. Nikiforchuk, V. Semiboroda | Macrokinetic Research of Mononitrochlorbenozles Wastes Dehydratation by Aerosol Catalysis Process |
37 | V. Lazko | Process Approach to Products Quality Management at Scientific and Research Institutions Key advantages of process approach; processes formation stages; interaction scheme of typical processes of quality management system according to p.p.9001:2000 (ISO); processes classification according to their functions; peculiarities of certain products quality management system at scientific and research organizations; meaning of results of “Sample Analysis” process for certain works held at scientific and research organizations; examples of process approach in scientific and research organizations’ activities (processes “Sample Analysis” and “Taking Samples”); description process of products life cycle at experimental plants. |
38 | Y. Shkurupiy | Peculiarities of Chemical and Petrochemical Enterprises Functioning in Kharkiv Region in 2004 and Prospects of this Branch Development in 2005 |
39 | S. Grin, P. Kuznetsov | History of Chemical Engineers Training at Kharkiv Technology Institute |
Volume 73, 2003
№ | Invertor(s) | Article description |
1 | V. Molchanov | NIOCHIM is 80 |
2 | V. Molchanov, E. Gitis, G. Velichko | NIOCHIM’s Role in Formation and Development of Soda Ash Plants in CIS |
3 | V. Fotchenko, R. Ivashinenko | Ione Equilibrium in Ammoniated Brine at Preliminary Carbonation Stage (Report 1) There is no unilateral opinion on NH2COO-, NH4+ HCO-3,CO2-3 ions equilibrium concentration and consequently on equilibrium constants values of chemical transformations in ammoniated brine at the preliminary concentration stage. Basing on the analysis of probable chemical reactions at the preliminary carbonation stage and static analysis of proposed ions equilibrium models suppositions for development of calculation structure method of gaseous liquid equilibrium in preliminarily carbonated equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems have been developed. |
4 | V. Fotchenko, R. Ivashinenko, O. Prantsus | Equilibrium in “Gas-Ammoniated Brine” System at Preliminary Carbonation Stage (Report 2) Several empiric dependencies for calculation of ammonia and carbon dioxide pressure equilibriums over precarbonated ammoniated brine are proposed in scientific literature. But proposed correlations are built on experimental data on equilibrium pressures over solutions with various ions weights compositions and their application for unbalanced weight systems is not correct. In this work we propose updated data for precarbonation stage dependencies of ammonia and carbon dioxide pressure equilibriums expressed through ions equilibrium in liquid, together with their interaction. |
5 | V. Fotchenko, R. Ivashinenko, O. Prantsus | Nonequilibrium Preliminary Carbonation Systems (Report 3) In reports 1 and 2 equilibrium precarbonated systems are reviewed, dependencies that show connection of ion equilibrium in solutions and volatile components in gas phase are received. Under production conditions system’s condition is far from equilibrium and is stable during its stay in separate zones of equipment and process segments. In order to create more correct models of material streams quantitative evaluation at precarbonation stage in report 3 we examined metastable non-equilibrium precarbonated systems that correspond to their formation conditions. |
6 | A. Drozin | Mathematical Description of Equilibrium during Ammoniated Brine Carbonation Process at Soda Ash Production at Ways of its Application Certain Peculiarities of Mathematical Description of Carbonation Process Based on Publications (Report 1) Output of Analytical Dependencies, Inequations and Numeric Evaluations of Carbonation Statics (Report 2) Coefficients of Components Utilization and Model Task of their Optimization (Report 3) Under standard assumptions we received obvious analytical dependency of nСв.NH3 concentration on the set of the same four independent variables nCl, nОб.NH3, R, t and dependency of dimensionless tilization coefficient on dimensionless variables ω ,R, π (nCl, t). We received approximate expressions for UNa and nNH3 evaluation of these variables’ evaluation from above and below. Dimensionless tilization coefficient UCO2 is introduced that has not been used before. Correlations that connect utilization coefficients UNa, UCO2, UNH3 using dimensionless variables ω, R are given. These expressions allow to set and solve various applied problems. Model problem of average geometric value optimization of these three utilization components has been formulated and solved. Standard set values of analytic concentrations that provide optimum to the given criterion have been found. |
7 | E. Мikhailova | Increasing Utilization Degree of Carbonate Raw Material at Amminia Production at Soda Ash Plant Possibility of increasing efficacy of carbonate raw material usage during ammonia regeneration is examined. Provided flow diagram includes division of lime milk in turbocyclone into coarsely dispersed and clarified; at one of distillation elements ammonia chloride is first decomposed by coarsely dispersed milk, then by clarified milk, and at other elements by light lime milk. |
8 | Z. Malakey, L. Meshkova | Experimental Research of Decreasing SO4 Ions Content in Brine at its Chemical Purification at Soda Ash Production Experimental research data on decrease of SO4 ions content in purified brine by elimination of solution supersaturation on CaSO4 during its purification from magnesium by magnesium hydroxide. Supersaturation is removed by brine purification from magnesium ion during two-stage process. We believe that freshly precipitated fine magnesium hydroxide plays the role of seeds that remove brine supersaturation on CaSO4. Results of experimental researches that confirm decrease of SO4 ion molarity in purified brine of max. 1,3 moles are given. |
9 | V. Кolesnichenko | Influence of Washing Lye Consumption on Chlorides Content in Washed Sodium Bicarbonate Precipitation Experimental data obtained at laboratories and production allowed to establish dependency of chlorides content in washed sodium bicarbonate on washing lye consumption. Analysis of obtained data conducted according to the proposed method showed necessity to improve washing process, especially during soda ash manufacture with chlorides mass content as NaCl less than 0,4%. It has been established that chlorides mass content as NaCl in washed sodium bicarbonate sediment that can be reached in drum vacuum filter during tray-type washing makes 0,1%. |
10 | Y. Kuzenko, V. Olesuk, E. Rusina, K. Kukhtenkov | On the Issue of Improvement of Lime Milk Supply Process for Distillation at Sterlitamak Soda CompanyProcess values are given that provide for effective operation of a two-flow lime milk supply system to distillation, namely: optimal pH values range to distillation station mixers for automatic control of fixed ammonia decomposition process; correlation of the basic and additional lime suspension flows has been established, as well as correlation of filter lye and basic lime milk flows. |
11 | I. Valeev, V. Кolesnichenko, S. Iliyna, V. Еgupov, E. Pavlova, V. Sokolenko | Increase of Minerals Extraction Degree at Eastern Branch of North-Western Section at Novyi Karfagen Brine Field Field hydrogeological studies and analysis of actual data on operation of Novyi Karfagen brine extraction facility allowed to discover new reserves for extraction degree increase of mineral deposits from the remains of balance deposits in the Eastern wing of the North-Western site from 34,1% to 68,4%. Such increase allows to prolong brine extraction facility operation term twice. This will also considerably save capital investments. |
12 | V. Кrivomlin | Methods of Equilibrium Calculation at Na+, NH4+ // Cl-, HCO-3, NH2COO- – NH3, H2O System in NaHCO3 Saturation Area Method of equilibrium calculation in Na+, NH4+// Cl-, HCO-3, NH2COO- – NH3, H2O system in NaHCO3 saturation range. Experimental data have been processed by regressive analysis, equations coefficients have been received that describe NaHCO3 saturation range that allows to evaluate solution composition at NaHCO3 excretion stage. |
13 | V. Кrivomlin | Methods of Equilibrium Calculation at Na+, NH4+ // Cl-, HCO-3, NH2COO- – NH3, H2O System in NH4Cl Saturation AreaMethod of equilibrium calculation in Na+, NH4+ // Cl-, HCO-3, NH2COO- – NH3, H2O system in NH4Сl saturation range. On the basis of previously obtained experiments data equations coefficients have been received that describe equilibrium conditions between the solution and ammonia chloride that excretes to solid phase. Presented equilibrium calculation in the system allows to use obtained data for creation of mathematical model of cyclic processes of obtaining sodium hydrocarbonate and ammonia chloride. |
14 | E. Chumachenko | Research of Mixing of Solid Ammonia Chloride and Lime Milk Based on Mathematical Model of Reactor-Mixer Mathematical model of mixer reactor on soda ash plant cyclic scheme. This model allows to calculate gas and liquid flows parameters in the outlet of the mixer under various parameters of incoming flows. |
15 | E. Chumachenko | Research of Stage-toStage Distribution of Potassium Iones and Sulfate in Bicarbonate and Ammonium Branches of Cyclic Process of Soda Ash Production Using Mineral Rock Wastes from Dumps Results of research of stage-by-stage К+ and SO42- ions distribution in cyclic soda ash plant process that showed that К+ and SO42- content in mother solutions do not depend on their solubility, and accumulation level depends on their content in solid phase. |
16 | V. Tomenko, E. Zubkova | Experimental Test of Process Diagram of Carbonate Solutions Processing with Increased Content of Sulfates in Soda Products Results of experimental test of glazerite crystallization from soda-potash solutions with low potassium content during complex nephelines processing under plant conditions. Results of the research became the basis for development of process diagrams for obtaining soda products with high sulfates content. |
17 | V. Molchanov, V. Annopolskiy, V. Levitskiy, N. Мarkov | Soidum Percarbonate Production Process Two-stage retour process of sodium percarbonate obtaining from soda ash and hydric dioxide by dry method that allows to manufacture products with competitive price and quality. Advantage of this process is high capacity and low power consumption. |
18 | L. Vaserman, I. Zarazilov, L. Zinkovska | Situation in Sulfide Sodium and Ammonia Compositions in CIS Countries after USSR Disintegration From 1991 to 2002 manufacture of sulfide products in CIS in general decreased considerably due to decline in demand, plants retargeting for manufacture of more profitable products, appearance of cheaper foreign analogs. In the nearest future growth of sulfur compounds is possible in Russia and Ukraine according to their expected demand growth mainly in non-ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry. |
19 | L. Vaserman, L. Zinkovska | Ways of Application of Sulhuric Sodium Compositions (Review) Information on sodium sulfur compounds usage in various ferrous metallurgy, chemical, light (leather and fabric), pulp-and-paper and other plants. |
20 | M. Tseitlin, V. Raiko | Kinetics of Dissolution of Calcium Compositions and Absorption Capacity of Distiller Suspension at Soda Ash Production Potentiometric method for defining slurry dissolution velocity in hydrochloric acid under various pH values (distiller suspensions of plants that operate on limestone and chalk were studied). Two dissolution stages have been defined: rapid (the bulk of slurry dissolves in 1-2 minutes) and slow (10-15 minutes). It has been established that 60% of distiller suspension slurry can be used during flow gases purification from SO3. |
21 | E. Mitkevich, V. Кorobanov, N. Vorobiova | Crystallization of Calcium Sulfate from Distiller Lye over Organic Phosphonic Acids Study of calcium sulfate crystallization from distiller lye (d.l.) of ammonia soda ash plant when it concentrates due to organophosphoric acids widely used as inhibitors of hardness salts (CaCO3, CaSO4) crystallization in various branches of industry. |
22 | E. Мitkevich, V. Кorobanov, A. Коroviykovskiy | Research of Calcium Sulpfate Crystallization at Phosphoric Acid Evaporation Results of laboratory study of calcium sulfate crystallization under phosphoric acid evaporation. It has been established that nonscale forming condition of phosphoric acid can be provided by regulated self-seeding with sustaining certain concentration and dispersity of crystallizing solid phase that can be regulated by evaporation concentration temperature condition and introduction of calcium sulfate crystal seeds. This method requires very simple apparates and can be implemented to production of extraction phosphoric acid. |
23 | V. Panasenko, N. Маrkov, I. Тulupov | Thermodynamic Calculation of Pitzer Phase Equilibriums Model Parameters for Quaternary Mutual System Na+, Mg2+/Cl-, SO42—H2O at -5; 0; 10; 15 and 20С Calculation algorithm for water activity in mutual quarternary system 2NaCl + MgSO4↔Na2SO4 + MgCl2 under temperatures 5; 0; 10; 15 и 20 oС using Pitzer equations. Obtained data can be used for chemical process and design calculations of crystallization processes of components from salt solutions in soda and mineral salts production. |
24 | V. Alekseev, A. Alekseev | Thermodynamic Analysis of Reaction in the Process of Regeneration Magnesium Sulfate Burning Using Solid and Gaseous Regenerators Results of thermodynamic analysis of reactions in the systems that contain carbon dioxide, carbon, methane, sulfur, sulfurated hydrogen and water steam. Evaluation of possibility of magnesium oxide, sulfide and sulfite formation during magnesium sulfate burning with various regenerators. It has been established that with temperature increase possibility of appearance of dioxide and elementary sulfur and magnesium sulfate in solid phase increases. Formation of magnesium as final product is thermodynamically almost impossible. |
25 | V. Alekseev, V. Annopolskiy, A. Alekseev, V. Radko | Research of the Process of Thermal Magnesium Sulfate Destruction with Obtaining Magnesium Oxide Study of the possibility to obtain magnesium oxide by thermal magnesium sulfate restoration in the presence of petcoke as solid low-ash regenerator. Planned experiment allowed to obtain empiric dependence of MgSO4 to MgO decomposition degree on regenerator dispersiveness, temperature and burning term of MgSO4:C molar correlation in initial load. Conditions that provide for MgSO4 99,6-99,8 % decomposition degree, but MgO mass content in the burned product is max. 94,4% due to residual carbon. Further studies are reasonable with gaseous regenerators. |
