Ми створюємо оптимальні технічні рішення

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  • Українська
  • Русский

Dear partners,

For the period of military emergency in Ukraine in order to preserve our team which is our key asset management of NIOCHIM decided to relocate the institute from Kharkiv to Western Ukraine where our branch Institute of Halurgy is situated.
Please, be informed that according to the state program of enterprises relocation our institute started to work at new address: 5a Fabrychna Str., Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Ukraine.
NIOCHIM will complete all contractual commitments within the terms set by the contracts.

Our contact information for the period of military emergency:
E-mail: soda@niochim.kharkov.ua
E-mail: samar2000@ukr.net Iryna Dovhaliuk, Director

Our postal address for the period of military emergency:
5a Fabrychna Str., Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Ukraine

Our legal address (without changes):
25 Myronositska Str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Iryna Dovhaliuk,
Director of NIOCHIM

 «…Any developed industry without soda ash is impossible»


State Scientific Research and Design Institute of Basic Chemistry NIOCHIM is one of the leading engineering companies engaged in engineering of environmentally and labor safe chemical plants. As per today we are the only institution in Ukraine and other CIS countries that can develop complete research, engineering, pilot and design works on creation and update of soda ash, sodium bicarbonate (food soda) and other basic chemistry plants. Besides, NIOCHIM together with the leading world contractors implements “turnkey” projects.