International Scientific Conference
Potassium Fertilizers and Table Salt:
Modern Technologies and Environmental Challenges
Event Organizers:
The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals”,
State Institution State Scientific Research and Design Institute of Basic Chemistry
Venue Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region, (online)
Date May 8, 2025
Conference Co-Organizers
– National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research Named after O.N. Sokolovsky”;
– Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies;
– Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,

LINK to the registration form:
Deadline for registration and abstract submission _11.04.2025

Topics for discussion at the conference

1. Prospects for the development of the potash and salt industry in Ukraine.
2. The importance of potassium and magnesium fertilizers for growing agricultural plants in open and closed soil. The influence of potassium and magnesium on the growth and quality of the crop.
3. World overview of reserves and extraction of potash raw materials: an innovative approach.
4. Technologies for processing potash raw materials in the world and features of processing polymineral potash ores of the Carpathian region.
5. Search for effective technological solutions for the extraction of polymineral potash ores of the Carpathian region.
6. Solving environmental problems using technology for processing potash production waste.
7. Alternative energy sources and energy efficiency in the production of potash fertilizers and edible salt.
8. Comprehensive solution to the environmental problems of the region by creating an innovation park.
9. Overview of the table salt market in Ukraine and the potential of raw materials.
10. Production of table salt as a resource for the economic development of the region: cooperation between the community and entrepreneurs.