26 | V. Alekseev, V. Annopolskiy, A. Alekseev, E. Runova I. Saiko | Physical and Chemical Research of Epsomite and its Dehydration under Natural ConditionsStudy of both technical and reactive qualification epsomite samples, its behavior under natural conditions applying derivatographic and X-ray diffraction methods. Results of research allow to recommend production of less hydrated than epsomite forms of sulfate either by drying epsomite or directly from magnesium sulfate solutions after spray drying in order to improve its consumption qualities. |
27 | A. Zaikin, V. Alekseev, A. Alekseev, E. Runova, E. Ruban | Research of Drying of Technical Magnesium Sulfate (Epsomite) In order to improve consumption qualities of technical magnesium sulfate produced in the form of epsomite (MgSO4•7H2O), including caking prevention and flowability improvement drying process of this product at test pneumatic dryer has been studied. Studied allowed to establish caking mechanism of both initial and dried product and to develop recommendations on drying and cooling modes of the dried product in pneumatic cooler. |
28 | V. Uteshev, V. Annopolskiy | Peculiarities of Development of Process of Obtaining Rosil-175 Active Silica Filler Optimization of the process of obtaining active silica filler Rosil-175 under laboratory an industrial conditions. Basic flow diagram and quality and performance indices of silica filler. Tests of this products at tire plants in Russia showed that all its physical and chemical indices correspond to the best international practices and confirmed quite high strengthening ability of the filler. In 2002 industrial manufacture of active silica filler with commercial name Rosil-175 was organized at Soda Company (Sterlitamak, Russia). |
29 | G. Khomenko, V. Annopolskiy, E. Voitenko | Development of Process of Obtaining of Silica Filler for Toothpastes General theoretical questions of obtaining highly dispersive silica dioxide for toothpastes. Influence of basic parameters of silica dioxide precipitation from liquid glass with hydrochloric acid on the indices of specific surface, oil capacity, bulk density has been studied. Optimal parameters of obtaining filler density as adsorbent for toothpastes have been defined. |
30 | V. Novikov, M. Каznadey, V. Zhukovin, T. Cherevina, T. Kharchenko | Industrial Wastes Purification from Ammonia, Calcium, Magnesium Iones and Organic Impurities Using Natural Ceolites Research of possibility to use natural ceolites as filtering loads in clarifying filters for soda plant waste waters purification. In the studies natural ceolites clinoptilolites of Sokirnytsi (Ukraine) and Kholinskoe (Russia) mines were used. Results of the studies showed that more than 90% of ammonia nitrogen and organic impurities can be removed with these sorbents. Conditions for regeneration of waste ceolite have been defined. |
31 | E. Gitis, V. Alekseev, N. Beliyeva | Research of Processing of Chemistry Containing Raw Materials of Bug Deposit Research of the processes of oxidizing burning of chrome concentrate with soda in the presence of filler and without it with obtaining sodium monochromate cakes, cakes water leaching, suspension filtration with obtaining sodium monochromate solutions. |
32 | V. Levitskiy, B. Shikhov, T. Кrasnova, I. Tsvetkova | Index of Aqueous Ione Concentration in Alcali Components of Domestic and Technical Detergents Study of water ions concentration index in detergents alkali components. It has been established that the highest pH with simultaneous high buffering (ability to sustain pH in dissolved solution) can be provided by sodium metasilicate or product of interaction between soda ash and liquid glass. Technical detergent XC-2M manufactured using liquid sodium glass has high washing and cleaning ability. |
33 | V. Levitskiy, A. Ivkov, T. Krasnova, A. Smirnov | On Measuring Mass Content of Moisture in Fire Extinguishing Powders It has been established that for defining fire-extinguishing powders humidity that contain thermally unstable components like sodium bicarbonate or diammoniumphosphate methods that include heating for moisture removal are not acceptable, as heating leads to substantial distortion of obtained results due to decomposition of thermally unstable components. We recommend method based on moisture removal from powders by drying over hydrochloric acid. |
34 | V. Levitskiy, S. Agalarova, A. Smirnov | Bulk Density of in Fire Extinguishing Powders Study of factors that influence one of the most important indices of fire-extinguishing powders, namely their bulk density. It has been established that increase of bulk density indices is possible by regulating process parameters of grinding-classifying equipment for fire-extinguishing powders manufacture so that small fraction content in the product could be decreased. |
35 | K. Kukhtenkov, V. Моlchanov | On Update of Lime Burning Furnaces in Domestic Soda Ash Industry Chronological presentation of basic research lines (construction, process and management) on update of limestone burning kilns at soda ash plants in CIS developed by NIOCHIM. Description of shaft kilns basic equipment at soda ash plants and their operation management. Trends of equipment update as implementation of combined task of their process and construction features and management systems. |
36 | V. Frumin, V. Burshtein, Y. Pasichnichenko, T. Оleichenko | Mass Exchange on Cross Flow Plates with Large Perforation .Results of experimental studies of interphase mass transfer on crosscurrent large hole trays with diameter 0,03; 0,06 and 0,12 m. Studies were held on hydrodynamic unit with diameter 1400 mm by adiabatic evaporation of water into air stream. Obtained results have been generalized as criteria based equations. |
37 | A. Zozuliy, M. Tseitlin, A. Shakhova | Heat Exchange Intensification in Gas Distillation RefrigeratorAdvantages of gas cooling in steam and gas flows in direct contact with cooling medium. Description of research added unit for distillation gases cooling at soda ash plant in experimental contact cooler. Presentation of results obtained at this unit during distillation gases cooling by circulating reflux liquid as well as prerequisites that allow to create industrial plant for contact cooling of steam and gas flows at soda ash plant and the system that implements contact cooling. |
38 | V. Gut, V. Frumin, T. Оleichenko | Peculiarities of Hydrodynamics of Ammonium Chloride and Calcium Carbonate Solution Impact In the process of filter lye ammonium chloride decomposition by calcium carbonate during heat energy supply to the reaction zone with water steam intensive foaming starts. Results of laboratory studies on foaming on calcium carbonate suspension in filter lye during its blowing by air are presented. These data for capless tray allowed to obtain dependency for formating foam height that depends on relative height of squared lye layer on the tray and linearly depends on gas velocity that passes through the lye layer. |
39 | A. Zaikin, V. Кolesnichenko, E. Рrunova, A. Alekseev, E. Ruban, I. Saiko | Tests of Magnet Separators during Purification of Soda Ash from Metal Foreign Matters Flow diagrams of columnar magnet separators with constant magnets СМК 25-001 and СМК 11.50 and results of their tests during soda ash purification from metal magnet impurities. It is shown that after passing through СМК 25-001 separator iron content as in the product decreases in average for 33,4%, and for 32,7% in average through СМК 11.50 separator. Degree of purification from iron increases with increase of iron content in the initial material. Formula for rough estimate of magnet separator capacity has been proposed. |
40 | I. Runov, V. Моlchanov, M. Runov | Research of Heat Exchange Process on the Cooled Wall of Rotor Crystallizer Study of heat and mass exchange process between cooling wall and circulating suspension on rotary crystallizer with a special mixer installed on torating central circulation tube. Experiments were held in water – natural sand crystals system. Sand fraction sizes were 0,6;0,8; and 1,0 mm, its mass fraction in circulating suspension were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50%, mixer rotation frequency made 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 min.-1. It has been established that with increase of mixer rotation speed up to 250 min.-1 heat transfer coefficient increases by 4 times compared to rotary crystallizer without special mixer. It has also been established that mass fraction of solid phase in suspension does not substantially influence heat transfer coefficient. Upon increase of crystals mass fraction up to 30% in suspension value of heat transfer coefficient decreases at first, then slightly increases. |
41 | V. Моlchanov | On the Task of Choosing the Best Regulators of Loads Matching for Process Units of Soda Ash Plants The task of choosing optimal values for predetermined liquid levels regulators in process storages at soda ash plant process unit that provide for load correlation between adjacent process units. This task can be solved by average losses minimization connected with process equipment outage caused by collectors overfilling or discharge. |
42 | V. Gridasov, S. Zuev, L. Bondarenko | ACS Improvement by Carbonation at Soda Ash Plants Results of industrial tests at Crimean Soda Plant allowed to establish that existing automatic control system of ammoniated brine carbonation allowes variations ammoniated brine consumption thus providing for continous change of carbonation column capacity. Improved ACS of ammoniated brine carbonation stabilizes ammoniated brine supply at the same time stabilizing basic parameters of carbonation and column capacity. |
43 | V. Оlesuk, E. Rusina | Evolution of Means and Systems of Automatic Regulation by Lime Milk Dosing to Distillation Units Equipment at Soda Ash PlantsEvolution of autiomatic measure means for lime milk consumtion from 1950s till now. Description of automatic control systems of lime milk consumtion to distillation elements equipped with one or two consumption sensors. Possibility of unit tests of automatic control systems equipped with two regulating microprocessor controllers P-130 is shown. |
44 | A. Коnon, Y. Кuzenko, E. Рusina, S. Shevchuk, I. Zarazilov | Reasons of Corrosion Destruction of Steam Calciners and Methods of their EliminationReview and analysis of corrosive destruction in steam calciners, methods of their elimination. Basic factors that cause corrosion of steam calciners and soda ash contamination with iron at calcination station are nonobservance of sulfide mode in column equipment and sulfides supply to calcination: raw sodium bicarbonate supply to calcination and excessive chlorides content; gas loads misadjustment at carbination, calcination, lime burining kilns units; constructive disadvantages of sealings on calciners and gas passages; high temperatures in humid medium that contains chlorides, СО2, NH3, SO2, O2. Program for calciners protection from corrosion is proposed. |
45 | A. Кonon, S. Shevchuk, I. Grinko, V. Shtoda, L. Gusak | Corrosion Behavior of 12ХНЗА Low-Alloyed Steel in Melt Calcium Chloride Studies were held at laboratory on test unit that imitated conditions of calcium chloride evaporation with mass fraction 38-78% at 178oC. Welded specimen of 12ХН3А steel were tested with and without thermal processing welded with 48Н11 and FOЧУМ 85 electrodes. Peculiarities of surface of welded specimen were studied before after corrosion tests with microscope in reflected light (magnification 150) and by gravimetry. These studies allowed to conclude that equipment |
46 | A. Кonon, S. Shevchuk, I. Grinko, V. Shtoda, L. Gusak | Research of Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum Metallized Coating in Various MediaResults of laboratory experiments on studies of corrosion behavior of carbon steel specimen protected by sprayed aluminium in various media. Studies were held by gravimetry and visually under microscope. Specimen were tried by sea and town water in static and dynamic modes, in liquid phase and on the phase boundary. Atmospheric corrosion of aluminium coating and carbon steel were determined by testing in climatic chamber at 25oC and 75% humidity, as well as under natural conditions. Studies under microscope showed that sea water infiltrates into porous coating, thus additional protection is needed. Tests in climatic chamber that corrosion velocity of aluminium coating is lower than with town and sea water and higher for carbon steel without protective coating. |
47 | A. Ivkov, K. Kukhtenkov | On Creation of Adaptive Inspection System of Soda Ash Plant Process ControlThis system was treated as adaptive control object that quickly changes its parameters depending on actual state of controlled process. Method for defining control frequency of process parameters based on analysis of experimental data of an existing process and recommendations for development of adaptive |
48 | A. Ivkov, M. Tukhtina | Metrological Research on Defining Deviations Characteristics of Execution Methods of Measuring parameters of Technical Soda Ash Chemical Composition according to Standard 5100Characteristics of inaccuracies in mass fraction measurement methods of sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, iron, sulfates, sulfites and substances insoluble in water in technical soda ash according to GOST 5100 standard. Scheme of experimental calculation method that allowed to determine accidental and systematic components and total measurements inaccuracyaccording to methods is presented; actual values of these characterisitcs are given. |
49 | M. Tukhtina | From the Experience of Standard Documentation Research for Inorganic Chemical SubstancesAnalysis of modern state of standard documents (SD) for inorganic chemical substances industry, prospectives of their implementation and reviews. General problems of the branch have been determined in compiling SD in Ukraine for replacing current SD of the former USSR times. |
50 | V. Molchanov, M. Sagaidak, V. Gereminovich | Local Monitoring of Atmosphere Pollution from Unorganized SourcesSeveral conceptual theses for in-line monitoring of atmospheric air monitoring in the zone of influence of plants pollutants emissions. Final goal is in-line control of pollutants emissions level. Consequence of control measures has been determined. Certain peculiarities of instrumental calculation method for definition of dust emissions capacity from unorganized sources are given. |
51 | I. Valeev, V. Коlesnichenko, O. Ilina, V. Vilenskiy, S. Кoptev, E. Pavlova | Provision of Technogenic and Ecologic Safety at Accumulators at Lisichanskaya Soda CompanyBasing on the collectors’ safety conditions special attention is paid to levees filtration rigidity at Lisichanskaya Soda Plant. Filtration rigidity is ensured by: 1) Decrease of waste waters hydrostatic pressure on levees bodies due to regulation of these waters discharge to Seversky Donets River; 2) Protective slurry layer on upstream sides of levees; 3) Batter drainage on downstream sides of levees. Efficacy of these measures has been proved by the results of hydrological and geophysical observations. |
52 | I. Valeev, A. Zozuliy, S. Zuev, I. Оrishenko | On the Ways of Regeneration of Ecologic Balance in Karkinitsky Gulf and Problems of Perekop Lakes Group Northern sector of Krasnoe Lake used for discharge, collection and evaporation of Crimean Soda Plant return waters has practically filled its capacity limeted by design level of +2,0 m. Evaporation capacity of the lake is constantly decreasing due to mineralization increase of its waters thus causing decrease of soda ash plant capacity. Scheme of unloading return waters of Krasnoe Lake through Kiyatskoe Lake to GK-1 collector and Karkinite Bay has been developed. Standard mineralization level of return waters discharged to the bay (18 g/dm3) is provided by their three-staged dissolution. |
53 | V. Моlchanov, V. Кiselev, N. Shepacheva | On NIOCHIM’s Work as Principal Agency of Metrology Services on Enterprises’ Units AcreditationOperation experience of the Metrology Unit Head Organisation (GOMS) of chemical industry (basic chemistry, fiberglasses and its products plants) based at NIOCHIM on accreditation of measurement and calibration laboratories aimed at provision of unified measurements on high level. |
Volume 72, 2001
№ | Invertor(s) | Article description |
1 | V. Molchanov, V. Annopolskiy, G. Velichko | Basic Aspects of NIOCHIM’s Scientific Research in Solution of Ecologic IssuesReview of NIOCHIM’s scientific and technical developments connected with dumping, processing and utilization of soda and other plants liquid, solid and gaseous wastes. It is shown that NIOCHIM has package of advanced scientific and research developments that will allow to substantially change ecologic state in industrial regions of Ukraine. |
2 | V. Molchanov, V. Panasenko, N. Маrkov, I. Tulupov, V. Bulavin | Thermodynamics of Carbonation Process in Soda Ash ManufactureBasing on the data analysis standard values of Gibbs free formation energy (∆f Go298K) of diethylamine (DEA), DEA carbamate and DEA salts in aqueous solution have been determined. Obtained data were taken as the basis for calculation of ∆rGo298K of possible reactions that take place with CO2 and DEA interaction in NaCl aqueous solution. Authors ppopose the most possible carbonation mechanism in which during DEA carbamate formation transformations scheme through amphoteric ion («zwitterion») is used for the first time. With this scheme comparative analysis of possible reactions that take place during ammoniated brine carbonation at soda plant by Solvay process. |
3 | E. Mikhailova, V. Krivomlin, E. Chumachenko, V. Мikhailov | Basic Principles of Physical and Chemical Research of the Process of Joint Production of Sodium Hydrocarbonate and Amminia ChlorideTheoretical basis of unified soda ash and ammonium chloride process in which sodium hydrocarbonate is separated at the first stage of the process. This takes place at high temperatures. Ammonium chloride is crystallized at the second stage of the process at low temperatures and incre4ased ammonia content. System of equations is presented that describe material balance of the process. Results of physical and chemical researches served as basis for development of material flows and their components calculations in cyclic process of sodium hydrocarbonate and ammonium chloride obtaining. |
4 | V. Коlesnichenko | Research of Kinetics of Sodium Bicarbonate Sediment WashingResults of laboratory experiments on kinetics studies of sodium bicarbonate washing by distilled water, soda solution and carbonated water ammonia solution. Kinetic curves plotted on the basis of experiments data are presented. Instant СI- and NH3free concentrations in the filtrate leaving the sediment are used as dependent variables. Substantial influence of washing lye composition on kinetic curves character plotted for NH3free concentration in the filtrate is shown |
5 | V. Frumin, V. Titov, V. Gut, V. Burin, V. Ivanchikov, T. Оleichenkо | Research of NH4Сl Decomposition Kinetics in Solution of СаСО3 Suspensions Results of laboratory experiments on kinetics studies of ammonium chloride decomposition in the solution of natural calcium carbonate suspension. Description of their heterogeneous interaction process. Data received during the studies can be used as initial data for developing instrumentation of NH4Cl (in solution) decomposition by natural calcium carbonate with obtaining CO2 gas and update of ammonia regeneration method in Solvay soda ash process |
6 | A. Zozuliy, I. Zarazilov, L. Оdarenko, L. Zinkovska, Z. Маlakey, N. Маrkov | Raw Brine Production Process for Obtaining Soda Ash from Lake Sivash Rapa Results of experiments on development of geotechnological method of obtaining salt solution from bittern of Western Sivash Lake mineral salts deposit basing on sodium chloride crystallization from sea type bittern by its solar concentration in natural conditions, i.e. in salt ponds. Study of the developed and implemented improved process of salt brine obtaining and preservation based on dissolution of halite (NaCl) and mirabilite (Nа2SO4•10H2О) with fresh water obtained by polythermal crystallization of these salts from concentrated bittern of Sivash Lake in natural conditions of Northern Crimea. Raw brine from Sivash bittern according to the process developed at NIOCHIM is used at Crimean Soda Plant. |
7 | A. Zozulia, E. Rusina, I. Zarazilov, A. Коnon, S. Zuev | Ways of Contaminating Soda Ash with Ferrum Compounds and Forms of these CompoundsReview of researches connected with studying the ways of iron penetration to soda ash and definition of iron compositions formulas. Basic reasons of iron penetrating soda ash are sulfide disturbance, frequent elements switches, sharp decrease of sulfides concentration in the system, large oxygen share in carbon dioxide, sulfides oxygenation to thiosulfates. Diagram of possible soda ash contamination with iron compositions. It has been established that in process lyes iron is present in both bivalent and trivalent ways: FеS, Fе2SО3, Fе(НСО3)2 FеСО3, Fе(ОН)3, Fе2О3, Fе3О4. |
8 | E. Rusina, V. Samoilenko, N. Petriste | To the Issue of Powder-like Materials Purification, Including Soda Ash from Ferrum CompoundsReview of literature on peculiarities of magnet separation method for ferrous magnet impurities elimination from various bulky materials, e.g. in ceramic and silicate industry, sugar and other materials production. Results of various separators and magnet devices tests for magnet purification of dry milled materials. Description of granular soda ash purification process from metal impurities in BKM magnetic columns. Highly productive magnet separators with two magnetic units with capacity 100 th at product bulk density 0,5 g/cm3 are recommended for soda ash purification. |
9 | A. Zaikin, E. Runova, S. Zuev, A. Sorotska, I. Runov | Study of Dense Soda Ash Cooling by Water Air Process in Fluidized Bed ApparatusResults of development experiments on cooling mode of dense soda by combined water and air process in fluidized bed-dryer equipped with pipe still for cooling water supply. Cooling unit operates reliably, stably, without material arching. Water is the main cooling agent with 72% of heat taken from soda. Average heat transmission coefficient of dense soda fluidized bed to water made 54,66 Wt/m2Grad. Obtained data can be used for equipment choice and engineering for dense soda cooling before its packing. |
10 | A. Baranovskiy, V. Моlchanov, K. Кukhtenkov | Automatic Control of Brine Purification Slurry Parameters with the help of Vibration ViscosimeterIt has been noted that control of brine purification slurry parameters at soda plants in Ukraine and Russia today is made manually by chemical analysis of its density or total alkalinity. Studies showed possibility of automatic control of slurry parameters, particularly its solid phase content with the help of industrial viscosity gauge. Obtained non-linear dependencies of industrial vibration viscosity gauge values on slurry density show high steep at high slurry densities. Feasibility of BBH-8 viscosity gauge for automatic control of solid phase content in brine purification slurry in soda process during its thickening has been proved. |
11 | V. Molchanov, V. Оlesuk, A. Baranovskiy, K. Кukhtenkov, E. Rusina | To the Issue of Automatic Control of Sulfide Ion Concentration in Soda Ash Process LyesResults of laboratory experiments on argentite selective electrodes tests on a special unit with sodium sulfur compounds solutions with a certain S2- concentration and ammoniated brine of soda plant. Research was aimed at replacement of analytical control with automatic. Electrode couple steepness was determined, as well as secondary instrument scale 39 mV/pS and (0,2-1,2) ND correspondingly. Results of industrial tests of automatic control system of S2- concentration control in the ammoniated brine collector lye. Metrologic evaluation of actual control and instrument readings. |
12 | A. Zaikin, A. Dolkart, E. Ruban, A. Sorotska | Classification of Calcium Hydroxide in Spiral Air ClassifierPrincipal flow diagram of calcium hydroxide classification using spiral air classifier. Description of the instrument operation principle and its technical characteristics. Influence of air heating supplied to the classifier on its capacity. It is shown that finished product mainly consists of 2-10 mcm particles with 67-70% mass fraction. |
13 | V. Gut, V. Burin, V. Burstein | Burning Small Fractions of Calcium carbonate in Radiation Furnace with Impulse Burning LayerResults of research of small sized carbonate raw material burning in laboratory furnace by radiation heating and impulse fluidized bed. Diagram of radiation kiln pilot plant. Possibility of obtaining of highly active lime and process gas with high CO2 content suitable for soda ash process. It is established that in such furnace sub-standard carbonate raw material from disposal (particle size less than 40 mm) and weak carbonate raw material unsuitable for burning in shaft kilns. |
14 | V. Frumin, V. Ivanchikov | Defining Optimal Heat Exchange Surface in Distillation CondenserResults of experimental studies aimed at determination of optimum heat exchange surface in distillation condenser (RH-CD) in soda ash process. Diagrams of RH-DS gas temperature dependence on the temperature of the lye supplied to it from RH-CD, as well as dependence of this lye temperature on heat exchange specific surface in RH-CD. It is shown that temperature mode of filter lye heating in RH-CD up to 65-70oC is the best solution for distillation column engineering as it provides for stable hydrodynamic mode in RH-DS, as well as compact construction of RH-DS. |
15 | V. Frumin, V. Gut, V. Burin, V. Burstein | Methods of Parameters Calculation of Sectioned Heat Exchange Equipment with Pulse Pseudocompressed Layer and Immersed Heat ExchangerDescription of equations system of soda cooling process in vertical sectioned unit with pseudo-liquefied bed (PLB) compiled on the basis of recirculation mixing model. Analytical solution of the system relating heat transmission parameters for two-section unit with perforated grids and multi-sectioned unit with immiscible layers. Dependency diagrams of sectioning degree efficiency on the coefficient, intracellular recirculation and number of sections. Results of experiments on soda ash cooling held under industrial conditions at the pilot two-sectioned water cooler plant with diameter 0,4 m. This calculation method can be used for PLB plants engineering for heat processing of soda and other dispersive products. |
16 | V. Fotchenko, R. Ivashinenko, O.Pranchuz | Research of Mathematic Model of Washer SeparatorResults of optimization study of separator washer with conical whirler installed in diffusor and mathematical model of the formed diffusor hyperbolic surface based on the principle of flows isokineticity. Possibility of replacing diffusor hyperbolic surface by conical surface that will provide for process efficiency and construction simplicity of the unit without damaging its operation efficiency. Small-sized washers separators have been implemented to soda ash process and at sugar plants. |
17 | V. Annopolskiy, E. Rusina, A. Dolcart, S. Zuev | Obtaining Lime Suspension by Slaking Lime with Raw BrineResults of industrial experiments on studying the process of lime suspension preparation using raw brine instead of water held at Crimean Soda Plant. It is shown that raw brine with not high temperature (up to 35oC) for raw brine lime slaking promotes inhibition of lime hydratation reaction as together with calcium hydroxide formation brine purification exchange reactions take place in the slaker with obtaining gypsum and magnesium hydroxide that are strong slaking inhibitors. Experiments allowed to establish that in order to provide for complete lime slaking and decreasing free calcium oxide losses with wastes up to standards brine heated up to 40-55oC should be supplied to the slaking unit. |
18 | A. Zozuliy, N. Iliyshenko, A. Dolcart | Industrial Testing of Decreasing Oxide Concentration in Furnace Gases in Shaft Lime Burning Furnace Operating on Natural GasArrangement of industrial lime burning kiln that operates on natural gas. Results of tests on decreasing oxygen content in kiln gases. It is shown that intermittent natural gas and air feed allows to improve combustible mixture mixing and distribution in shaft cross-section that allows to achieve greater natural gas combustion and consequently decrease oxygen content in kiln gas. |
19 | A. Shakhova, Y. Bitenuk | Increasing Efficacy of Secondary Power Resources Application at «Soda» Company (Sterlitamak)On the basis of steam consumption analysis at Soda Company Plant (Sterlitamak, Russia) it is established that calciners steam heat and distiller lye can be feasibly used for heating, ventilation and hot water supply at the plant. Description of operation scheme of central heat distribution unit at Soda plant. Heat utilization efficacy for each heat carrier. Heat consumption diagram during heating season at Soda Company Plant. |
20 | V. Molchanov, M. Sagaidak, V. Gereminovich, A. Shakhova | Specific Indices of Emissions of Contaminating Instances to the Air and their Normalization in Soda Ash IndustryStudy of the tendency for wider use of specific indicators system of pollutants formation and emissions from processes and substantial significance of Specific Indicators database by process engineers. Soda ash obtaining serves as an example of system approach variants to database formation. Increasing role of sodium reagents in solution of important issue of solid household wastes neutralization is shown. |
21 | I. Valeev, S. Zuev, A. Iskenderov, O. Iliyina, S. Petrenko | Ecologic Consequences of Further Running of Effluents Collector-Evaporator at “Crimean Soda Ash Plant” CompanyRunning of effluents collector-evaporator is a real problem that is an important part in soda ash process cycle. Emergency collector overflow can even cause closing of Crimean Soda Plant. Two variants of ecologically safe unloading of Krasnoe Lake are proposed: 1. Utilizing Kiyatskoe and Kirleutskoe Lakes. 2. Dumping wastewaters of Crimean Soda Plant to Karkinite Bay. This will provide for uninterrupted operation of collector-evaporator for 20 years. |
22 | A. Zaikin, E. Runova, V. Korobanov, I. Runov, S. Zuev | Research of Drying and Granulation of Calcium Chloride in Horizontal SidetrackExperiments on calcium chloride drying and granulation optimization have been led on pilot granulator dryer unit. Reliable data on heat technical indices of the process have been obtained. Basic process parameters have been recommended for industrial conditions. Recommendations have been implemented at calcium chloride plant. |
23 | A,. Zozuliy, V. Annopolskiy, V. Zhukov, T. Rusanova | On Improving Quality of Sodium Hydroxide Obtained by Lime ProcessBasing on the laboratory experiments on purification of sodium hydroxide obtained by lime method from impurities by recrystallization it has been established that recrystallization is feasible with min. 60% NaOH mass fraction in initial solution and at max. temperature of 45oC. Purification degree of sodium hydroxide from impurities makes (%: NаСI – 82,67÷94,14; Nа2СО3 – 13,69÷15,92; Nа2SО4 – 13,51÷15,88; Fе2О3 – 36,36÷66,67;Al2O3 – 81,72÷89,27;SiO2 – 79,31÷99,37 |
24 | Annopolskiy V. F Samoilenko V. I. Petrenko S. A. Medvedev I. I. | To the Issue of Obtaining Technical Sodium Hydroxide of Improved QualityResults of studies aimed at improving caustic soda qualities by decreasing carbonate and sodium sulfate impurities in it by barium purification and ultrasound. It has been established that purification of NaOH solutions from soda and sulfate impurities by barium method and ultrasound is not feasible. |
25 | M. Runov, V. Аnnopolskiy, E. Pavlova, I. Runov, A. Ivkov | Research of Crystallization of Sodium Hydroxide MonohydrateResults of study of NаОН•Н2О crystallization process from concentrated caustic aqueous solutions obtained by lime process. Data of laboratory experiments aimed at development of the most effective purification process of caustic solutions from impurities. Purificatiopn degree of NаОН•Н2О crystals has been determined (as NaOH with mass fraction 100%) from impurities NаСI; SiO2, Al2O3 ,(80±1%), Fе2О3 and Nа2СО(32÷47%). Bulk density of obtained crystals is 300÷500 kg/m3. For NаОН•Н2О crystallization rotor crystallizers with solution cooling through heat transmission surface are proposed. |
26 | G. Коstenko, V. Burchan, I. Мikulina | Research of Melting of Sodium Hydroxide Monohydrate CrystalsResults of experiments aimed at determination of basic characteristics of NаОН•Н2О crystals melting. Data necessary for development of melter construction and calculation of heat technical parameters of NаОН•Н2О crystals melting have been obtained. |
27 | V. Zhukov, T. Rusanova, A. Dolkart | Substitution of Usable Raw Carbonate with Caustification Slurry for Obtaining Cleaner Lime for Caustic Soda Production by Lime Process Study of the possibility to improve sodium hydroxide properties obtained by lime process. Lime produced by caustification slurry burning was used as raw material. It is multiple use material in sodium hydroxide process. Results of the experiment showed that in this case sodium hydroxide contains much fewer impurities than in case of natural carbonate raw material usage. |
28 | A. Zozuliy A. F. V. Zhukov V. А. T. Rusanova Т. G. O. Livdan О. А. | Research of Sedimentation Properties of Caustification Slurry under its Multiple Application in ProductionResults of laboratory research aimed at study of the possibility to increase velocity of caustification slurry settling using sodium phtoride, sodium hexametafosphate, polyacrilamide, carboxymetheylcellulose, glykozine, polyvinyl alcohol without lime surplus at caustification first stage or with 5-10% CaOact surplus. It has been established that caustification is feasible without lime surplus. In this case slurry settling velocity is increased and lime consumption is decreased. |
29 | A. Zozuliy, N. Iliyshenko, V. Zhukov, A. Dolkart, T. Rusanov | Research of Caustification Slurry Burning Mode in Rotating FurnaceDescription of rotary furnace pilot plant for wet carbonate raw material burning. Results of experiments on burning caustification slurry and milled chalk mixture in a rotary furnace. Determination of burning process technical parameters that provide for 97-98% burning degree for carbonate raw material under industrial conditions. Recommended burning mode allows to obtain lime that corresponds to caustic soda process requirements. |
30 | A. Коnon, V. Shtoda, V. Каchanov, L. Gusak, S. Shevchuk | Research of Corrosion Durability of Construction Materials in Hot Concentrated Solutions of Purified Sodium HydroxideResults of laboratory experiments on studying corrosion resistance of steel 10, stainless steels 12Х18Н10Т, 08Х22Н6Т, alloys ОХ23Н28М3Д3Т (06ХН28МДТ), ОХ23Н28М2Т, ХН78Т, nickel НПА-2. Experiments were held by gravimetric and electrometric methods in sodium hydroxide solutions with NaOH mass fraction 45 and 62,5% at temperatures 98 and 120oC. It has been established that in hot concentrated solutions carbon steels show low resistance; nickel НПА-2 and alloys on its basis have satisfactory resistance at max. temperature 120oC and can be recommended as construction materials for solutions with max. NaOH mass fraction 62,5%. |
31 | M. Tseitlin, E. Gitis, S. Baibuletov, E. Аlekseeva | Carbonation Kinetics of Barium Sulfide SolutionCarbonation mechanism of barium sulfide by carbon dioxide. Ion type reactions in barium sulfide solution lead to interaction between СО32- and Ва2+ ions with formation of barium carbonate sediment. Kinetics of this process is described by second-kind equation. Velocity constants have been calculated on the basis of experiments data. It is shown that velocity of the process depends on gas velocity and barium sulfide transformation degree. Obtained data can be used for calculation of the unit for sulfide solutions carbonation by carbon dioxide. |
32 | V. Alekseev, A. Alekseev | Research of Kinetics of Topochemical ReactionsAnalysis of various approaches to description of topochemical reactions kinetics. Experiments data obtained during the research of regenerative burning of barite concentrates in mixture with coke within temperature interval 800-900oC have been analyzed according to informal principle. For kinetic description of topochemical reactions accompanied by inhibitory effect of various natures on the basis of experiments data analysis we propose to use first-kind equation =K1 – Kα. Its integral form is given by α= . In these equations K1 in physical sense describes reaction ability of the initial substance, and K takes into account influence of inhibitory effect. |
33 | E. Gitis, N. Beliyeva, L. Gaisin, Y. Кarimov | To the Issue of Barium Carbonate GranulationResults of laboratory experiments on barium carbonate granulation sedimented from barium chloride solutions (obtained by calcium chloride process) and soda by heat processing. Determination of the best process conditions. Before heat processing alkaline additive, i.e. soda ash with mass fraction Nа2СО3 0,5-0,8% (as dry matter) was introduced to initial barium carbonate. Heating took 2 hours at 650oC. Obtained product was milled and screened. Developed process is implemented in industry |
34 | N. Тimokhinа, V. Zhukovin, V. Kashkovskiy | Synthesis of Granulated Ceolite of NAU Type without Natural Caoline Binding Substances Results of laboratory research on NAU granulated ceolite synthesis from natural kaoline of Glukhovtsy mine. Physical, chemical and catalytic qualities of this ceolite, its application areas. Possibility to use NAU ceolite in catalytic oxidation process of carbon monoxide and in benzyl alkylation by С8С14 olefines. |
35 | V. Zhukovin, A. Chaliiy, N. Тimokhina, N. Guzhva, V. Каshkovskiy | On the Possibility of Obtaining Ceolite Supporters for Oxidation Catalysts of Exhaust Gases of Cars with Explosion EnginesResults of experiments on obtaining NAU granulated ceolite without binding substances on stand circulating type plant. Catalytically active substances were introduced to obtained ceolite specimen. Catalyzers were tested at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry. Test results of oxidation neutralizer element of cars exhaust gases made as ring absorber. Inner combustion engine M-245 of Tavria 1102 was tested. It is shown that catalyzers obtained on the basis of synthesized high-silica NAU type ceolites are equivalent to well-known industrial catalyzers, as well as oxidation neutralizers of cars exhaust gases bases on block cell structure by quality. |
36 | V. Моlchanov, V. Аlekseev, V. Аnnopolskiy, N. Markov, A. Alekseev, L. Каlashnik | Research of Possibility of Obtaining Sodium Sulfate from natural Hydromineral Ukrainian Raw MaterialsData on application areas of sodium sulfate, feasibility of its obtaining from Ukrainian natural raw materials is substantiated. Possibility to improve known ways to process hydromineral raw materials with low sulfate-ion concentration, for example Sivash brines, aimed at increase of Nа2SО4 extraction degree. Recommendations are based on sodium sulfate salting-out by sodium chloride from sulfate chloride solutions. Waste (chlorated) mother solutions that can be obtained by evaporation of saturated sulfate brine of Sivash mine shoukd be used as such solutions. |
37 | V. Levitskiy, A. Коzhanova | Kinetics of Sodium Carbonate and Urea InteractionResults of research of topochemical interaction mechanism between urea and sodium carbonate aimed at learning kinetic properties of this process. Thermal analytical curves of thermogravymetry, differential gravymetry and differential thermal analyses of Nа2СО3 misture specimen and urea with mass fraction 40 and 60% correspondingly have been obtained. All compounds that comprise product of their interaction can be used as components of fire extinguishing agents. |
38 | V. Molchanov, V. Annopolskiy, F. Shevtsov, V. Uteshev | Peculiarities of White Silica Compression and Packing in Valve BagsBrief description of compactors and packing units developed by NIOCHIM and used at white silica plants in the former USSR. Analysis of actual results reached for grades БС-100 and БС-120 bulk density which is one of the basic indices of this product. Basic technical characteristics of modern packing unit for valve bags developed by NIOCHIM. Complex solution of productivity increase of packing units and white silica bulk density during packing. Two variants of operation modes for M308 updated packing unit. Economic evaluation of this solution. |
39 | V. Zhukovin, V. Levitskiy, I. Volotsenko, L. Karnatsevich | Research of Adsorbents of Iodine Filters of Ventilation System at Ukrainian Nuclear Power PlantsDetermination of unnormalized growth reasons of aerodynamic resistance of iodine adsorbers according to the results of physical and chemical properties studies of CKT-3 active carbon used as adsorbent in APS ventilation systems, ways of their elimination. Updated system of ventilation air purification at Ukrainian APS. |
40 | L. Vaserman, V. Andreev | Analysis of Temporal Tendencies of Basic Hydrochemical Mode Parameters Change at Kuchuk Mineral Salts MineConfirmation of the author’s forecast published in 1992 regarding especially unfavorable peak of Lake Kuchuk draught expected for 1999. Against the background of reciprocity of its basic hydrodynamic mode parameters within the limits of its previously fixed extreme values significant tendency for decrease of sodium sulfate maximum deposits in surface bittern. Their total decrease during 1996-1998 made c. 9%, but this did not affect efficacy of the deposit development and does not necessitate serious changes to its development process within foreseeable period. |
41 | M. Sagaidak, V. Коlesnik, V. Gereminovich | Ecology and Energy Estimation of Regional Technogenic ProcessesFeasibility of stressing and analysis of energy aspect for studies of mutual influence of natural and technogenic processes. Environmental evaluation of technogenic energy processes. Influence of power processes on natural elements. This approach was applied to analysis of situation in Zmiev district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine. Several possible ways of stable productive interconnected development of natural and technogenic medium of the region are proposed. |
42 | M. Vorozhbiiya, A. Shapka, A. Loboiko, A. Kobzev, N. Markov | Development of Reliable Algorithm of Nitrogen Oxides AbsorptionIn order to create algorithm that correctly describes processes in absorption column for obtaining nitrogen acid mathematic equation were introduced to traditional calculation method for determination of nitrogen oxide oxidation (II) in dynamic conditions and acid formation value caused by nitrogen oxide oxidation (II) in liquid phase. With the help of this algorithm industrial absorption column was calculated. It is shown that improved algorithm allows to describe processes that take place in absorption column with maximum accuracy. This is proved by the data obtained in industrial conditions. |
43 | I. Rishenko, A. Savenkov, N. Ushakova. | Development of Solutions Concentration Processes in Gases Purification from SО2 and NОхResults of research of sulfites into ammonia sulfates oxidation process by air oxide in vortex unit with simultaneous concentration of sulfate and ammonia nitrate mixture by circulation. It is established that with fivefold circulation of spray liquid almost complete sulfites transformation into ammonia sulfates is reached by circulation. It is established that for obtaining solution of the mixture with mass fraction CHA 26% 25-30-fold circulation is necessary. Studies were held within the frames of industrial implementation of electron beam dusted gases purification process exhausted by electric heating stations from SО2 and NОх. |
44 | A. Ivkov, M. Tukhtina, E. Sviridova | Research of Inaccuracy Characteristics of Measurement Procedure of Chlorides Mass Concentration in Effluents of Kharkiv PlantsResults of studies of mass chlorides concentration error in Kharkiv plants wastewaters drained to the municipal sewerage for the whole range given in the method of the measured component variation. Characteristics of accidental and systematic methodic error were determined experimentally, characteristics of the instrumental error were determined by calculation method (according to certificates of the instruments). Obtained values of error characteristics of the studied methods turned out to be less than GOST 27384 values for the whole measurements range. Method developed by NIOCHIM can be used for obtaining correct data on chlorides content in plants wastewaters drained to municipal sewerage. |
45 | V. Molchanov F. Shevtsov Y. Ponomarev V. Rogalskiy | Evaluation of Dosing Inaccuracy of Equipment for Packing Granular Materials to ContainersMethod of analytical evaluation of dosing error of gross weighting unit for bulk materials packaging to containers. Structure of the total dosing error and necessary dependencies for its quantitative evaluation. Results of error calculation for true parameters of package unit with its analysis. Proposed method and calculation data allows to take grounded technical solutions for creation of new and update of existing packing equipment, as well as to formulate reasonable requirements on dosing accuracy prior to its purchase. |
46 | L. Vaserman | Application of Method of Densities Comparison for Correcting the Result of Indirect Definition of Water Mass Content in a Multicomponent SolutionAlgorithm of correction calculation to the result of indirect definition of water mass fraction in the solution using true error borders of dissolved components mass fractions and data on the density of analyzed solution and comparison solution prepared according to the results of complete chemical analysis of initial solution. Corrected result is almost uninfluenced by direct definitions correctness, and its uncertainty interval in general case is significantly lower than calculated basing on static sum of their significant errors. |
№ | Title | Inventor(s) |
1 | № 27677 PROCESS OF BARIUM CARBONATE MANUFACTUREThe invention relates to methods for barium carbonate obtaining and may be applied in chemical industry. The method for barium carbonate obtaining comprises reduction of barium sulphate concentrate water leaching of formed fusion cake of barium sulfide with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, separation of insoluble residue from barium chloride solution, leaching of barium chloride for purification from calcium compounds, precipitation of barium carbonate with sodium carbonate solution, washing and drying of a precipitate. Purified barium chloride solution is treated with hydrochloric or nitric acid till solution pH of 6-8 before the treatment with sodium carbonate solution. | E.Gitis (UA); O.Alekseeva (UA); N.Bilaeva (UA); T.Novak (UA); A.Malakhov (RU); S.Baibulatov (RU) |
2 | № 27796 PROCESS OF SODIUM HYDROCARBONATE CALCINATIONA method for calcination of sodium hydrocarbonate by indirect heating soda and bicarbonate mixture with vapor in the vertical apparatus with fluidized bed comprises loading soda and carbonate mixture, delivery of liquefying CO2-containing gas under the layer of material and discharge of calcination gas from apparatus. The loaded soda and carbonate mixture is distributed on the surface of fluidized bed, and liquefying CO2-containing gas is delivered in the pulse mode. | V.Burin (UA); V.Burshtein (UA); V.Gut (UA); I.Zaitsev (UA); V.Frumin (UA) |
3 | № 29379 PROCESS OF DISTILLATION UNIT CLEANINGThe invention relates to the methods of cleaningthe apparatuses for distillation of the production of the soda ash and can be used in chemical industry. The proposed method of removal of salt deposits from apparatuses for distillation of soda production includes preliminary distillation of free and half-connected ammonia from the liquid, supplied to the dissolution of deposits, up to its residual concentration of 0.02-0.10 g/l. | O.Zozulia (UA); M.Tseytlin (UA); V.Titov, V.Karpov, L.Fisenko (RU) |
4 | № 45020 SHAFT KILN FOR RAW CARBONATE BURNINGPit-type furnace for carbonate raw material baking comprises of two pits, which are connected by a channel. The upper burning units are installed beneath the connecting channel. | O.F.Zozulia (UA); M.I.Ilyashenko (UA) |
5 | № 45021 PROCESS OF SODIUM PERCARBONATE MANUFACTUREMethod for sodium percarbonate obtaining via reaction of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide in two stages. At first stage 30 – 50 % of stochiometric quantity of hydrogen peroxide is added. | V.Molchanov (UA); V.Levitskiy (UA); V.Zhukovin (UA); B.Shikhov (UA); A.Zaikin (UA) |
6 | № 45368 DISTILLATION COLUMN OF SODA ASH PLANT FILTER LYEThe plant may be used in chemical industry for production of soda and in chemical engineering. The plant contains a distiller with the trays with big perforations, the ratio between free area of the tray and total cross-section of the column is 0,26-0,29 m2/m2 and the diameter of perforation openings is 0,08-0,12 that allows to provide optimal speed of gas-vapor mixture, to improve the mass transfer and to reduce the incrustation of perforation openings. | V.Frumin (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); O.Zozulia (UA) |
7 | № 51924 SHAFT KILN FOR RAW CARBONATE BURNINGPit furnace for carbonate raw material firing has a pit, fire-proofed links, loading unit, discharge unit, unit for fuel supply, for the furnace gas taking out, for supply of drying gas to the upper part of the furnace. Average ratio of the width of the fire-proofed link to the average dimension of the diameter of the piece of raw material is 812, and distance for drying furnace gas supply corresponds to 1.5 – 3 dimensions of the pit width. | O.Zozulia (UA); M.Ilyashenko (UA) |
8 | № 53736 PLANT WASTE THERMOCHEMICAL TREATMENT DEVICE WITH SYNTHESIS GAS OBTAININGThis invention relates to apparatuses for thermo-chemical processing of industrial waste with obtaining synthesis-gas and can be used in different areas of industry. Appliance includes the utilization reactor with combustion chamber and heat exchangers and steam-generator, it has as well the block for separation of waste to liquid and solid phase, thermo-reactor and mixer; at that the inlet of the of the mixer is connected to the outlet for the liquid phase, from the block of separation, and the outlet from the mixer is connected to the outlet for the liquid phase, from the block of separation, and the outlet of the mixer is connected to the thermo-reactor and heat-exchangers; part of those is connected to the mixer; outlet for the solid phase is connected to loading unit of the utilization reactor. Thermo-reactor is connected to the combustion chamber of the utilization reactor. To the block of separation of waste are additionally included crushing machine and granulator, and to the mixer – apparatus for obtaining bio-gas. | Y.Zubaniuk (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); R.Yaremenko (UA) |
9 | № 53834 MATERIAL FOR MANUFACTURE OF PIPES OPERATING IN EXTREME HEAVY-DUTY MEDIAUse of low-alloyed, high-strength structural steel as a material for manufacturing pipes working in extremely corrosive media. | V.Molchanov (UA); A.Konon (UA); I.Grynko (UA); E.Gitis (UA) |
10 | № 54491 ESTEAMATOR FOR FOAMING FLUIDSAn evaporative apparatus for foamy liquids contains a heating chamber. A heating chamber is connected by circulation tube and branch pipe for supply of liquid-vapor mixture with a separator. Separator has a spiral gutter having inclined shovels, branch pipes for supply of admission solution, discharge lines for processed liquor and secondary vapor. Inclined shovels are concave and lower parts of shovels are toothed. | G.Kostenko (UA) |
11 | № 54822 PROCESS OF AMMONIA RECOVERYA method for ammonia regeneration which consists in the distillation thereof from the liquid by a vapor to a given concentration value limited by the upper level. The process includes an additional concentration limitation to its lower level selected preferably equal to 60 - 70 % of the upper limit value. | V.Markelov (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); V.Titov, A.Voronin, A.Gareev, V.Karpov (RU) |
12 | № 55018 PROCESS OF SODIUM MONOCHROMATE SOLUTION MANUFACTURE A method for preparation of sodium monochromate solution by an oxidizing roasting of the chromite containing rough stock in a mixture with soda and slime with a subsequent water leaching of the cake. | V.Molchanov (UA); E.Gitis (UA); N.Beliaeva (UA); T.Novak (UA); H.Shabanova (UA) |
13 | № 55019 PROCESS OF SUPERHEATED STEAM COOLING AND APPARATUS THEREOFA method for superheated vapor cooling by a direct contact with condensate. At that the condensate is delivered for cooling by gravity at a saturation temperature which corresponds to the pressure of the cooled vapor and contacts with the vapor in the two phase layer. A device for superhetead vapor cooling consists of cooling chamber, condensate, superheated vapor withdrawal element, condensate and superheated vapor branching. At that sheet perforated elements are disposed in the chamber, which elements separating the inner chamber space into two parts. | V.Molchanov (UA); O.Zozulia (UA); G.Kushnir (UA); O.Shakhova (UA); M.Tseytlin (UA) |
14 | № 55437 PROCESS OF AMMONIA RECOVERY FROM SODA ASH PLANT FILTER LYEThe invention relates to the processes for ammonia regeneration from the filtrating liquid of the ammonia-soda production and may be used in the chemical industry, particularly in soda production. The invention allows reducing the lime consumption.To achieve this a process for ammonia regeneration from the filtrating liquid of the ammonia and soda production is carried out on distillation elements, and provides for the distillation of carbon dioxide, the ammonium chloride decomposition by mixing decarbonized filtrating liquid with lime milk in two stages: at the first stage – when the stoichiometry is absent, at the second - when the stoichiometry is achieved, distillation of a free ammonia by vapor, the lime milk flow is preliminarily separated into the coarse-dispersion and clarified milk, the decomposition of ammonium chloride on one of the elements is carried out initially by a coarse –dispersion milk,a thereafter by that clarified, and on the distillation residue – by the clarified lime milk. | S.Zuev (UA); V.Kryvomlyn (UA); O.Mikhaylova (UA); V.Dobrovolskiy (UA); F.Gilmanov (UA) |
15 | № 55457 PROCESS OF PRECIPITATED SILICA FILLER MANUFACTURE The invention relates to the processes for a deposited siliceous filler preparation. The deposited siliceous filler is prepared by depositing it from the sodium silicate solution by the mineral acid which is carried out in two stages with the subsequent filtration of the suspension, the deposit washing and drying. At the first stage of the deposition the acid is added to achieve 39÷48 % of the coagulation threshold, and at the second stage - to 78÷89 % of the coagulation threshold. The invention allows to simplify the technology and to prepare the filler having a certain activity of particles at a specific surface within the limits of 160÷190 m2/g. | V.Molchanov (UA); E.Lapin (UA); V.Annopolskiy (UA); M.Stepanenko (UA); E.Tretyak (UA); V.Uteshev (UA); L.Sytnik (UA); V.Shabalin (UA); V.Dudka (UA); P.Saiko (UA) |
16 | № 55776 CONTACT MASS EXCHANGE APPARATUSThe invention relates to the processes for a deposited siliceous filler preparation. The deposited siliceous filler is prepared by depositing it from the sodium silicate A contact mass-transfer device has a convergent tube and diffuser connected by bases, conical swirler fixed into diffuser which forms central channel and closes outlet section of central channel, fluid and gas inlets, fluid and gas outlets. The convergent tube and diffuser are placed in the lifting tube of gas-lift and forms a peripheral annular channel. | V.Fotchenko (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); S.Zuev (UA) |
17 | № 57778 CRYSTALLIZERThe invention relates to designs of crystallizers for crystallization of substances from solutions and may be used in chemical, petrochemical and food branches of industry. Crystallizer contains vertical cylindrical casing with central circulating pipe located in it and axial pump, pipes for admission and removal of initial solution and suspension. Activator of crystallizer is made in the form of elliptic rings or their parts distributed on the height and fixed on outer surface of circulating pipe with a gap between outer surface of rings and inner surface of cooling casing with inclination with respect to the axis of crystallizer. Angles of inclination of adjacent rings are equal in size and opposite in direction. Circulating tube is mounted with possibility of rotation. Axial pump is multi-stage, its stages are located on upper and lower ends of circulating pipe. Invention allows to create high turbulization of wall layer in heat-transfer surfaces. | M.Runov (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); O.Zozulia (UA); V.Ponomarenko (UA); I.Runov (UA) |
18 | № 60319 PROCESS OF SULFATE-CONTAINING SALT LAKE WATER TREATMENTThe invention relates to methods for processing saline lake waters containing sulphates. The invention allows to avoid an ingress of alkaline liquids to the storage pool and reduce incrustation of equipment caused by processing lake waters with distillation liquid – waste of soda ash production. For this purpose the distillery liquid is preliminarily concentrated, at that calcium hydrooxychloride being deposited to calcium hydroxide content of 0.2-0.6 g/l. | V.Molchanov (UA); O.Zozulia (UA); I.Valeev (UA); S.Zuev (UA) |
19 | № 61134 PROCESS OF SODIUM SULFATE RAW MATERIAL MANUFACTUREThe invention relates to the processes for preparing the raw material to produce sodium sulphate, for example, from brines of marine type, and can be used in the chemical industry. The invention gives an opportunity to use ion SО4 depleted brines and avoid the stage of mirabilite melting. To do this, in the process comprising a polythermic crystallization of mirabilite from the natural brine, removal of mother liquor, dissolving the mirabilite residue with obtaining a sodium enriched sulfuric solution, the unproductive mirabilite residue is dissolved with sweet water of summer period of year, the obtained solution is withdrawn to the other storage, where in the winter period of the year the recrystallized production mirabilite is precipitated from the solution, thereafter the recrystallized mirabilite is dissolved again with the sweet water, and the obtained sodium sulphate enriched solution is kept in natural conditions for use in the warm period of year. | I.Zarazilov (UA); L.Odarenko (UA); L.Vaserman (UA); Z.A.Malakey (UA); L.Zinkivska (UA); S.Zuev (UA); M.Markov (UA) |
20 | № 61142 PROCESS OF GYPSUM CRUSTING DECELERATION IN SODA ASH PLANT EQUIPMENTThe invention relates to methods for reducing the rate of formation of gypsum incrustations in the apparatuses and can be used in the chemical industry, particularly in producing soda ash. While mixing the liquid after the distillation heat-exchanger with liquid containing the calcium chloride with subsequent mixing the obtained suspension of calcium hydroxide, according to the invention, the gel-like fresh-deposited calcium carbonate being added as primer to the liquid after the distillation heat-exchanger. The invention provides for reducing the rate of formation of gypsum incrustations in apparatuses, which gives an opportunity to increase the time of apparatuses operation between cleanings. | L.Odarenko (UA); S.Zuev (UA); I.Zarazilov (UA); S.Petrenko (UA); Z.Malakey (UA); V.Annopolskiy (UA) |
21 | № 61144 PROCESS OF SODA ASH PLANT CALCINATION GAS COOLINGThe invention relates to the processes for cooling the calcinations gases in soda production and can be used in the chemical industry. The process comprises introducing the gas flow in the apparatus, the direct contacting the gases with circulating reflux which is carried out in the reverse flow on contact elements, withdrawal of the reflux formed again out of the cycle, at that withdrawal of the reflux formed again out of the cycle being performed from the contact element disposed at the height which is 20-65 % of the distance between the first and the last contact elements. The invention gives an opportunity to reduce the mass part of ammonium in the cooled gas. | L.Odarenko (UA); S.Zuev (UA); I.Zarazilov (UA); S.Petrenko (UA); Z.Malakey (UA); V.Annopolskiy (UA) |
22 | № 64300 DENSE SODA ASH MANUFACTURING OVENFurnace for dense soda production has rotary drum with lining, furnace, this is connected to the cavity between the lining and the drum by a gas duct for recirculation of smoke gas, loading unit, unloading unit, this is connected to the cavity. At that, it has an additional furnace connected by gas duct with cavity between the lining and the drum and with unloading unit. | A.P.Zaikin (UA); V.I.Molchanov (UA); V.F.Annopolskiy (UA); S.M.Zuev (UA); O.O.Grekhov (UA) |
23 | № 67770 PROCESS OF AMMONIATED BRINE CARBONATION IN SOLVAY SODA ASH PLANT AND CARBONATION COLUMN THEREOFThe invention relates to methods for carbonization of ammoniated brine in the production of calcinated soda by ammonia method and carbonization columns for realizing the same, and can be used in the chemical industry. A method for carbonization of ammoniated brine involves separation of the latter into two flows – first and second ones, separate delivery thereof for the interaction with carbon dioxide, at that the first flow is delivered with a temperature of 43-58°С and ammonium availability of 76-85 kg/m3 (90-100 parts), and the second flow is additionally saturated with ammonium to the presence thereof in the brine of 94-110 kg/m3 (110-130 parts) and delivered with the temperature of 40-55°С. The carbonization column has branches for inlet and outlet of liquid and gas, absorption and refrigerating barrels which alternate one by one or by groups, moreover the upper refrigerating barrel is placed at the distance being equal to 0.5-0.65 of the column height beginning from the base thereof. The invention gives an opportunity to increase the degree of sodium utilization in the process of carbonization and obtain sodium bicarbonate crystals of a good quality. | P.Lechev (BG); V.Molchanov (UA); V.Titov (RU); A.Voronin (RU); V.Karpov (RU); O.Zozulia (UA); A.Gareev (RU); B.Daskalov (BG); |
24 | № 67941 PROCESS OF AMMONIA RECOVERY FROM SODA ASH PLANT FILTER LYEA method for ammonium regeneration from the filtering liquid of ammonium-soda production includes filtering liquid decarburization, decomposition of ammonium chloride by mixing the filtering liquid with the lime milk in the reactor-mixer without ammonium isolation into the gaseous phase. | S.Zuev (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); V.Kryvomlyn (UA); O.Mikhaylova (UA); E.Gitis (UA); O.Merinov (UA); F.Gilmanov (UA) |
25 | № 68117 PROCESS OF PURIFIED BRINE MANUFACTURE FROM SEA BITTERNA method for the preparation of purified brine from sea brine involves precipitation of sodium chloride, washing and dissolving layer of salt in water, mother brine discharge with isolation of sodium sulfate, treatment of brine with lime and soda for purifying from calcium and magnesium salts, preliminary purification of inlet of sodium sulfate taken at the quantity being determined by sulfation degree which is characterized by metamorphization coefficient. According to the invention metamorphization coefficient is determined as per formula: Кm = 4,422.СMg2+ - 0,2955 ± 1, where Кm - metamorphization coefficient; СMg2+ - mass concentration of magnesium ion in crude brine, g/dm3. | V.Molchanov (UA); I.Zarazilov (UA); Z.Malakey (UA); S.Zuev (UA); V.Yatsyshyn (UA); H.Khomova (UA) |
26 | № 70322 SEPARATING UNIT OF EVAPORATORThe invention relates to the designs of separators of evaporator, which serve for separation of vapour-liquid mixture, and may be used in chemical, petrochemical, and food branches of industry. The separator of evaporator contains cylindrical housing, tangential branch connection for supply of vapour-liquid mixture, branch connections for discharge of vapour and liquid. Stop plates are located inside the cylindrical housing above tangential branch connection. The borders directed vertically downward are executed on the edges of stop plates. The invention allows decreasing sputtering at unstable operating conditions. | G.Kostenko (UA); O.Zozulia (UA); I.Grynko (UA) |
27 | № 70331 PROCESS OF AMMONIATED BRINE CARBONATION IN SOLVAY SODA ASH PLANTThe invention relates to methods for carbonization of ammoniated brine in the production of soda ash with ammonium process and can be used in the chemical industry. The method involves supply of ammoniated brine and carbon dioxide gas to the carbon column and interaction thereof in the reverse flow, recirculation of a part of ammoniated brine, moreover ammoniated brine is supplied into the column for interaction, and recirculation is performed by withdrawal of a part of ammoniated brine from the zone of interaction taking it of the upper part of column and returning inside the column where it is mixed with ammoniated brine being supplied. Te invention gives an opportunity to raise the degree of sodium utilization and obtain crystals of sodium bicarbonate of a high quality | V.Molchanov (UA); S.Zuev (UA); O.Zozulia (UA); O.Mikhaylova (UA); V.Kryvomlyn (UA); V.Mikhaylov (UA) |
28 | № 70346 DISTILLATION COLUMNThe invention relates to the chemical industry and concerns distilling tower, which can be used in the production of the soda ash. Distilling tower contains distiller, heat exchanger of distillation, counter-current contact elements of large perforation mounted in upper and middle parts of the apparatuses, and in the lower part of the distiller crossing-current single-cap plates are mounted, in the lower part of heat exchanger of distillation crossing-current plates of large perforation are mounted, in this case the ratio of quantity of counter-current plates to the quantity of crossing-current makes 1.8 – 2.5. The invention allows to reduce hydraulic resistance of the liquid, to increase the duration of operation between cleanings (washings) of tower, to decrease the steam consumption for realization of the distillation process. | V.Frumin (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); E.Gitis (UA) |
29 | № 72504 EVAPORATOR WITH A SUSPENDED HEATING CHAMBERThe vaporizer with hanging heating chamber, which contains the casing of cylinder, heating chamber equipped with vertical heating tubes fastened in the tube plates, central tube with openings for introduction of heating steam with deflectors, union for supply of primary solution, tube for removal of condensate, device for discharge cake of fusion, outlet of secondary steam. Deflectors are made in the form of hollow cylinders mounted coaxially with central tube, and the tube for discharge of condensate from the heating chamber passes through the device for removal of cake of fusion. Such implementation of invention will allow increasing service life of the apparatus and eliminating its outages. | V.Molchanov (UA); I.Grynko (UA); E.Gitis (UA); V.Nikolenko (UA); T.Kostina (UA) |
30 | № 74151 EVAPORATOR WITH NATURAL CIRCULATIONInvention relates to the evaporators with gravity circulation and it can be used in the chemical industry for evaporation of crystallized solutions, for example, kitchen salt. Evaporator with gravity circulation of solution contains a cylindrical housing, a heating chamber, a circulating pipe, an area of dissolution and precipitation of crystals, an inlet of primary solution, an inlet of vapor, an outlet of steamed solution and condensate. In its upper part above the circulating pipe a device is mounted in the form of truncated cone passing into the cylinder, which together with the housing of apparatus forms an annular space serving as a pipe of start of boiling, and the inlet of primary solution is connected with the collector mounted in the area of dissolution and precipitation of crystals, which has holes located vertically below, and at an angle at the side. Invention allows to identify the process of evaporation, to increase inter-washing period, to obtain large crystals. | V.Molchanov (UA); I.Grynko (UA); O.Ivashchenko (UA); O.Grynko (UA) |
31 | № 77602 PROCESS OF SODIUM SESQUICARBONATE MANUFACTUREAn invention relates to chemical industry, in particular to obtaining of initial raw material for detergent and cosmetic preparations, feed additives for animals and other purposes. In a process for preparing sodium sesquicarbonate by mixing sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and water the process of mixing is carried out in suspension, which after mixing is divided in sediment of purpose product and liquid phase, being used for the preparation of suspension. In the course of separation of suspension the sediment of purpose product is washed. As washing liquid carbonate-bicarbonate solution is used, which is obtained by dissolution in water of a part of sediment of purpose product. The invention allows to obtain product with increased content of the main substance. | V.Molchanov (UA); V.Annopolskiy (UA); L.Vaserman (UA); Z.Malakey (UA); L.Zinkivska (UA); I.Tulupov (UA); O.Koval (UA); Y.Gulenok (UA); M.Rudiuk (UA) |
32 | № 79332 HEAT AND MASS EXCHANGE EQUIPMENTThe invention relates to heat engineering and can be used in chemical and oil-chemical fields of industry. Heat-mass exchange apparatus with heating chamber, vertical heat transfer pipes placed in it, fixed at above and at beneath in pipe plates, separation chamber, connecting pipes for supply and discharge of liquid, connecting pipes for supply and discharge of vapor-gas mix; at that the connecting pipe for discharge of vapor-gas mix is arranged as venturi, and at center of apparatus pipe is installed with lower end placed at height 1.0 – 1.5 of diameter of pipe from lower pipe plate in heating chamber, and the upper one, arranged as nozzle, goes to base of venturi. At the upper pipe cover plate is provided with console pipes installed coaxially with heat transfer pipes with same diameter and going over liquid level over pipe plate. The invention provides intensification of process of desorption and separation of gas flow. | O.Zozulia (UA) |
33 | № 80282 CONTACT MASS EXCHANGE EQUIPMENTThe invention relates to the contact devices for realization of processes heat-mass transfer and can be used in gas, oil-refining, chemical and other branches of industry. A device has a housing made in the form of two hollow bodies with variable cross sections in the form of Venturi tubes, longitudinally cut off over the sides, connected by cut off sections with formation of cogs at junction, and closed, at least, from one end, and also the branch pipes of introduction and removal of components; the cross sections of hollow bodies have a form of curves with variable radii of curvature, for example, ellipses. The invention provides for the change of speeds of rotation of the particles of interacting flows, which contributes to the intensification of the processes of heat-mass transfer. | O.Letiuk (UA); O.Zozulia (UA); V.Molchanov (UA) |
34 | № 80306 HEAT EXCHANGERThe invention relates to heat exchange apparatuses and can be used in chemical and other fields of industry. A heat exchange apparatus with inner and outer rings with branch pipes for supply and discharge of heat carrier, nozzle made of flow-through pipes, loading and unloading devices, drive mechanisms for drum rotation. The flow-through pipes of nozzle go through inner ring in normal direction to its axis and are arranged in screw-like order, at that open ends of those are fixed in openings on surface of inner ring with displacement by given angle of attack. The invention makes it possible to intensify process of heat transfer, to simplify loading and unloading of material being processed. | O.Zozulia (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); Y.Kuzenko (UA); M.Markov (UA) |
35 | № 83030 PROCESS OF SODIUM PERCARBONATE MANUFACTUREThe invention relates to chemical industry and can be used in production of synthetic detergents. A process for preparation of sodium percarbonate by means of interaction reaction of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. The interaction reaction is accompanied by air blowing of a reaction zone with a specific discharge rate 1-8 m3/kg of product. The use of the invention allows increasing a productivity process without increasing a size of basic production equipment. | V.Molchanov (UA); V.Annopolskiy (UA); V.Levitskiy (UA); V.Burin (UA); V.Frumin (UA) |
36 | № 2209180 PROCESS OF SULFIDE ION CONCENTRATION CONTROL IN SODA ASH PLANT AMMONIA CYCLEMethods of control of sulfide ion concentration in ammonial cycle of production of soda ash: applicable in chemical industry, particularly, in automation of process of supply of sulfide-containing fluids inhibiting apparatus corrosion process. SUBSTANCE: method of control of sulfide ion concentration in ammonial cycle of soda ash production is realized with help of control action on control member of supply of sulfide-containing fluid to suction end of pumps into filter fluid of distillation compartment depending on total consumption of filter fluid with correction of sulfide ion in ammoniated brine after absorption compartment. Supply of sulfide-containing fluid is additionally corrected depending on total consumption for absorption members. Controlling action on control member is effected in compliance with algorithm given in invention description. EFFECT: higher accuracy of control of sulfide ion concentration in ammoniated brine and improved control quality. 1 dwg, 1 ex | V.Molchanov (UA); V.Olesiuk (UA); K.Kukhtenkov (UA); A.Baranovskiy (UA); E.Rusina (UA), V.Titov (RU); A.Voronin (RU); A.Gareev (RU); V.Karpov (RU) |
37 | № 2209181 PROCESS OF AMMONIATED BRINE CARBONATION IN SOLVAY SODA ASH PLANT AND CARBONATION COLUMN THEREOF FIELD: methods and carbonization columns for carbonization of ammoniated brine in production of soda ash by ammonial method; applicable in chemical industry. SUBSTANCE: method includes reaction of ammoniated and partially carbonized brine with carbon dioxide gas with production of sodium bicarbonate suspension; division of ammoniated and partially carbonized brine into two flows; supply of the first flow with temperature of 43-58C and ammonia content of 76-85 kg/cu.m to 4.5-6.5m below the upper end of carbonization column; additional saturation of the second flow with ammonia up to its content amounting to 94-110 kg/cu.m and supply with temperature of 40-55C to point where concentration of combined ammonia in ammoniated brine amounts up to 21-25 rg/cu.m. Carbonization column has absorption and cooling barrels, inlet pipes of ammoniated and partially carbonized brine and carbon dioxide gas, and outlet pipes of sodium bicarbonate suspension and exhaust gas. Absorption and cooling barrels alternate one-by-one or by groups. Upper cooling barrel is installed at distance equaling 0.45-0.65 of column heightmeasuring from its base. Column is provided with inlet pipe of additional ammoniated brine. Said inlet pipe is installed at distance equaling 0.68-0.73 of column height measuring from its base. EFFECT: higher degree of sodium utilization in process of carbonization and produced crystals of high- quality sodium bicarbonate. 7 cl, 1 dwg, 1 tbl | P.Lechev (BG); V.Molchanov (UA); V.Titov (RU); A.Voronin (RU); V.Karpov (RU); O.Zozulia (UA); A.Gareev (RU); B.Daskalov (BG); V.Mikhaylov (UA); V.Gereminovich (UA) |
38 | № 2220907 AUTOMATIC CONTROL UNIT FOR DISTRIBUTION OF LIME MILK FLOWS FROM A COMMON COLLECTOR AMONG PARALLEL OPERATING EQUIPMENTFIELD: chemical industry; production of soda ash. SUBSTANCE: the invention presents a device for an automatic control and distribution of lime milk stream-flows from a common collector among in parallel operating apparatuses. The invention may find application in a chemical industry in production of soda ash. The device for automatic control and distribution of lime milk stream-flows from a common collector among in parallel operating apparatuses has sensors of lime milk consumption linked with regulators of lime milk consumption, a regulator of values in the liquid fed from the mixer. At that an output of the sensor of lime milk general consumption is linked through the forming circuits with the flow regulators of lime milk and regulating units of the main and additional stream-flows. A forming circuit for the main stream flow has a tracking-recording unit and a unit of summation. A forming chain for an additional stream flow consists of a tracking-recording unit, a unit of summation and a unit of recording, output of which is connected to the second input of the unit of summation in the forming chain of the main stream flow; the second input of the regulator of consumption of lime milk in the main stream flow is connected to the unit of summation, inputs of which are connected to outputs of the sensor of the filtering liquid consumption and the regulator of values in the liquid fed from the mixer; the second input of the regulator of lime milk consumption in the additional stream flow is connected to the unit of summation, two inputs of which are connected to the outputs of the regulator of concentration of NH3 in a steam-and-gas mixture fed from the evaporator and the forming chain of lime milk consumption in the main stream flow; inputs of the tracking-recording units and the switching device are connected to inputs of the control unit multivibrator, that controls process of formation of variables for the regulators of lime milk consumption in the main and additional stream-flows and the switching device closing a cut-off plate in the additional stream flow. EFFECT: The invention allows to simplify the system of automatic control and distribution of lime milk stream- flows.1 dwg | V.Molchanov (UA); V.Olesiuk (UA); K.Kukhtenkov (UA); A.Baranovskiy (UA), V.Titov (RU); A.Voronin (RU); A.Gareev (RU); V.Karpov (RU) |
39 | № 99488 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF TREATED BRINE FROM SEA BRINEA process for the preparation of treated brine from sea brine, comprising precipitation of sodium salt by means of natural evaporation, removal of stock brine, washing and solving of sodium salt with water, preliminary sulphatation of brine with component, containing sodium sulphate, further treatment of brine with lime and soda, settling of the purified brine, gathering and removal of brine purification sludge. As component, containing sodium sulphate, liquid phase is used, produced after treatment of brine purification sludge with sodium carbonate or its mixture with bicarbonate in quantity, sufficient for transformation of sludge components, containing calcium, to carbonate. | V.Annopolskyi (UA); V. Aleksieiev (UA); O.Aleksieiev (UA) |
40 | № 98144 PROCESS FOR REGENERATION OF AMMONIA FROM FILTER LIQUID OF SODA PRODUCTIONThe invention relates to the chemical industry. A process for regeneration of ammonia from filter liquid of soda production comprises the preparation of lime suspension using still waste suspension, heating of filter liquid in distillation condenser, its mixing with lime suspension in mixer, supply of formed mixture to the distiller and stripping of ammonia. The lime suspension is preliminary dispersed before the supply to the mixer to achievement of decreasing of a mean particle size of solid phase to 10-40 %. The use of the invention allows to increase the degree of lime use. | A. Zaikin (UA); V. Hridasov (UA); V. Annopolskyi (UA); O. Khalin (UA); V. Shmelkov (UA); S. Zuiev (UA) |
41 | № 97866 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF LIME SUSPENSIONA process for the preparation of lime suspension comprises lime burning by means of weak lime suspension with addition of still waste liquid with further separation of non-reacted lime from limesuspension, and consumption of still waste liquid, which is supplied together with weak lime suspension to quenching, is maintained within the limits, providing concentration of Cl- in prepared lime suspension of 16-23 n.d. | V. Hrydasov (UA); S. Zuiev (UA); A. Zaikin (UA); V. Annopolskyi (UA) |
42 | № 97844 PROCESS FOR REAGENT TREATMENT OF RAW SALT LIQUOR FROM MAGNESIUM AND CALCIUM IONSThe invention relates to chemical industry, in particular to the production of soda ash and caustic soda. A process for reagent treatment of raw salt liquor from magnesium and calcium ions comprises the supply of soda-alkaline agents and intensifying additive – calcium chloride to the raw salt liquor, regulation of consumption of intensifying additive depending on the concentration of magnesium and calcium ions in initial raw salt liquor, its correction by their residual content in the treated salt liquor. The invention provides the decreasing of admixture content in the treated salt liquor irrespective of their content variation in initial salt liquor and allows to utilize soda production wastes. | A. Ibrahimov (KZ); V.Molchanov (UA); O.Zozulia (UA); I.Valeev (UA); S.Zuev (UA); A.Sabitov (KZ); O.Frolov (KZ); Y. Kuzenko (UA); V.Molchanov (UA); Z.Malakiei (UA); L.Vaserman (UA) |
43 | № 2389686 METHOD OF REGENERATING AMMONIA FROM AMMONIA-SODA PRODUCTION FILTER LIQUID SUBSTANCE: invention relates to methods of regenerating ammonia from liquid media and can be used in chemical industry, e.g. when processing filter liquid in ammonia-soda production. The method of regenerating ammonia involves decarbonisation of filter liquid, decomposition of ammonium chloride by mixing the filter liquid with lime milk in a rector-mixer at temperature not below 94°C and pressure above equilibrium pressure, and stem distillation of free ammonia. The process is carried out in two steps: at the first step lime milk is supplied in an amount equivalent to amount of sulphate ions coming with the decarbonised filter liquid, and at the second step, the remaining amount of lime milk necessary for stoichiometric decomposition of ammonium chloride is supplied. | V.Molchanov (UA); V.Zakoptelov (RU); Y.Kovyrzin (RU); N.Fal'kovskij (RU); V.Krivomlin (UA) E.Mikhailova (UA) |
44 | № 102620 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF SINTERED PERICLASE The invention relates to chemical and metallurgical branches of industry. A process for the preparation of sintered periclase is carried out by baking of magnesium hydroxide, prepared by settling from solutions of magnesium salts with solution of strong alkali, besides magnesium hydroxide has a particle size is less than 100 Nm, and preliminary subjected to caking under pressure at least 70 MPa, and baking is carried out in one stage at maximum temperature of 1670-1750 °C. The use of the invention allows decreasing energy demands at preparation of product of increased quality and simplify the process totally | V.Annopolsky (UA); V.Aleksieiev (UA); V.Prymachenko (UA); V.Martynenko (UA); Y.Spirin (UA); O.Semenenko (UA); O.Aleksieiev (UA); |
Publications in other press, 2012-2014
№ | Invertor(s) | Article description | Publisher, Address |
1 | V. Zverkovsky, Y. Kuzenko | Requirements for technical stage of forest recultivation and their implementation | Gruntoznavsvo (Soil Science). 2013. Vol. 14. No 1-2 (22), Kyiv- Dnipropetrovsk p. 87-93 Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, (72 Gagarina Ave., 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) “Telepresinform” Agency (26 Ivana Kudri Str., Kyiv, Ukraine) |
2 | I. Dovgaluk, A. Kotovich | Soil salinization problem in Ukraine and prospects of waste soda products usage for land reclamation | Gruntoznavsvo (Soil Science). 2013. Vol. 14. No 1-2 (22), Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk p. 94-101 Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, (72 Gagarina Ave., 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) “Telepresinform” Agency (26 Ivana Kudri Str., Kyiv, Ukraine) |
3 | V. Gorban, Z. Malakei | The role of physicochemical and physical research by forest recultivation in the steppe zone of Ukraine | Gruntoznavsvo (Soil Science). 2013. Vol. 14. No 1-2 (22), Kyiv-Dnipropetrovsk p. 102-110 Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, (72 Gagarina Ave., 49010 Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) “Telepresinform” Agency (26 Ivana Kudri Str., Kyiv, Ukraine) |
4 | V. Alekseev, A. Alekseev, Y. Spirin, O. Semenko | Obtaining Nanodispersed Magnesium Hydroxide for Sintered Periclase and Magnesia Spinel Manufacturing | PJSC A.S. Berezhnoy Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Refractories Kharkiv «Original» 2013 International Scientific and Technical Conference Technologies and Application of Refractories and Technical Ceramics in Industry April 16 -17, 2013, p.60-61 Abstract |
5 | V. Alekseev, V. Tomenko, A. Alekseev | On the Possibilities of Industrial Wastes Applications for Periclase Manufacture in Ukraine | PJSC A.S. Berezhnoy Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Refractories Kharkiv «Original» 2013 International Scientific and Technical Conference Technologies and Application of Refractories and Technical Ceramics in Industry April 16 -17, 2013, p.62-63 Abstract |
6 | A. Lukianchikov, A. Loboiko, E. Mikhailova | Ammonia Regeneration with Dry Lime that Provides for Creation of Energy Saving Process Diagram | Abstarct of the Report for XХІ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Information Technologies: Science, Technology, Education, Health Care (MicroCAD-2013)», NTU KhPI (21 Frunze Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine) May 29-31, 2013, Kharkiv |
7 | Y. Kuzenko Y. Lebedenko E. Mikhailova V. Panasenko | Purification of Solid Sodium Chloride in Soda Low Waste Technology | V.G. Shukhov BGTU Bulletin. – Belgorod: V.G. Shukhov BGTU, 2014. – No 1. – p. 149 – 151 |
Publications in other press, 2010-2011
№ | Author(s) | Description | Publisher, Address |
1 | Z. Malakey | Experimental Research of Brine Purification Resource Saving Technology from Natural Hydromineral Raw Materials | Vostochno-vropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy. Kharkiv: No 5/5 (41). – 2009. – P. 25-28. |
2 | V. Dubnitsky, B. Lyubartsev | Historical Myths and their Role in Taking Military and Political Decisions Illustrated by Soviet and German Confrontation on the Eve of 22.06.1941 | Nauka і tehnіka Povіtryanih sil Zbroynih sil Ukrayini: nauk.-tehnіchn. zh. – Kharkiv. 2010. – No 1 (3). – P. 38-43 (24). |
3 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Lukyanchikov | Peculiarities of Solar Evaporation of Excess Waters of LakeKrasnoe in EvaporationBasin | Vestn. nats. tehn. un-ta «KhPI» / Sb. nauch. tr.: Тemat. vyp. «Himiya, him. tehnol. i ekologiya» – Kh.: NTU «KhPI». – 2010. – P. 113-118 |
4 | G. Khomenko, V. Uteshev | Development of Technology of Obtaining Silica Filler for Polymer Films Blocking Preventer | Сuchasnі problemi nano-, energo- ta resursozberіgayusch. і ekologіchno orіentovanih hіmіch. tehnologіy. Тezi mіzhn. NT konf. 27-28.05.10. – Kh.: NTU «KhPI». – P. 89-90. |
5 | Z. Malakey | Development of Optimum Raw Brine Sulfating Degree from Marine Hydromineral Raw Materials | ost.-Еvrop. zh. peredovyh tehnologiy. – 2010. – No 3. |
6 | V. Panasenko, E. Mikhailova, A. Loboiko, I. Borgrova | Industrial Wastes of Soda Ash Plants and Possible Ways of their Utilization | Віsn. NTU «NPI». – Kh.: NTU «NPI», 2010, No 11. – P. 78-83. |
7 | Y. Lebedenko, A. Zaikin | Updated Construction of Carbonation Column. Results of Tests | Hіm. promislovіst Ukrayini. 2011. No 1. – P. 23-25. Bibl. 6. |
8 | L. Tovazhnyansky, O. Loboiko, V. Panasenko, E. Mikhailova | Nanopowders from Chemically Precipitated Calcium Carbonate. Obtaining from Soda Ash Production Wastes | Hіm. prom.-st Ukrayini. – 2011, No 2. – P. 36-40. Bibl. 6. |
Publications in other press, 2005–2009
№ | Author(s) | Description | Publisher, Address |
1 | D. Lyubchik, V. Molchanov | Using Dynamic Watchers with Alternating Structure for Process Disturbances Reconstruction | Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov, 2005. – Kharkiv. – No 45. – P. 21–26. |
2 | V. Panasenko, V. Zhukovin, A. Zozulya | Research of Waste Lime Slaking Hydration | Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005. – Вyp. 14. – P. 173–177. |
3 | V. Panasenko, A. Zozulya | Kinetic Characteristics and Mechanism of Lime Hydration with Distiller Lye | Ekologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 13-y mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehn. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2005. – P. 725–732. |
4 | V. Panasenko | Improved Carbonation Process for Soda Ash Manufacture | Тezi dopovіdey 13-yi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. «Іnformatsіynі tehnologіyi. Nauka, tehnіka, tehnologіya, osvіta, zdorov’ya. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2005. – 43 p. |
5 | V. Gut, V. Burin, V. Frumin | Calcination of Technical Sodium Hydrocarbonate in Pulsating Fluid Bed Unit | Vestnik natsionalnogo tehnicheskogo un-ta «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005. |
6 | V. Frumin, V. Burin, Y. Pasichnichenko | Hydraulic Resistance of Cross Flow Plates with Large Size Perforation | Vestnik natsionalnogo tehnicheskogo un-ta «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005. |
7 | V. Gut, V. Frumin | Heat Transmission under Free Convection in Air Cooling Systems | Vestnik natsionalnogo tehnicheskogo un-ta «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2005. |
8 | O. Prantsus, A. Shoushlyakov | Dusted Gas Filtration in Working Chamber of Whirl Turbulent Washer | Ekologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 13-y mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehn. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2005. – P. 392–399. |
9 | A. Shushlyakov, O. Prantsus | Highly Effective Whirl Turbulent Washer for Purification of Ventilation and Process Wastes Gases | Ekologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 13-y mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehn. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2005. – P. 409–414. |
10 | V. Panasenko, E. Mikhailova, A. Loboiko . | Influence of Basic Precipitation Parameters on Quality of Chemically Precipitated Calcium Carbonate | Voprosy himii i himicheskoy tehnologii. – Dnepropetrovsk : UDHТU. – 2005. – No 4. – P. 45–48. |
11 | A. Ivkov, M. Tyukhtina | Some Problems of Reference Materials Creation and Application at the Post-Soviet Area | «Standartnye obraztsy v izmereniyah i tehnologiyah»: Тezisy. Вseros. konf. 15–19 maya 2006 g s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem – Еkaterinburg, 2006. – P. 11–12. |
12 | V. Andreev L. Vaserman | Methods of Operative Evaluation of Mineral Salts Deposits in Western Sivash | Vіsnyk natsіonalnogo tehnіchnogo un-tu іm. V.N. Karazіna. Geologіya, geografіya, ekologіya. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 736. – P. 60–63. |
13 | V. Molchanov, A. Loboiko, V. Panasenko | Chemically Precipitated Calcium Carbonate from Lye Wastes of Soda Ash Manufacture. Process and Kinetic Aspects | Hіmіchna promislovіst Ukrayini. – 2006. – No 1. – P. 3–7. |
14 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova | Research of Discharge Formation Processes of Mineral Salts Deposits in Northern Section of LakeKrasnoe | Еkologіchnі problemi vodnogo ta povіtryanogo baseynіv. Utilіzatsіya vіdhodіv: Zb. nauk. prats 14-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. / Pіd. red. R.В. Razmetaeva. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2006. – P.109–112. |
15 | I. Valeev | Field and Laboratory Research of Water and Physical Properties and Granulometric Composition | Еkologіchnі problemi vodnogo ta povіtryanogo baseynіv. Utilіzatsіya vіdhodіv: Зb. nauk. prats 14-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. / Pіd. red. R.В. Razmetaeva. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2006. – P. 118–121. |
16 | V. Frumin, S. Boukhalo, Y. Orekhov | Heat and Mass Exchange at Steam and Gas Mixture Formation | Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 13. – P. 36–40 |
17 | V. Gut, V. Frumin, S. Bukhakalo | Heat Transmission at Free Convection in Air Cooling Systems | Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 11. – P. 129–134. |
18 | V. Frumin, S. Boukhalo, V. Tomenko | Carbonation of Ammoniated Brine in Soda Ash Production | Vestnik NTU «KhPI»: Sb. nauch. trudov. – Kharkiv, 2006. – No 25. – P. 115–119 |
19 | V. Panasenko, V. Zhukovin | Thermodynamic Analysis of Diethylamine Chloride Interaction with Calcium Oxide and Carbonate | Sb. nauch. trudov 14-oy Мezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Ekologiya i zdorovye cheloveka. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: – Kharkiv: UkrGNTTZ «Energostal», 2006. – P. 411–413. |
20 | V. Panasenko, V. Zhukovin | Thermodynamic Analysis of Diethylamine Chloride Interaction with Calcium Oxide and Carbonate | Vіsnyk NTU «NPI»: Зb. nauk. prats. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2006. – No 13. – P. 139–141. |
21 | V. Panasenko, G. Grin E. Semenov E. Ocheredko | Prospective of Calium Carbonate Production in Ukraine | Vіsnyk NTU «NPI»: Зb. nauk. prats. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2006. – No 11. – P. 8–12. |
22 | V. Panasenko, E. Mikhailova, A. Loboiko\ | Process of Obtaining Chemically Precipitated Calcium from Soda Ash Manufacture Wastes | Materiali III Ukr. nauch. – tekh. konf. po tekhnologii neorg. vetsestv. – Voprosi himii i himicheskoi tekhnologii. – Dnepropetrovsk: UDHTU, 2006. – №5. |
23 | V. Panasenko, E. Mikhailova, V. Mikhailov, V. Krivomlin, P. Kozub | Intensification of Carbonation in Soda Ash Manufacture | Vіsnyk NTU «NPI»: Зb. nauk. prats. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2006. – No 28. |
24 | A. Zozulia, V. Panasenko, Y. Kuzenko | Development of Method for Calculation of Distiller Lye Concentration at Ammonia Regeneration by Lime Suspension Prepared on Distiller Lye | Vostochno-evropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy – Kharkiv: Тehnologicheskiy tsentr. – 2007. – No 2/3 (26). – P. 44–46. |
25 | I. Valeev, V. Samoilenko, E. Pavlova, A. Chebanov | Mining Process Conditions of Sivash Deposit | Ekologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 245–259. |
26 | I. Valeev, V. Samoilenko, E. Pavlova, A. Chebanov, V. Vilensky | On Mirabilite Processing to Weak Lye with Hydromineral Solutions of Northern Section of LakeKrasnoe | Ekologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 260–264. |
27 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Chebanov | Processing Conditions of Chloride Mother Liquors with Waters of Northern Section of Lake Krasnoe | Ekologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 265–267. |
28 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Chebanov | Gypsum Assimilation in Technologies of Mirabilite and Cold Mother Liquors Processing | Ekologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 268–273. |
29 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Chebanov, E. Chernopyatko | Problems of Earth Surface Movement in Brine Mining at Novyi Karfagen Deposit | Ekologicheski tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 15-oy mezhdunarodnoy nauch.-tehnich. konf. Т. 1 (11–15 iyunya 2007, g. Berdyansk). – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО. – 2007. – P. 274–277. |
30 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Chebanov, S. Zuev | Complex Evaluation of Geologic Environment Condition in Lake Krasnoe District Aimed at Classifying Northern Section of the Lake as Mineral Deposits | Мaterіali 5-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. Іnzhenerniy zahist teritorіy і ob’ektіv u zv’yazku z rozvitkom nebezpechnih tehnologіchnih protsesіv (8–12 zhovtnya 2007, AR Krym). – 2007. – P. 38–40. |
31 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, A. Chebanov, A. Sedenkov, O. Chernopyatko | Problems of Earth Surface Movement in Brine Mining at Novyi Karfagen Deposit | Мaterіali 5-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. Іnzhenerniy zahist teritorіy і ob’ektіv u zv’yazku z rozvitkom nebezpechnih tehnologіchnih protsesіv (8–12 zhovtnya 2007, AR Krym). – 2007. – P. 40–42. |
32 | L. Tovozhnyanskiy, A. Loboiko, G. Grin, I. Slabun, V. Molchanov, I. Slabun, M. Vorozhbiyan, Z. Tsaryova, V. Kazakov | Fixed Nitrogen Technology. Ed. by Ph.D. in Technics Prof. O.Ya. Loboiko. Textbook | Vіsnyk natsіonalnogo tehnіchnogo un-tu «NPI». – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2007. – 535 p. |
33 | V. Panasenko | Complexity of Raw Materials and Soda Ash Production Wastes Processing | Іnformatsіynі tehnologіyi: Nauka, tehnіka, tehnologіya, osvіta, zdorov’ya: Аnotatsіyi dopovіdey 14-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktich. konf. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2007 |
34 | V. Zhukovin, A. Zozulia, V. Panasenko | Mechanism of Thermochemical Interaction in CaO-(C2H5)NH4Cl и CaCl2-(C2H5)2NH2Cl Systems | Vіsnyk natsіonalnogo tehnіchnogo un-tu «NPI». – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2007. – No 8. – P. 126–131. |
35 | A. Smirnov, E. Krasnov, S. Agalarova, V. Levitsky | Research of Fire Proof Capacity and Development of Fire Proof Composition | Istoricheskie i sovremennye aspekty resheniya problem goreniya, tusheniya i obespecheniya bezopasnosti lyudey pri pozharah. Мaterialy 20-oy nauch.-praktich. konf. CH. 1: Сbornik. – М.: FGU ВНИИПО МCHС Рossii. – 2007. – P. 207–210. |
36 | T. Krasnova, A. Smirnov, S. Agalarova, V. Levitskiy | Definition of Fire Extinguishing Powders Moisture Content | Istoricheskie i sovremennye aspekty resheniya problem goreniya, tusheniya i obespecheniya bezopasnosti lyudey pri pozharah. Materialy 20-oy nauch.-praktich. konf. SN. 2: Sbornik. – М.: FGU VNIIPO MSNS Rossii. – 2007. – P. 179–182. |
37 | Y. Kuzenko | Creation of Waste-free Soda Ash Manufacture Process | Dopovіd na 4-oy Ukr. Нaukovo-doslіdnіy konferentsіyi z tehnologіyi neorganіchnih rechovin 14–16 zhovtnya 2008 r. (m. Dnіprodzerzhinsk). |
38 | NIOCHIM | Labor Safety Rules at Soda Ash Manufacture. Reference Book | Derzhavniy naukovo-doslіdniy ta proektniy іn-t osnovnoyi hіmіyi: Derzhavniy naukovo-doslіdniy іn-t tehnіki bezpeki hіmіchnih virobnitstv (NDITBNV). – Kharkiv: fort, 2008. – 37 p. |
39 | V. Panasenko | Influence of Technological Parameters on Formation Processes and NaHCO3 Output in Soda Ash Technology | Іnformatsіynі tehnologіyi. Nauka, tehnіka, tehnologіya, osvіta, zdorov’ya. Аnot. dopovnennya 16-oyi mіzhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktich. konf. – Kharkiv: NTU «NPI», 2008. – 88 p. (1 stor.). |
40 | Y. Kuzenko | NIOCHIM: Russia is a Prospective Market of Intellectual Products | ZH. Himagregaty (Мoskva). – 2008. – No 4 (dek.). – P. 6–9. |
41 | Y. Kuzenko, V. Molchanov, E. Mikhailova, V. Мikhailov | Cyclic Process of Obtaining Sodium Bicarbonate and Ammonium Chloride. Theoretic Basis for Development | Hіmіchna promislovіst Ukrayini. – 2009. – No 3. |
42 | Y. Kuzenko | Experimental Confirmation of Potential Compositions of Salmiac and Bicarbonate Mother Liquors under Cyclic Soda Ash Industrial Conditions | Vostochno-Еvropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy. – 2008. – No 6/4 (36). – P. 27. |
43 | E. Veliev, T. Akhmedov, M. Ivakhnichenko | Boundary Conditions with Fractional Derivatives in Diffraction Theory Tasks | Doklady NAN Аzerbaydzhana. – 2009. – Sild 65, No 2. – Р. 61–68. |
44 | E. Veliev, T. Akhmedov, M. Ivakhnichenko | Description of Boundaries in Diffraction Tasks with the Help of Fractional Operators | Radiofizika i elektronika. – 2009. – Т. 14. – P. 133–141. |
45 | V. Panasenko | Utilization of Soda Ash Production Liquid Wastes with Obtaining Marketable Products: Material for Ukrainian Ecology Congress, December 10-11, 2009 | Strukturna perebudova ta ekologіzatsіya ekonomіki v kontekstі perehodu Ukrayini do zbalansovanogo rozvitku. – 2009 r., Kiyiv, 2009. – P. 241–244. |
46 | L. Tovozhnyanskiy, A. Loboiko, E. Mikhailova, V. Panasenko | On Possibility of Obtaining High Quality Chemically Precipitated Calcium Carbonate in Ukraine | Нoveyshie dostizheniya v oblasti importozamescheniya v himicheskoy promyshlennosti i proizvodstve stroitelnyh materialov i perspektivy ih razvitiya: Мat-ly Мezhdunar. nauchno-tehnich. konf.; v 2-h chastyah. – Мinsk, 25–27 noyabrya 2009 g.: Мinsk: BGТU, 2009. – CH. 1. – P. 353–355. – Bibl. 4 nazv. |
47 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, L. Bondarenko, A. Chebanov, P. Stankevich | Compatibility of Salt Composition of Soda Ash Production Waste Waters with Waters of Lake Kudaikol when Using it as Collector and Evaporator | Ekologicheskaya i tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 17-oy mezhdunar. nauchno-tehnich. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2009. – P. 273. |
48 | I. Valeev, E. Pavlova, L. Bondarenko, A. Chebanov, O. Chernopyatko | Optimization of Balance Deposits Remains at Novyi Karfagen Rock Salt Deposit | Ekologicheskaya i tehnogennaya bezopasnost. Оhrana vodnogo i vozdushnogo basseynov. Utilizatsiya othodov: Sb. nauch. trudov 17-oy mezhdunar. nauchno.-tehnich. konf. – Kharkiv: UkrVODGЕО, 2009. – P. 283. |
49 | Z. Malakey | Experimental Research of Development of Resource Saving Technology of Brine Purification from Natural Hydromineral Raw Materials | Vostochno-Еvropeyskiy zhurnal peredovyh tehnologiy. – Kharkiv, 2009. – No 5/5 (41). – P. 25–28 |